SubCool ? for u. From Seed to selecting the mother


I have some TGA seeds coming and am VERY excited!

I have been mainly using clones.

YEARS ago when in school and I played with underground growing and I did seeds we just made sure they were not male and grew em.

Now of course with doing this legally and to generate the best medicine possible I know every seed even if female will be unique and you need to sample them to see which is the most ideal mother for your tastes and medical desires.

I have heard there is a simple formula to doing this.

ie. plant all 10 seeds, yank and kill males. Make X amount of clones from the females (I do not know what the X is) then grow out those females, dry and cure and taste then select which will be your momma....

Can you give a more detailed outline to this???

Its amazing all we can learn now from the web, I really never was smart enough 20 years ago to realize each seed would truly be unique not just pick any healthy looking girl to make Momma which is what we did 20 years ago.


Well-Known Member
Ur fonna wanna ask that ? In Subs threads. He might not get to this.

However, ur correct. Take ur clones. Label them All. Jilly#1,Jilly#2 ect. All matching from the original mothers. Take notes. Pick ur faves. Cross-breed or whatever. Labels!!!

Good luck, smoke well...


Well-Known Member
im not subcool only need one clone from each female to flower it and taste it and see how it grows

this is a newbie question dude, not something you need to ask an experienced breeder about
Excuse me, Sub went into this at one point briefly before.

And considering I am using his TGA seeds I do not think it is out of line to ask him the best method....

Listen, I am not a Noob.... I am getting back into the game.

I have never dealt with clones before, cloning and all I can figue out but I want to know the smartest
way to take your seeds plant em and then how many clones do you take from each before you flower
them? Someone said 5 (seemed like there was some reason it was 5) and then flower your first ones
and see which flavor you enjoy the most and make that your mother....

Does that make sense? Or is there no need to take 5 of each?


Well-Known Member

Thats all spelled out in my tutorials but I am happy to help.

I start generally 10 seeds and select the best 8
I veg them to about day 45 when I can generally determine there sex I then set the males aside in 12/12 to confirm my sexing selection.
I think take 2 clones from each female plant and I have a good success rate with cloning pretty much 99% if your cloning skills arent great take more.
Indica plants are hard to take clones from as they have little side branching
side young shoots root easier than older stems and the top shoot.

I then flower all the females grade each bud for taste and potency and then decide what clone to keep if any.

Every clone will be exactly the same as the mother plant BUT the second run on the clone can be better as the plants cells mature.

I appreciate everyone chiming in but do me a favor and let me decide who I answer and please please be polite and nice in my forum I have had enough with internet stoners/growers being rude to each other we must set an example.

No one was overly rude but there was a tone I dont want here please


Thank you Sub and thank you everyone for your help and patience!


I have a few of your strains on the way and am very excited. Due to space and the
#s of my limit I will be using with the clones till I select Momma I will be starting with
one strain at a time.

My main patient suffers from MS and needs a heavy hitter so I am starting with Jacks Cleaner 2 as it really
sounds like it will fit his main needs and wants. (what do you think? He needs something for when he takes a
weekly shot which kills him. He takes it on Sundays so he can sit on the couch and turn into a vegetable watching
movies while having LazyBoy Recliner Lock hahaha) He is one of my best friends and got MS late in life, I feel bad
as the first caregiver he appointed really stuck it to him.... Harvested and sold it on the street illegally instead of to
my friend who would have paid him gladly... So I have been securing him medicine as I am now his appointed legal caregiver till I am
able to provide my own medicine for him. He has been very happy as I am saving him money, I buy and give him medibles
when I can find good ones and always am giving him new strains (medibles and samples are at my personal expense) and I do
not make a penny even for driving etc but I am just honored to be able to help him as he helped me when I was pledging our frat
and has remained one of the nicest most sincere people I know since I met him about 20 years ago.

Second go round will be Qleaner for me! That just sounds perfect! I love citrus and I love grape.

Dank is the coolest coffee table book I have, friends have been drooling over it!

I have the soil down and it is brewing now.
I have to finish a few last construction projects and get the last couple pieces of equipment
and I am off! Just trying to decide what the best division of a 15X18 area would be....
I want a Veg room, Flower Room and a general work area for my sink, tools, misc. bottles and a work table.
Just CLUELESS on what size I should make each each for the best use of my space.

Again as much as I love DANK I wish you had a start to finish book... Cervantes does a good job
but I really have learned a lot more from your post. It just would be nice to have it all in a book without
all the in the middle (which is truly helpful) to weed through).

So Thanks for all you do Sub and thanks to everyone else for their help and patience...
I know my ? was a bit noob but I wanted to hear from the person whose posts I have learned the most
from and whose method I want to try to duplicate as much as possible.