• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Subcool's Library


Well-Known Member
[FONT=&quot]Dank: Subcool's Quest ForThe Pinnacle of Pot[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]by Jeremiah Vandermeer [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]In his decades-long searchfor the perfect cannabis plant, master breeder Subcool has produced andnurtured some of the most sought after strains on the planet. In his electricnew book, Dank: The Quest for the Very Best Marijuana, the distinguishedgrower takes readers on a vivid voyage through the genesis and development ofover 35 premium varieties. [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Recentlydubbed "one of the world's best breeders" by High Times,Subcool offers us a glimpse into his private growrooms, and shows us, withvibrant, full-page bud shots, that he is also a contender for the title of"one of the world's best marijuana photographers."[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]"I'mjust a normal guy," Subcool told Cannabis Culture in a recentinterview about his new book, "but I guess if you beat your head upagainst the wall for 35 years doing one thing, you get good at it."[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Manyof Subcool's renowned strains, including Jack's Cleaner, Vortex, Sputnik, andQuerkle, are featured in mouth-watering detail, with meticulous and engagingdescriptions of the many steps of the breeding and growing process. Subcoolbreaks down the science of breeding as he sees it, and offers a unique personalwindow into the mind of a cultivator.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]"Afterthirty years of being a pothead and a grower," Subcool told CC,"I'm now in a position where I can say, here is a clone that I knowis going to taste like pineapple, I know that it will provide a healingor sedative or painkilling effect. If you're depressed, I know this shitmakes you giggle. It really is that simple. Cannabis is really thatsimple." [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Originallyfrom the state of Georgia, Subcool bounced around the US and Canada for a fewyears, often finding himself in hot water with authorities. [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]"Igot in a lot of trouble on the East Coast, growing marijuana," he said ashe recounted what became the motivating force for his future passion. "Thecops should have just left me alone in Florida, growing weed, stoned onOxycodones, with no mission in life, and that's what I would still be doing. Igot clean in jail, and when I got out I came to the West Coast and I found TheMovement, which is people like myself that take the passion and love and pourit into the medical community, legally, and do some good."[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Heis now a registered medical grower in Oregon State, along with his wife,MzJill, who is also an accomplished breeder. [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]"Wefound what we think is a piece of heaven," he says of the Oregon's medicalcommunity, which, due to state laws, functions on a non-profit basis."Unlike California, we cannot sell our marijuana to our patients. We getto grow with their card, we get to help them out, but we do not charge money,and it has kept the DEA out of our system. I came west, and I found thisparadise where people are just willing to help each other out. Yesterday we rana little low, and a friend of mine just brought me a camera case full ofbubble. It doesn't happen on the East Coast and it doesn't happen in the normalworld. It rubs off on you, and when someone does something nice for you, youpass it back. So all that is pounded into this whole weed thing, and now whatused to get me in trouble has surrounded me with love and care."[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Manybreeders see the creation of dank, which Subcool explains as "simplyextremely high quality cannabis grown to perfection" as an act ofcraftsmanship, estheticism, and passion.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]"Dank is an art form," he said. "Anyone can learn to createdank. People ask me all the time, 'how do you do it?' There is a lot of hardwork involved, that's for sure, but it's not magic. It really isn't thatcomplicated. If you take your best strain and bring it to me and I cross itwith my best strain, it would be very improbable for us not to create somethingthat will blow people away – and every one of the strains in that book willknock a normal person the fuck out."[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Asis the nature of any art form, it is important to have a viewing pubic toappreciate, analyze, and criticize the fruits of an artist's creative labors. [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]"I'vealways just talked about what we do, to share the passion. When you have somegood buds in your pocket, what do you want to do? You want to go show somebody,right? But you can't. You can't just go down to the store and say, 'check outthis blueberry I grew, dude!' No, you can't do that. So I found the internet,and I could finally say, 'look what I did! Look what God created. And look whatit looks like through a macro lens.'"[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Afteruploading thousands of pictures to websites and forums, developing his craftfurther, and establishing TGA seeds with fellow growers MzJill, Sunycheba andBadboy; Subcool began sharpening his pencils and his writing skills. He hassince been a regular contributor to High Times, Skunk and Heads,and publishes his material online at several websites including [find out whichemail addresses he would like to highlight]. [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Whenhis friend and distributor Pistols submitted some of his photos of a juicy pinkhybrid called Sputnik to Ed Rosenthal's Quick American Publishing to befeatured in the Big Book of Buds 3, Ed put Subcool's shots on the cover.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] The cover really puthim on the map, and he continued to submit photos to Rosenthal until, one day,he received a letter.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]"'DearSubcool', the letter said. 'Ed Rosenthal and Quick American would like topublish your book. We would like to put the full weight of our publishingcompany behind it and make it a main release,'" Subcool told CC."You don't get much higher than that, man."[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Rosenthal,the executive editor of Dank, worked closely with the author to refinehis thousands of photos and pages of writing into a gorgeously publishedcoffee-table book with over 200 immaculately detailed pictures that seem tojump right off of the glossy, 11" x 9" pages. [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]"Hetook the red pen to it that your mom used to take to your book report,"Subcool said, "and we spent three days batting ideas back and forth ateach other; the end product was a wonderful collaboration between two people.He really treated me like a king." [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Thelarge stunning photos in the book outweigh the text; something that Subcoolsaid was a very conscious decision.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]"Istarted to notice that people don't ever read the words on my threads. Youcould literally write the information about growing in the middle of thepictures and at the end of the thread, people would ask you the same questions.So it dawned on me that most of us just like to look at pretty colors andpretty pictures. Instead of just telling someone something, I like to showthem." [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Someof the photos in Dank look so unusually colorful; a reader might thinkdigital touch-up work has been done post-production, but Subcool stresses thatthe photos are straight from the lens, untouched.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]"Ido not cheat, and what I mean is, a lot of professional photographers taketheir pictures and they load them into Adobe and do all kinds of freaky stuffto them. A, I don't know how and don't have time to go to school and learn, andB, I've always believed that if you don't get the shot you want, you load yourtripod back up and take the picture again."[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Dankcontains not only wonderful visuals, but detailed descriptions of plant size,phenotypes, parentage, aroma, yield, and type of high, and also includes pagesof useful growing tips and compelling personal tales.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Asimportant as breeding and growing is for its esthetic values, Subcool seesanother meaningful reason for detailing the lineage and character-traits of hiscreations. [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]"We'vebeen able to locate about 20 or 30 medical strains bred to do certainthings," he said, " and some of them really, really make a differencefor people suffering with pain. I think that someone needs to fight for them.And someone needs to fight for them genetically, not just in the courts. I'mnot trying to say I'm some great geneticist, I'm just saying there has to besomeone who stands up for the cannabis plant and says 'this is special, we needto preserve this, and provide it to people.'"[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Subcool,who has been a medical user himself for more than four years after he fell froma two-story roof and shattered his knee, uses marijuana and THC tinctures torelieve pain.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]"Irefuse to take the things they prescribe to me, Vioxx, opiates, Vicodin; theyhand them out like jelly beans. I won't even take Tylenol. If I have pain Itake tincture. I get around just fine now. I take one teaspoon of tinc and itgoes away."[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Despiteyears of scientific evidence showing the benefits of cannabis, Subcool thinksmany people still have misconceptions about marijuana's wide-ranging healingproperties.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]"Atmany of the events I go to, there are people in wheelchairs and even ongurneys," he said. "The people we are helping are not faking it, andwe need the public to know that." [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Subcool,himself a victim of overzealous drug enforcement policies, now sees himself asa warrior for the anti-prohibitionist cause, and writes in Dank,"Nature would not create something so beautiful or so useful if it was notintended for us to benefit from it." The author sees the drug war as awaste of time, money, and effort.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]"Itis fairly obvious, even from a layman’s point of view that cannabis does nothurt people," he said. "So what we have is, 40-60 million people whouse cannabis in America. 70% of the people in America will tell you, 'quitarresting marijuana users', but the politicians are ignoring the population. Ifyou ask almost anyone, even the most hardcore right-wingers will finally nowsay, 'well maybe there are more important things to concern ourselves with.'I'm not afraid of them any more. The laws are either going to change in thiscountry, or they're going to put more of us in jail. I can only focus on what'saround me and help as many people as I can.[/FONT]

You can order Dank 2.0 Personally Signed from TGAclothing



Active Member
This will be nice Going through this was just like re-reading it all but its crazy ive already read it but i have to read it again. Its like the weed nerds ive seen them all but still i watch them again.


Active Member
The original dank was hard copy and is no longer made. Dank 2.0 is not available in hardcopy.
If you can find a dank hardcopy for sale I would grab it up cause there collecters addition now.


Well-Known Member
I want to tell you the story of the strain Dannyboy and how it got it’s unusual strain name. Before I tell you about the strain let me tell you about the man. Growers by the nature of the game are a secluded lot. The Internet is a great way to still have some form of contact with other humans while not exposing your-self to the security risk of having people know where you live or even what you do. Running a grow is somewhat of a “ball and chain as you have chores to be done at least every 3 days and leaving a large indoor grow can always be a security risk so a grower can become secluded without this outlet.

I met a guy in 1993 that worked in the nighttime and seemed to always be online in the early mornings a lot as he ran a catering company that supplied coffee and donuts to job sites. Yes Blunt ran roach Coaches and they made great chili dogs! Over the years we became great friends meeting for the first time at the Jungle Juice Café in Schiphol airport in Amsterdam. I found out his name was Danny and from that day on we became brothers. I talked he listened and we saw the sites together, always returning to the net and telling all our friends about the cool shit we saw.

Danny always had my back and without getting to detailed he helped me get out of jail many times on his own dime. In 2001 I was working in Amsterdam for a seed distributor and Danny came to the cup for his second time in 2001 and on the second day passed away in his sleep at 38. Seems he had some health and job related stress issues he kept to himself. He was acting strange the night before he passed, winded, and I asked if he was ok, he replied he just needed to lie down and that’s the last time I spoke to him. Over 200 stoners from the Internet attended his funeral. His parents didn’t know a man could have so many friends. It seems everyone liked the guy.

The only true way I could think of to honor this man was to name my first strain after him. He was a big fan of fruity tasty strains and loved the Killer Queen harvested at day 55. Once I found the line I wanted to work with we selected a few males of Ortega X C99 and did some out crossing. The best female was named Taco by stoner friends who made a joke about Ortega being a food company. The male was selected from only 2 boys but heritage is everything in breeding and either would have been a great father. The final product is a hybrid Danny would have loved.

Tasting like Cherry Jolly Rancher Candy and just covered in thick large trichomes this plant is equally good as a head stash or a Bubble plant. It is so frosty I am sure the ratio when making bubble is very high. The dry kief from it is fruity and smooth and just lovely sprinkled on any bud. This weed smells and taste so much like cherries I was surprised at its finished color. Was just destiny and I am sure Blunt was helping from above...

From seed the plant stays very short with wide sharp leaf edges and a dark green color. Only topped once the females were just a short fat bush and as they matured very little stretch was present. Resin showed as early as 21 days and buy 30 days they reeked like Cherry gum drops. Later as the plant reached maturity it took on a solid white frost with a sour cherry smell, the first hit blew me away it was So tasty I was shocked. Once the buds dried and cured for 30 days I would just sit and smell the buds I almost got a Brandy snifter to do so. From clone the only difference in the growth was a faster finish

At First she was just a favorite of Jill and I and then Sunycheba got a cut and then Badboy was given the duplication project and while at it grew out several females all cherry and fruity and potent. The strain finishes very fast which is nice if you run a bit short close to harvest our phenotype was at least 10 days faster than any other strain in the garden. Her down side is she needs extra vegetive time to compete and yield heavy in soil she starts off slow and doesn’t hit her stride in the vegetive room till she’s over 30” tall. This strain has been around so much it has gained quite a following and recently a good friend Irishfatboy smoked some with Wille Nelson. My favorite story from his travels with Dannyboy in his stash is a buddy that was riding with him and when they stopped to break they had some DB bubble hash his friend says “ The colors are getting to me I need to lie down. Irishfatboy sent me a great picture of his buddy passed out on a beach with a huge smile on his face.

Another grower Ganjaden grew out Danny in large tubs full of soil and his results were amazing with his first harvest from a single pack of seeds coming in at over 26 ounces from 6 females. The more people grew her out the more everyone liked her.
I once did a thread on Overgrow detailing the 2001 Cannabis Cup and I mentioned Danny and his story and basically we sold out of the strain over night. We also have a Dannyboy BX or backcross that is a bit larger and more Killer Queen Dominant and that sold out as well. There are a few packs around but its not an easy strain to acquire in seed form anymore. The good news is a great cutting is pretty easy to find as more DB has been grown out than any TGA gear!

We have just released in limited numbers a Dannyboy X Spacequeen hybrid I named Danielle, which will be a limited offering and is available now at Cannaseur.com. We are making Dannyboy 2 but the Taco male was lost and the new cross will not be released until I am satisfied its better than the original. Dannyboy was also used in Sunychebas cross Black Cherry, the Black Russian father gave this hybrid a vivid magenta coloring in some phenotypes there aren’t many left in stock.

Even though not many at Hightimes knew of him or about his death, Danny was truly an American Stoner working his ass off running a business and relaxing with a nice bowl after work. Unfortunately due to the drug war it was usually brick weed, he never complained but he sure smiled when I sent him a care pack. He was the coolest dude I ever met and loosing him was like loosing my brother. He is truly the founding member of TGA and I miss him everyday.



Well-Known Member
Extreme Organics!

The Infinite Dank Theory

Over 30 years of growing Cannabis I have noticed a few patterns emerging
I have noticed that plants like this that are literally done growing at harvest always taste better but more importantly are simply more dank! Healthy plants at the end are easier to trim and deff beefy but why is it a plant such as this that almost looks dead has such perfect reefer on it?

I saw a thread online the other day titled Hydro VS Organics. I did not reply as this argument is as old as Methuselah. We could debate this for eons It pretty obvious that the water boys out yield the mud boggers in the world but my days of Grams per watt are long gone. I run the same strains over and over and my goal each run is to make slight changes in my soil make up to determine when fading starts. To soon and the plant is green at finish and lacks flavor although I notice yields are better. To little and the fade starts so early that all the leaves fall off and yields suffer. The perfect blend will allow fading early in week 6-7 and continue to week 8 and beyond.

I have a theory you can laugh at. Its called infinite dankage, lets just say a plant has a determined amount of what we call dank. I don’t think I need to define this. It seems to me that a faded plant will produce less total mass there fore creating more dank per gram on the plant? Does this make any since. Have you ever grew w plant that was just sickly as hell all yellow and faded, but have the bud from this plant taste better than normal? I am curious if others experience this.

The pictures are of the famous strain Apollo-13 taken at 60 days, the far end of her harvest window. This entire plant is head stash so I decided to make it as good as I know how.

I am smoking some scissor hash from trimming these upper nugs this am and I can tell you its as extreme as you’d want. The first small hunk took my breath and pumped out 3 huge hits of almost perfume tasting hash. It’s a bit like smoking channel #5 but there is also a fruity essence as well. A-13 make phenomenal Bubble is all I can say. It cannot be compared to anything I have ever smoked. As good as Vortex is, I prefer the bud smoke more than the mother, Momma still is the tops as far as resin is concerned it has a flavor and consistency like no other. Its shards up on scissors like clay or plumbers putty and has a deep red color.

Her downside is trimming. Imagine trimming this girl. I spend a good 4 hours on just the upper portion last night. The buds are covered in swirling curled sticky leaves that take loads of concentration and small scissors to clean up. I focus hard to remove all the sugar leaf as my main goal here is Bubble! I have noticed that actual sugar leaf makes the best hash. When I use pure bud I never get the same yields as with trim leaf. I think it’s almost a waste. So my buds get cleaned well to make more A-Bubble.

TGA just released a new Apollo-13 BX and you will see it making its way into grow culture in 2010.

Apollo-13 BX
Apollo-13 X Vortex ( Apollo-13 X Space Queen)
Representing thousands of hours of selective breeding we proudly offer our first back cross of Apoll0-13 since Sputnik 2.0. Pain staking care was taken in the male selection and the project to locate him took 60 plants and over a year of research



New Member
Yeah I had a querkle I didnt feed much and she started fading early....I didnt change the feeding schedule and just let her do her thing keeping a close eye on the buds daily and they looked fine...yet day by day the fade progressed and leaves died n fell off....many of them....yes my yield suffered but I can honestly say I have never smelled or tasted any bud like it....im not saying it was the best thing ive ever ran across...the high was right there in the same ball park as any other top shelf bud would be...but I never could exactly explain the smell...it drove me crazy cause I would smell it over n over again saying to myself "wtf does that smell like"....it smelled like somthing I just couldnt place it n make the connection in my head....my wife says it smelled like lemon pledge ....that wasnt what came to my head when I smelled it....the plant looked ugly and dead by harvest day...except for the buds....they were perfect...rock hard....very colorful....I wont let it happen like that again cause my yield did suffer...there is a fine line imo on this subject...I want my plants to fade n do their thing but not too early...n not too late....anyways I got to rambling there..ha...response to ur question is yes had a sickly early fading plant that ended up being one of the most unique smelling and tasting harvests ive had....not much diff it potency tho.

Bear Country

Well-Known Member
Howdy Sub......listen....a couple of years ago I picked up a copy of Skunk....within that issue they featured a strain called Double Purple Doja on thier strain report. Now if memory serves me right some beans were sent to the Farm where they were grown out and tested.....the grower that was featured on the magazine went by the name of outlaw grower.....The article made mention that somehow you were connected to the begining or the start of that work.....is that accurate? and what , if anything became of that strain??? It was a beautiful plant and without doubt....one of the most amazing purples to look at. I made contact with outlaw grower via email as I was attempting to aquire some of those magical beans but he said that they were out and the seed crop would not be ready for a while.....after that it never happened for me....so I was hoping that maybe you could give a little insight about that strain and how it came about.....I have followed your work forever brother and been blessed to grow out some of your hard work.....thanks for what you do Amigo!!!!! So can you fill me and your followers in on that strain.....what became of it and were you involved in its creation??? Are there still beans out there of the Doja??

Thanks Brother



Well-Known Member
Simple Answer if it's not on the menu there is a reason and no we dont have jars of seeds that we dropped from the line.
DPD was pretty thats it yes OG bought like 5 packs and started a seed company based on the DPD but I believe he was busted as he didnt live in a med state.

DPD tasted like shit to me so I axed it color means nothing when it comes to potency or effect :)


Bear Country

Well-Known Member
Simple Answer if it's not on the menu there is a reason and no we dont have jars of seeds that we dropped from the line.
DPD was pretty thats it yes OG bought like 5 packs and started a seed company based on the DPD but I believe he was busted as he didnt live in a med state.

DPD tasted like shit to me so I axed it color means nothing when it comes to potency or effect :)

I totally know what you mean about color......its been a while since that strain report came out but if I am not mistaken the report said that although it was a beauitiful plant to look at, it lacked potency.....thanks for answering that one for me and putting it to rest for everyone else....I heard a little something about that story related to OG ......I always wondered about that and also wondered if he was trying to capitalize by mentioning your name....because all of a sudden.....poof....he was gone...vanished. You have done some great things for the Cannabis world.....thanks and keep up the great work.


Bear Country

Well-Known Member
Simple Answer if it's not on the menu there is a reason and no we dont have jars of seeds that we dropped from the line.
DPD was pretty thats it yes OG bought like 5 packs and started a seed company based on the DPD but I believe he was busted as he didnt live in a med state.

DPD tasted like shit to me so I axed it color means nothing when it comes to potency or effect :)

One other thing.....Thanks for making yourself available to the Ganga Community.....I think that speaks volumes about a man....thats outstanding brother!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Robert NeronI would like to tell you about a very unique person I have had the honor of meeting and tell some of his story. I first met fdrlxmt online on Breedbay. He used to pop by chat and the first time he did so he surprised us by telling us his real name ( Robert) and letting us know proudly he was a Canadian marijuana exemptee under section 56. Finding a reliable source for cannabis medicine can be a big problem for exemptees in Canada if they can’t grow there own. Fdrlxmt , however seems to have incredible passion and also a vast knowledge of growing.

Robert Willy Neron has Hodgkin’s disease which is bad enough but during some Chemo treatments it burnt his heart and lung leaving him with only one lung partially working. Imagine life with half a heart and half a lung! His brother actually passed from this same illness, so when I say that he has a medical need it’s a severe understatement. Hodgkin's disease, is a type of lymphoma (cancer originating from a type of white blood cells called lymphocytes). It was named after Thomas Hodgkin, who first described abnormalities in the lymph system in 1832. Basically cancer of the immune system. He was diagnosed in 2004 and unfortunately he has the really bad Non lymphoma type with a very low rate of survival.

Originally he received his Cannabis exemption for cervical dystonia spasmodic retrocolis. Basically involuntary muscle spasm of the neck shoulders and back, which he initially received from a work related injury while working in a plywood mill. Robert feels all the pills he was fed eventually made him develop cancer due to the extreme stress associated with the loss of income and lost of mobility all the time being doped up on pharmaceuticals. His favorite strain is Willy Jack but in particular a special clone from Willy Jack himself.

Here is an Interview I did with Fdrlxmt;

SUB: Should I use your real name or stick with the nick?

ROB: My name is Robert Neron and on internet my name is fdrlxmt ( federal exemptee) But my friends call me " Willy ".

SUB: What condition do you have ?
ROB: I suffer from Cervical Dystonia Spamodic Retrocolis and in 2004 i have been diagnosed with Hodgkin Disease Non Lymphoma.

SUB: How does it affect you physically ?
ROB: It a life changing disability suffering from intense muscle spasms in the neck shoulder back area. It was first described as Torticolis. But mine just won’t go away. So I have had to re learn how to do many things that I then took for granted like riding a bicycle or going fishing in my canoe..Which I can no longer can do.
Then cancer came along...I presume all the pills I was then taking must have triggered it along with the unreal amount of stress I had at the time in my life.

SUB: What benefits do you receive form cannabis.?
ROB: I was happy to have cannabis in my life when before I was injured , since 12 year old. So I knew the quality marihuana had and when I saw I wasn’t going to get any better and that all them pills were making me sicker by the day ,I opted for the natural way. Marihuana relieved some of the pain associated with muscle spasms , making the spasms less intense.
When I received A,B,V,D Chemo , I dint need any of the pills for nausea, so I dint take them . I had an appetite and helped make bad days into somewhat better days. When I received Radiation Therapy, there again it helped me eat and kept the food down.( no nausea).

SUB: When did you first get your 56 status and once you did have you had any problems with its application or the cops?

ROB: I started my fight in January 1998 , I have had to take health Canada 9 times to Federal Courts System. I represented my own self as lawyer an WON 7 times. The only two time i lost was when we ask for the rights to import / export of course we were denied and i lost when we asked for concentrations like butter , hash, oil ect that too we were denied.
I have had to fight every step of the way for my exemption and it would apear i would have to re do it all over again.

SUB: Can you tell me more about your Exemption?

ROB: Well this is a big controversy as none of the exemptees in Canada have the same permit. There is no equity, meaning whats good for you can and should also be good for me. So if you have 30 grams a da....well , that what every one should have..." Equity " But thats far from the case sub. you start at 5 grams a day then slowly move up.I was the first canadian to break all them records.I had a very suportive Dr at the time wich made it somewhat easyer.Eventually i ended up at 73 plants a day an in a letre sent to health canada on july 1st 2007 demanding a unlimited amount of plant..exemption.

For security reason we do not talk about personal amount ect...it tends to attract thieves and rip-offs.

But I was the first one to get the biggest exemptions at the time.

SUB: Whats your fav day strain and night strain

ROB: Every one knows Im a " Willy " kind of guy , day or night.

SUB: What’s your favorite way to ingest?

ROB: It used to smoke my joint like everyone else, but following all the health issues I have had to deal with , I now eat 2 grams of oil a day and vaporize about 4 to 5 grams of kief a day. I smoke about 1 to 2 joints a day.

SUB: Do you get better relief from medibles?

ROB: Like i said i now eat 2 grams of oil a day ,i take em in gel caps ( size 00 ).I use to do medible but now with my radiated stomach its more difficult to eat it.

ROB: I live one day at a time, I’m eccentric , spontaneous and determined , I live every day to its very fullest. Life's too dam short, enjoy it to it maximum .I wouldn’t be able to live with myself over the toughts of.." I should of said something or I should of tried that."

SUB: Thanks Robert

ROB: Your Welcome my friend, any time.

As I got to know him better by reading his post and hanging out with him in the chat room I grew fond of his love of my favorite plant and I asked him if he would care to try one of my more potent sativas Jacks Cleaner 2, and he agreed to do so. He also has some unusual ideas about growing, some of which have some surprising results. I was surprised to read he removes a large majority of his fan leaves from his plants and from looking at his amazing online thread it certainly looks like his yields were amazing to me. I have always thought that the fan leaves were the fuel tanks for the buds. I only remove just enough to allow better light to the lower buds but at least from the pictures I cannot see a reduction in bud size. I plan on doing my own test to see if there is a huge difference. Fdrlxmt stated he is growing buds not leaf and he feels the leaf just gets in the way. I like the way he thinks but I will have to look into his method and do some side by side testing.
The other practice I found unusual is the amount of stress he puts the young plants under in order to force any possible herm traits to show early. Now almost any plant can be made to herm with stress I have seen firsthand female clones that do fine in other gardens throw bunches of male flowers due to the stress of my hot soil. But this method does eliminate any un-desirable plants early and I am happy that he was able to find a female plant out of the pack of seeds that had no problems and that he deemed a permanent keeper. Again initially I was thrown off by his method but as I watched his amazing grow thread unfold it was clear he knew what he was doing and there is merit in his method. Robert went on to also grow out our Deep Purple strain and we are honored he would try some of our gear.
I wanted to tell this brief story about this medical Marijuana Patient so that people will understand how insane it is to deny anyone relief from a condition like Roberts. Some days I wish the law makers were confined to Roberts' chair.

Roberts Deep Purple



Well-Known Member
We all had a real good Time"
Edgar Winter

Hemp Fest never gets old, the positive energy never fails to fire up my activist side but all the Hippy's always rub off on me and I also leave with a full heart and a smile on my face. MzJill and I didn't get in until Friday afternoon so we missed the opening at noon. Long before we got close to the event we could smell the sweet smell of the herb that everyone had gathered to celebrate. It was a really nice afternoon and the sun was shining but a cooling breeze was blowing off the bay and swirling the music around as we walked into the park. The path into the park was a wall of people leaving the event I am always amazed at how huge Hemp Fest crowds are. We walked around a bit saw Ngaio Bealum and stopped by the TGA booth and enjoyed the sunset with few bowls of Dank. The next day I got an early start because I am always really excited and a pretty hyper person. I love to meet and greet and wake and bake with just about anyone I see, everyone is so cool and in such a great mode. I can't count the number of people I smelted that day with my full melt bubble but lets just say a large number of people have a good story to tell now. I made up the purest Apollo-13 water hash I could and I was rewarded by friends stopping in mid sentence after having just one bowl. I captured some video during the day and took a good many pictures but I spent most of the time talking with fans and signing books and rolling treys and tee shirts and even bongs. The jams were really good and you can hear a sampling in my Youtube video, over the weekend a few dozen bands perform on the many stages and I have to say I really liked just about all the bands that we heard on the main stage on day two. Later that day we went to hear some of the speakers and we got to see Seattle's mayor speak. He actually did a good job and it was quite the trip to see the mayor on stage in front of thousands of people actively smoking cannabis and he openly welcomed us to the city.
The thing I saw that was different and that I want everyone to know about is the huge amount of commerce that went on at this event. There was a much larger group of people serving food and a much wider variety hell you could order up a Caesar salad and grilled Cajun salmon at one booth. I am much more a burger guy and as I walked up to one booth to get some munchies the guy asked MzJill if she was with High Times because she was dressed in one of her green outfits with all her adornments. I replied no that I was Subcool and she was MzJill and the people behind the booth all started praising us for our genetics. The owners were medical patients who had grown out our Flav and the Vortex. They wouldn't even let me pay for my meal which blew me away most of the day just thinking about it. I know cops are known to get free food for their service but a Cannabis Breeder? Far Out Man!! Everyone seemed to be doing a brisk business and even the ATM's had lines of people standing in front of each one. The economy may be down but our culture seemed to be thriving seems a large number of Americans dig weed. While the politicians seem to be busy ruining our economy counter culture has dug in and are doing quite well because of the plant. While its kinda taboo to talk about there was no shortage baked goods or flowers at the event, people were doing what it takes to survive and I am a huge supporter in that. I got a cool shot of one daring entrepreneur holding up a sign as people walked buy advertising his goodies. The stupid part is because the government refuses to acknowledge our culture and cannabis economy they missed out on untold revenue. I think regulation was on everyone's minds and one of the speakers I captured on video spoke about it. Free weed is a great dream but the reality is taxing the sale of cannabis goods can and will generate funds to help rebuild our countries infrastructure one day.
Sunday was another great day and just as busy we passed out about 4 jars full of TGA flowers to card holding patients on the house and even though the TGA booth was hoping like mad everyone was polite and gave up there spots in the crowded booth so others could meet and speak with MzJill and myself. Ed came over and hung out and as usual I did my best to medicate him into the stratosphere. TGA's Washington reps Rob and Rose and there crew who did such a great job for us were impressed that Ed hung out so long and signed books for everyone. I had so much fun working with them that next year we plan to double the booth size and sponsor the festival with a nice donation.
I would like to thank all of the volunteers who without this event could not be held. As the sun set on a glorious day they were looking at several days of cleaning up and taking down everything.
I hope to see everyone next year




Well-Known Member
Years ago when I traveled to Amsterdam one of the first heavy Indica’s I tried was AK-47. I loved the spicy fruity taste and if memory serves we actually got so high I was dosing sitting in Grey Area and Steve poked me and gave me a look that said I like ya Sub but you can’t sleep in my tiny shop. We headed outside for fresh air and then across the street for Handmade Gourmet chocolates. I never forgot that experience, so we took some seeds back to grow out for nighttime medicine. This was 12 years ago and over the years I lost my female and lost contact with the guys that I gave cuts to or the other growers that I split the seeds with. In 2002 I grew out some seeds of AK-47 and I was really disappointed in the results. The strain was nothing like I remembered and each female was quite different from seed. Even Simon the breeder and owner of Serious seeds has stated openly that up to 100 AK-47 seeds would need to be started to find the one cherry female that everyone knew and loved back in the early 90’s. I felt the male or something was lost and the AK-47 seeds sold now were in name only and I moved on to other clone only strains for my medicine. One famous grower Nebu was able to keep a cut and it’s regarded as one of the best Indica clones around but he is very tight with it as he uses the female to breed with.
Over the years from time to time I run across samples of AK-47 and I am always disappointed until this year. I have friend that is a caregiver that I give advise to, his first garden ever was featured in the Last TY in the article “Whats in Your Garage” we call him “Dave”. Dave called me two months ago and said one of his patience had a cutting of AK that came from seeds bought in 1994. I quickly looked online and found the release date of AK-47 of 1992 and at this point I got very interested. I asked if a bud sample was possible and he told me the plants were at 9 weeks and went 70 days and he would have some samples soon. True to his word he showed up about 2 weeks later with a few thick buds and shoved one under my nose. “Smell like cherries?” he asked. The thick oily smell was infused with Cherries and Spice and was the exact smell I remembered from the Grey Area so many years back. I asked for a cutting and sure enough 10 days later a little baby clone was delivered to me. I transplanted her into my soil and placed her in the vegetive room under a 1000 watt metal halide Hortilux Blue Bulb set up. She grew fast and immediately started pushing out wide Indica dominant fan leafs. She grew really fast and it didn’t take long at all before she was a nice short bush with many heads. When she reached 30” in total plant height I placed her into 12/12 HPS lighting with 1200ppm CO2 added to boost growth rate. By day 30 nice colas were forming and we can already see resin in heavy concentrations on all leaves and even the stems. Even this early I am impressed with what I see and the cherry smell is starting to come on. The one trait we didn’t like on this strain was the leaf weight it carries into the finish. I was asked my the owner of the cutting to cross her with Space Queen in hopes to improve her Pistil to leaf ratio. If she passes our taste test we are going to proceed and call the outcross “ Tommy Gun”. The clone goes 70 days so we still have some time on ours but since I have such a good relationship with Marco I am hoping he will let me submit a part two with the final results. As I put this article to keyboard our girl is 33 days old and I will do a final photo shoot tonight and get the shots to Marco so you can se her as up to date as possibly.
Have we located a cut good enough to keep? Stay tuned for the update in:

Part 2 was never written the giant colas were mostly water and the flowers were very non discript and not something I would even give away for free :(




Well-Known Member
Since moving west I have really come to respect outdoor growers and I am amazed by the amount of work it takes to pull off a successful harvest. Growing indoors is certainly not for the lazy but those that grow under the sun are truly farmers in every since of the word.
Getting up before sunrise and working late into the evening is a daily routine here and everyone does their fair share. This garden provides yearly meds for 16 people so there is a lot riding on their efforts and they take it very seriously.
Dioxide a TGA crew member introduced me to Pat last year and I was impressed immediately by his knowledge and attitude about growing. At the time he was working for Advanced Nutrients and listening to him give advice I could tell he was very passionate about Cannabis. As I got to know him better I started to think of him as the Bill Nye of grow rooms and nutrients seemed he had a detailed answer for any question asked of him.
As he got to know me better and study TGA his curiosity about Super Soil grew and this year he decided to use it in his outdoor medical grow. Drew a friend of Pat's who is also a Photographer, was nice enough to document the progress in the garden before I arrived and the first part of this story will feature his photographs. I am very impressed with this young mans skill with the camera and hope you enjoy his work as much as I do. Long before I even knew of this gardens existence and crew of dedicated care givers did the hard work of prepping the holes.
Two pallets of soil, a ton of worm castings and boxes and boxes of dry amendments were mixed together to create the mother load of all Super Soil batches. Heavy machinery like a hole boring rig and a back hoe were used to help dig the holes and so much work and care was put into each area that would hold a plant. Once all that work was completed it was time to transplant the clones that had been growing indoors under artificial lights. Pat seems to be a master at soil biology and his soil web created by the mycrohase was amazing, in Drew's pictures you can see the amazing root growth as the plants were removed from their containers and placed into the ground. Like you guys I am lucky that before I got involved such good documentation was done so we can all see the evolution of this medical garden from the start. I will always be amazed at how fast cannabis grows outdoors under good conditions. From my experience with the Garden of Weeden I had seen the phenomenal growth that can occur when cannabis is planted directly into the ground.
I was even more excited to see how the garden would perform using my soil recipe and asked Dioxide to ask Pat if I could visit and take some pictures to document everything and do a story on it once the harvest was successfully completed and Pat happily agreed.
Dioxide picked me up early one morning and we made a drive up into the hills of Oregon. It was a foggy morning and it got worse as we drove up. My first look at the property was shrouded in a dense fog I called Mist and this became the un-official nick name, The Mist.
The Mist is a long narrow property that slants uphill and the garden is located on the back of the lot nestled up against some trees. From a distance the green house looks like any of the hundred you see driving through Oregon but once inside that all changes. Planted directly into the ground are ten plants, one TGA Bloodwreck, one Jack Herer, two Snocaps, two Orange Velvet, three Hawaiian Hindu Kush X Heavy Duty Fruity and one Sage X Afghani. Situated in between are rows of Jack Herer planted into smart pots, these will be moved into a second tent as the main plants get bigger and take up the full greenhouse. It was August 10th the first time I saw the plants and already they were taller than me. Just like with Weeden seeing plants so large made me feel very small. The beauty of this magnificent species in its natural setting is truly awe inspiring. When cannabis plants are grown to this size and in groups like this they seem to create their own climate. In between the rows the temps can be as much as 15 degrees cooler than on the sunshine side. One thing that stands out fast as you walk through this garden is how neat and tidy everything is kept. Drew not only took the amazing shots featured in this story but did a good share of the work as well. The first day I visited there was work going on everywhere and they only took a break so I could shoot video. The plants were trimmed and trained properly and discussions were taking place on the best way to support the side branches once the bud weight started piling up. Pat was actually meeting that day with a building inspector to have an electrical upgrade installed to provide power to the commercial de-humidifiers he had ordered. It was still kind of weird when a county worker came out to inspect while we were filming 10 foot reefer plants but that's Oregon for you.
So there you have it the first look at the start of an amazing season and some of the behind the scenes work that goes into a medical garden. Early mornings and late nights sounds like any other farming to me and you will see more hard work and dedication in part 2 of this story of the Garden in the Mist.

Pictures by Drew

www.youtube.com/user/subcool420Key Word "Mist"



Well-Known Member
Subcool, this Library is excellent and every morning i read one page with coffee :D

I appreciate what you do and thanks for sharing.

respect, Izoc

Bear Country

Well-Known Member
Simple Answer if it's not on the menu there is a reason and no we dont have jars of seeds that we dropped from the line.
DPD was pretty thats it yes OG bought like 5 packs and started a seed company based on the DPD but I believe he was busted as he didnt live in a med state.

DPD tasted like shit to me so I axed it color means nothing when it comes to potency or effect :)

Howdy again Sub......so around the time I read the article of DPD.....I also came across a strain called East Coast Purple Diesel....Do you know anything about that strain in terms of its breeding heritage? At that time I managed to pick up some beans of the ECPD and I was worried that it would not make it outdoors in my climate....high elevation (8500ft) and short growing season, but to my surprise the ECPD was a BAD ASS in that climate...it tolorated the high winds, the cold mornings and even some pretty good frosts.....I was majorly impressed with this plant....not to mention that it started to flower early....which is a must if your gonna finish anything where I am at!!!! There were a few Phenos but they all purpled up some what....some more then others but it is terrific weed....very potent, sticky and it smells awesome....more fruity then pungent. So I am hoping that you might know something about this strain????? She is a bit of a mystery to me


Well-Known Member
HI sub i read that robert neron artical in treat your self still have the mag AND hell ya to edger winter album the weed nerd should air a littel we still havin a real good time my qurkels are monsters thanks think i have a tall cherry smelling pheno your one cool dude sub