Sun Charged Water The Best Nutrient Both For Plants And Humans.

I agree, First off with the religon comment. Soon people will come out of there prophetic slavery and realize they are organisms not some super being that is worthy enough for some GOD to care. Suncharged is not a new science. Dont bother with info to neanderthaws, rednecks and unedducated hillbillies. Most people whom follow a GOD have no room to talk about what right and wrong is. They believe in a genie of sorts in the sky who cares about each and everyone of them. Yet Suncharging is profound and cant be real. These dudes are typical bro. Let them cry to the self concious, pretend its god and call it a night. I will try that "Triipy Idea Bro, thanx for the knowledge.


Well-Known Member
well i try to educate people best i can, and if they cant or wont accept what i have to say then so be it...they can carry on in their delusional world of faries and magic
thanks dude!
oh yeah of course!! how could i forget the munchies !!!


Well-Known Member
Dont bother with info to neanderthaws, rednecks and unedducated hillbillies.
omg priceless. i know i said i wouldn't be back, but damn i just couldn't help it. i would also think you would be hard pressed to find anyone on this thread arguing against this preposterous idea to admit that they believe in god, much less try to claim it as fact. rollinronan pretty much hit the nail on the head about speeding up molecules to warm the water. but that's just more crazy 'unedducated hillbilly neanderthaw tawk!'

still lol'n....
notice again, the only person to come to his aid, just happens to be dudes first post. nah, i dont think its abysmal at all....
This thread is awesome and should be stickied. I found some great lines in here while laughing my ass off. Here are a few,

zero experience = zero knowledge dudes Ain't that the truth!

lick my leaves with your finger tips ?

So, one glass of water on average is 350 ML,
rougly 1/3 of a litre. Dont care how often he sungazed,
if he hasnt eaten since 2000 and drinks one glass of water a week,
then he died in 2000.

why do i need American dumbass show

Let your brain become one with your TV

This thread is too funny,

Hey Abysimal, can you explain a little more how the sun-water can affect humans and animals please, I gotta read more of this stuff! LOL


Well-Known Member
This thread is awesome and should be stickied. I found some great lines in here while laughing my ass off. Here are a few,

zero experience = zero knowledge dudes Ain't that the truth!

lick my leaves with your finger tips ?

So, one glass of water on average is 350 ML,
rougly 1/3 of a litre. Dont care how often he sungazed,
if he hasnt eaten since 2000 and drinks one glass of water a week,
then he died in 2000.

why do i need American dumbass show

Let your brain become one with your TV

This thread is too funny,

Hey Abysimal, can you explain a little more how the sun-water can affect humans and animals please, I gotta read more of this stuff! LOL
he claims to practice this theory, yet judging by his responses he has closed his mind to others opinions, become angry and insulting, and shown a complete disregard for widely accepted fact based on science. if this is what his sun-charged water did to him, i ask you, are you sure this is something you want to practice? ;)


Well-Known Member
would also think you would be hard pressed to find anyone on this thread arguing against this preposterous idea to admit that they believe in god, much less try to claim it as fact. rollinronan pretty much hit the nail on the head about speeding up molecules to warm the water.
i never said i believed in god, im quite athiest.....organised religion is a joke 2 me

maby i shud change the sig. if its giving the wrong impression


Well-Known Member
i never said i believed in god, im quite athiest.....organised religion is a joke 2 me

maby i shud change the sig. if its giving the wrong impression
indeed i am aware you didnt say anythig about god. in fact, iam not sure exactly who canttouchthis is talking about. but again, since its his first post,he chose this thread out of all of em, apparently read all the posts (we all know he had to, so he could form a fair and balanced opinion like Abysmal) and reply in favor of Abysmal... he either wont be around very long on this site, or again, it IS abysmal. rather pathetic, either way.
he claims to practice this theory, yet judging by his responses he has closed his mind to others opinions, become angry and insulting, and shown a complete disregard for widely accepted fact based on science. if this is what his sun-charged water did to him, i ask you, are you sure this is something you want to practice? ;)

I didn't say I wanted to practice it, just that it is HI-larious. I wanna keep him talking.


Well-Known Member
I don't believe Absymal is a redneck hillbilly, and he clearly stated he isn't religious. I think he had good intentions at first. He envisioned people asking details about the use and benefits of sun-charged water, and wanted to help. His problem came when no one was interested and he answered opposition to his opinion with racist hostility and displays of pure ignorance.

BTW if you want some water to spray on your plants that will increase photosynthesis and growth, try mixing some RO water with Dutch Masters liquid light, results are awesome.


Well-Known Member
unfortunately i dont think canttouchthis was calling Abysmal a redneck or religious, iam relatively sure he was referring to us (i.e. the people whos opinions oppose his).


I will explain first how did i get to this information. I've been practicing Sungazing.There many people in the world who practice this so if u r interested check online it improved my quality of life very much.Plants are the second forms of light,Sun illuminate earth and charges her to produce plants,animals are 3rd form of light and they feed from plants ,predators are the 4th form of light they eat the 3 form. After going from one for in another the light looses its purity.Advanced sungazers don't need food and drink like a glass of water a week believe it or not ,the guy i've met was an indian engineer just a regular guy,he hasnt eaten since year 2000 . So sun is the ultimate source of energy the purest energy (no carbohydrates ,no fats , no polution :) First u start gazing when sun go up there is like 1h30m to watch it and the same amount of time before sundown) u start with 15 seconds increasing the amount with 15 seconds every next day till u reach 45 mins of sungazing (can take up to two years to reach that) than u r completely healed and dont need almost any food or water and can contain this with 10 minutes of profilaktic sungazing a day I can upload a video with this guy if someone is interested.
So to the theme how to make Suncharged Water:
First u need a glass vessel like a jar .the bigger the garden the bigger the jars or many..
Fill the jar with water, close it and put it in the sun.When the water gets warm than means that it is already ionized and suncharged .The charge last for 24-48 hours decreasing with time.This water is very good for you and your plants.The moment it enters the body it raises energy levels ,more than every energy drink try it yourself and do not drink before u go to sleep :) or u will have hard time getting a nice sleep.
Plants love sunlight in every form .Watering with charged water is like giving them sunlight injection.Indoor plants just love it :). Try it one your plants try it on you .. Its just water no harm could be done . View attachment 942489
Good luck finding sun before bedtime junior

Abysmal Darkenin

Well-Known Member
Good luck finding sun before bedtime junior
U can find suncharged water anytime ... U charge it daytime/...
Its summer now.... Best time for sungazing... and wandering.. I dont have a pc anymore... It's broken.... But its not a big deal.. There is quite a nature to see in my country.. I am currently enjoying on picking wild cannabis and making tasty Managua(milk extraction) .. Wont be much around soon.. So no time for bullshit :) ..:) I'am feeling very joyful, and better every day... I am experiencing the SUn's healing effect... Never been in better mood in my life.. Sungazing and sunwater work ...The more u advance the more noticeable it gets.. I still eat food... But like 1/3 of what i used to eat before i tried sungazing...


Well-Known Member
I can't believe I just read this whole (much to do about nothing) thread! :confused:

Think I'm going to try this with an open mind.
Tonight before the sun goes down, I'm going to B-B-Q some sunfish while barefoot in my manure pile.
Taking how the heat will work up a thirst,,, I'll let the beer warm in the sun for 10 seconds before ingesting while cooking. Maybe I'll smoke the sunfish with MJ stalks?

I'm sure if I try hard enough I'll be feeling different than when I began the experiment. :mrgreen:

Maybe some desert willbe in order.
Thinking a big old Lynchberg Lemonade with a old fashioned Doobie.

REALLY! Who gives a shit. 22 pages of Doowa-ditty. Enjoy the jouney of life. It's for your amusement. You'll not get out alive anyways.

(J/K - had to say sometimg after the pointless read - sorry :peace:)

ultraviolet pirate

Well-Known Member
its possible for ones mind to be so open that ones fucking brains fall the fuck out...fuck that hippy hindu swami bullshit..all yall smell like ramaen noodles.


Well-Known Member
Write in the google search bar... Try "Why Am I Wasting My Life In Order To Get Depressed By Being Not Able To Prove My Righteousness With Citation Of Google Results
I like how you start out the thread with nothing but google links, and then when someone who opposes you uses google, it's suddenly stupid.