sunlight and flourescent?


Well-Known Member
if you put your plants into sunlight for 6 or 7 hours and then put them under your grow lights for 9 or 10 hours, would that be more effective than just 16-17 hours under grow lights? or cause something to happen with the strength of the light fluctuating


Well-Known Member
Nothing will happen with the fluctuation of intensity or wavelength and if it would be better would depend more on what tyupe of grow lights you were placing them in. Since you said plants... if you really want to know.. move 1 inside and out and leave the others under the light.. you should be able to see a recognizable differeence within a week or two I would say. Good Luck with it and if you do the test be sure and post it , hopefully complete with photo updates and info on your light system, and let me know so I can watch. ;-)


Active Member
i dont see why not, the sun is the natural and best light source for a plant lol just make sure the temps dont flucuate to much.

like SS said, do a side by side comparsion


Well-Known Member
I would say it depends on the size of the plant. you dont want to do that with small plants, say under 5 or 6 nodes. I know when I move my girls out to the sun in the springtime I need to shade them the first couple days until they get used to it.


Well-Known Member
thanks for the responses, i'll have to do a trial run

i do have a question though, pardon my ignorance, what happens with a temperature fluctuation?


Well-Known Member
Outdoor past are gonna be your nemesis....but outdoor daily is gonna beat the hell out of floros 24/0 unless you have a shit load of floros. Be prepared for pests....


Active Member
thanks for the responses, i'll have to do a trial run

i do have a question though, pardon my ignorance, what happens with a temperature fluctuation?
it will just slow growth when they are large(ex 40 degree swing) if the plants are older they will be able to handle it better, and you will have to be on the look out for pest but sunlight is good so give it a go.