super intelligence on lsd?

Detroit J420

Well-Known Member
The dna code was cracked under the influence of lsd the creator of the iphone who is also a billionare is an acid head who says its the 2nd most important thing hes done in his life the C.I.A uses it alot of reports say the frequency in your brain changes from our world to the intellegence of the universe like the world is alive and intellegint i dont trip havent in soo many years probably never will again but i remember the unexplainable expirences and the doors in my brain are probably opend forever lol so i dont need to get anymore fucked up then i am its like the ying and yang idiot sevant you become super smart and a retard at the same time lol


Well-Known Member
Some historians say we were apes, then we started eating mushrooms, and grew big human brains. Some believe alcohol was actually discovered by consuming mushrooms that had been stored in honey (that had naturally fermented). Some even associate the downfall of humankind with that cultural transition from consuming mushrooms to alcohol.

I don't disagree. I mean, which one makes you think about others and which turns your brain off and says, "you're the coolest thing, ever dude!" See Uncultivated's post above. No offense intended, Uncult.

As for LSD, in it's un-degraded state, I believe/understand it to be in all ways divine in a futuristic-human (the next model) sort of way. LSD has teased me with answers of the universe many a time... too bad I can't quite follow the entire logic (non-logic, hint hint!) when I come down to earth the following day. :\

My .02! ;)


I don't know that it makes you any more intelligent, I believe most of that is genetics(I know some stupid people who tripped and changed nothing), I do think it changes your view though. You look at the world a little differently afterward. It may change the way you approach problems or the way you solve issues. I think there is a limit to what you could call positive effects. I got to the point I was studying the effects not only on my mind but my body to the point it drove me mad every time I did it. Needless to say, I'd never do it again.


Well-Known Member
Shrooms and LSD help you understand the universe but both in two different ways...

I do believe these substances make you some what more intelligent, It expands your mind enough to think outside of the box and with such information learned/shared/given it can lead to greatness :)


Active Member
once you get past the the boggling mind fuck state, you get used to it, and you can really learn alot about yourself others and the world around you


New Member
once while on lsd i felt like i had a very insightful realization about the everything, that any mind (human dogs cats bugs) run on different frequencies. it seemed as if i could feel the frequency of a cat's that was sitting on my lap.


Well-Known Member
people were getting pissed long before they started tripping, there ate still many mammals thaty search out fermenting fruit.... even my dog eats the fermenting fruits that fall from my palm trees....


Well-Known Member
dmt unlocks the door to entheogens

its just a matter of time til you all realize we all need to grow our own entheogens
and guide our brothers and sisters to end.
we must be there shaman.
and bring back what we all have forgotten....
the truth.
love and light.
peace and happiness.

help bring it back.


Well-Known Member
^Bringin' it Back Brother :D

I'm thinking LSD can manifest micro and macrointelligences in intentioned individuals.. It's all about one's intentions, I believe.
Though I adore the word 'super', It's such a broad word, isn't it? ;)

Detroit J420

Well-Known Member
Sorry for the long ass sentences but im typen from a cell fon so i dont do punctuation but anyways alot of people get a point on there trip where they feel really smart and as far as shrooms go alot of people say the become aware of God the father of lsd lived to over a 100 yrs old and before he died he said that it should be prescribed as spiritual medication he wrote the book on the doors of perception dont you find it interesting how the mayans were soo advanced they used morning glory seeds, shroom, DMT, payote one of there slang terms for shrooms was genius mushroom while tripping once i became a mathematical genius and i felt i new alot about the stars n shit i dunnu man just to many coincidences i think if you truely trip youll never be the same i noticed with my nephew after hes tripped a couple times hes changed his whole life attitude everything and for better crazy shiit

Detroit J420

Well-Known Member
The mayans were obsessed with time ever notice while tripping time seems to not exsist einstein said time exsists all as one past present future and he said time curves around the planets alot of people tripping start knowing what people are gonna say before they say it either there picking up there brain signals like antennas or the whole past present future thing is goin on einsteins theory move the speed of light time stands still you dont age everyone else does it mean your mind signals are moving the speed of light in acapolypto they did alot of future predicting. did time stand still for the father of lsd is that how he lved to 103 that old crazy fuck lol all sounds to me like the intelligince of the universe wich even sceince says the world is very alive unplug from the matrix.

Detroit J420

Well-Known Member
Shrooms = Flesh of the Gods the Holy Manna in the bible Tree of the fruit of knowledge become aware of God and Devils when the catholics found the mayans they said psycadelics helped them communicate with demons ever see what the price of the first apple computur was 666.66 creator of the i phone acid head dude is a satan worshipper too. church of satans website loves apple computers he sponsers them i became aware of God and demons on that shit but who are you gonna choose is that what the manna test was in the bible? Jim morrison sufferd from hearing devil voices in his head wich he then said in his lyrics to cause riots hmnm the whole spirital medication works both ways anyhow i aint fucken with it i dont hear the devil lol scarred the shit outta me as a teen trippen on white fluff ill stay right here in the matrix i have a a 4 yr old to raise cant fuk that up

Detroit J420

Well-Known Member
Dont believe me on the whole time thing a clock on a mountain top runs alot slower then one at sea level think that one has to do with gravity pilots age slower cause there traveling at fast speeds and a thats why a 10 hr flight feels like omg 15 hrs cuz times moving slower but move at the speed of light everyone ages while u stay young is it possible for our minds to do that wierd wild shit