Super newbie, please help


So my first time growing, got a golden goat seed from a buddy. Got a 27 gallon bucket and literally planted it and only gave it water and sun light, (planted late mid to late June). Fast forward to now and shes 5'10 and i believe in 4 week of flower. So my issue is after all this time my buddy said to buy some nutes for it and obviously i have no idea what I'm doing. So i go by some fox farms big bloom, and cal mag( the hydro store near me ran out of fox farms tiger bloom)so i picked up the other nutes my buddy told me to get. The guy also gave me a free packet of shooting powder and a little thing of magic green. So i got all this stuff a few days ago and when i watered i gave it the correct mesurments of the cal mag and big bloom, next day just water, next day i gave it the cal mag, big bloom, and shooting powder bc my buddy said i should use the shooting powder in place of the tiger bloom i was supposed to get. Anyway my main question is should i even give it nutes after all this time of it just being natural? Nothing bad has happened to the plant the whole time. Few yellowish leaves here and there but they are mostly the older fan leaves. But also the hairs on the flowers are reddish, ive read that that somthing that happens but I have no idea. Thank you, apologies for the long ass post.1537298005872951874189.jpg 1537298241772704709449.jpg
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Well-Known Member
Providing you dont nute lock it by using too much you would be fine, probably best to use half the recommended strength starting off, especially if you have no experience in feeding. Half the recommended is a good place to start learning and ensure your ph is optimal


Providing you dont nute lock it by using too much you would be fine, probably best to use half the recommended strength starting off, especially if you have no experience in feeding. Half the recommended is a good place to start learning and ensure your ph is optimal
So you think i should continue to give it the nutes i bought even though i started this late with them? Sounds good, just was thinking to myself if it was even worth it at this point since the plant was doing fine.


Another question i have is, what happens whn it starts to get below 50 degrees at night? I live in CO and soon the nights are going drop to around 45. Do i bring it inside or is it fine in that temp?


Yeah thats what i was thinking. Thanks guys! Hopefully she makes it the distance, just kinda hoped for the best since i just threw it outside with some water and sunlight.


Yeah im pretty happy, didnt really get my hopes up since i didnt put much money into it and knew i wasnt giving it any nutes. But now that it did make it this far into flower im nervous and just want it to make it through my ignorance but as far as i can tell she looks good. Not that i know what to look for anyway


Well-Known Member
Yeah im pretty happy, didnt really get my hopes up since i didnt put much money into it and knew i wasnt giving it any nutes. But now that it did make it this far into flower im nervous and just want it to make it through my ignorance but as far as i can tell she looks good. Not that i know what to look for anyway
I have to say, she looks amazing! Don't 2nd guess the feedings! She may have been ok to now, but flowering for 4 weeks you say..she's in mid flower, and that slow yellowing would have increased fast! She's desperate for food now, flowers need the power to grow! Don't overdo it, but stay on it absolutely, and yes, if temps are near 50, bring them inside, they don't like to be stressed at this time! :) Great seed you started with, she will be heavy!


I have to say, she looks amazing! Don't 2nd guess the feedings! She may have been ok to now, but flowering for 4 weeks you say..she's in mid flower, and that slow yellowing would have increased fast! She's desperate for food now, flowers need the power to grow! Don't overdo it, but stay on it absolutely, and yes, if temps are near 50, bring them inside, they don't like to be stressed at this time! :) Great seed you started with, she will be heavy!
Yeah i def was 2nd guessing feeding it this late into the grow, didnt want to freak it out, or give it a lockout. But ok ill continue giving the nutes i bought. Should i give it the big bloom, cal mag, and the shooting powder? And it says i should feed it every other watering. Should i stick to that?


Well-Known Member
I have never used that line of nutrients, so i cant comment on it, what i can say, for now, is the plant seems to be needing nitrogen, usually they will take it all in during vegetative growth and use little during flowering, but since you didnt feed earlier, she seems to have run out from the soil, and is taking the nitrogen from the lower leaves, hence the yellowing. You are likely low on other elements as well, but would need more pics of the plant, especially from top looking down to be more sure.
Feed, water, feed is the traditional way of going about it in soil, i personally feed when i see the plants wanting it, but that comes with time. Im sure someone who uses fox farms nutes, will chime in to give you a better idea on how much to give. During flowering, phosphorus (at the onset of flowering), potassium, and magnesium are used the most by the plant and is usually the issue that growers will run into a deficiency of at this time. You're looking good for now, slight nitrogen deficiencies can be fixed easily and plants respond fast, post some more pics, other will come along to help. You're doing well for a first timer!


I have never used that line of nutrients, so i cant comment on it, what i can say, for now, is the plant seems to be needing nitrogen, usually they will take it all in during vegetative growth and use little during flowering, but since you didnt feed earlier, she seems to have run out from the soil, and is taking the nitrogen from the lower leaves, hence the yellowing. You are likely low on other elements as well, but would need more pics of the plant, especially from top looking down to be more sure.
Feed, water, feed is the traditional way of going about it in soil, i personally feed when i see the plants wanting it, but that comes with time. Im sure someone who uses fox farms nutes, will chime in to give you a better idea on how much to give. During flowering, phosphorus (at the onset of flowering), potassium, and magnesium are used the most by the plant and is usually the issue that growers will run into a deficiency of at this time. You're looking good for now, slight nitrogen deficiencies can be fixed easily and plants respond fast, post some more pics, other will come along to help. You're doing well for a first timer!
Dude thank you so much! Will post some more pics in a few mins


Well-Known Member
Yeah i def was 2nd guessing feeding it this late into the grow, didnt want to freak it out, or give it a lockout. But ok ill continue giving the nutes i bought. Should i give it the big bloom, cal mag, and the shooting powder? And it says i should feed it every other watering. Should i stick to that?
imo less than 1/2 what it says on the bottle, every other watering.


Well-Known Member
Providing you dont nute lock it by using too much you would be fine, probably best to use half the recommended strength starting off, especially if you have no experience in feeding. Half the recommended is a good place to start learning and ensure your ph is optimal
Good advice.


Well-Known Member
Amazing looking plant. Definitely bring it in if it gets cold. If you could manage 12 hrs of light and 12 hrs of dark you'd be golden.