Super Power Of America Or Stupid Power Of America


Well-Known Member
i think defiantly super power but the people who are aware of what there doing to us are thinking that its stupid, the leaders are messing it up on purpose so they can move in with their next plan

J - Dog

Well-Known Member
Our Nuclear Submarines can hit any target in the world, at the drop of a hat/dime.

Thats our ace in the hole.

But our Foreign Policy definitely needs Re-Vising


New Member
What happened to: "speak softly and carry a big stick"? Answer, the idiots in office have used the power much too often.


New Member
Our enemies aren't afraid of the Big Stick anymore. Cluster bombs and Bunker Busters are far more effective.



New Member
Our enemies aren't afraid of the Big Stick anymore. Cluster bombs and Bunker Busters are far more effective.

And used way too often on the wrong enemies. By showing our power in the wrong places we just fuel the fire of hatred. Even if it were in the right place, which I haven't figured out where that may be yet, if someone kills your mother, father, brother, sister, cousin etc. I think you pretty much have built a lifelong hatred for that entity, IE, we're not making friends and influencing people with our agregious foriegn policy, back to the speak softly and carry a big stick. These people know we are the most weaponized nation on earth, they aren't completely stupid. It's time to send in the diplomats and work out some shit. There may actually still be some people that haven't lost relatives willing to listen


New Member
As long as the people ... and those like them who killed 3000 of our citizens on 9-11 get the message that they have screwed with the driver of the bus to the 72 virgins I'm happy.



New Member
As long as the people ... and those like them who killed 3000 of our citizens on 9-11 get the message that they have screwed with the driver of the bus to the 72 virgins I'm happy.

stupid nobjockey ,911 was the setup up by your dogs in the whitehouse by the white man, for there new world intensions, everything your gov does is pre-planed by the devil.:hump:


New Member
and we're winning. :twisted::peace:
see, u know it was fixed, kill ur own to gain,
at the end the day your not winning your just a tax dog,
im talking about the jackass's in the whitehouse,un,eu,hmswhitehall,ju's,ect these are the morden nazi minded cunts who think there winning,
INSTEAD OF GETTING STONED EVERYDAY (u cant ur a pussy) like most of usa gays,
what about the the ju's that wasnt at work that day(wtc)- they were told not to come in


New Member
see, u know it was fixed, kill ur own to gain,
at the end the day your not winning your just a tax dog,
im talking about the jackass's in the whitehouse,un,eu,hmswhitehall,ju's,ect these are the morden nazi minded cunts who think there winning,
INSTEAD OF GETTING STONED EVERYDAY (u cant ur a pussy) like most of usa gays,
what about the the ju's that wasnt at work that day(wtc)- they were told not to come in
How about you taking English 101? Or at least learn to use spell check?



Well-Known Member
FIXED is right. Ever play the game, Civilization? The game is set up so that, no matter what the setup, it's necessary to enslave and sacrifice your own men so that it's possible for you to begin your "civilization." It's the same thing that's going on here. I don't know where people get the idea that America has moved beyond despotism. This country is like a little girl dressed in her mommy's clothes, messing around in her make-up drawer, trying to act like a "big girl." This country is still very young, and if we continue strutting around the Big Boys in Big Girl clothes, we will be raped.


New Member
How about you taking English 101? Or at least learn to use spell check?

its funny being born in england and being told to speak english by an inbread-europia ,whats ur language? micriosoftlish stupid dic, fuck spellcheck u nobjockey,
we as 1st2nd3rd gen rather not carry on the white british way and break in to our own way ,
come to britan and see the world.
and if i cant spell the british system has failed us all.


Well-Known Member
its funny being born in england and being told to speak english by an inbread-europia ,whats ur language? micriosoftlish stupid dic, fuck spellcheck u nobjockey,
we as 1st2nd3rd gen rather not carry on the white british way and break in to our own way ,
come to britan and see the world.
and if i cant spell the british system has failed us all.

we've conquered the world and you're jealous. whatcha gonna do? i'm sitting pretty, i don't need to do anything. :mrgreen:bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie


New Member
its funny being born in england and being told to speak english by an inbread-europia ,whats ur language? micriosoftlish stupid dic, fuck spellcheck u nobjockey,
we as 1st2nd3rd gen rather not carry on the white british way and break in to our own way ,
come to britan and see the world.
and if i cant spell the british system has failed us all.
How about you coming to America and trying to compete with me in business? I'll outsell your skanky ass 100 to 1. :blsmoke:



Well-Known Member
America is super BS!!

They talk about there problem with immigration and all the Mexicans..... Americans are all immigrants in there own country. If you guys were able to see past the Red White and Blue that your corrupt media show you maybe just maybe you would see what actually goes on.

Will grow one day, with you 101% Amigo. ;)