Super skunk and unknown strain flowering under 600w hps and 400w mh


Hey guys,

Here is my second grow, a super skunk and an unknown strain both currently flowering under a 600w hps and a 400w mh that i use for my other plants but since it's right next to the ladies, they get light from it and it will probably affect the end result.

The super skunk is in a 18L pot and the unknown in a 11L pot both with allmix from plagron. I ph the water to 6, the humidity ranges from 30% to 40% and the temperatures in the growroom vary from 10 degrees celcius to 27 degrees celcius. I know thats a big range but since the growroom is outside and not isolated it is quite hard to control the temperature and humidity.

I ll start with the super skunk. She started growing under a 15w Led until she was 3 weeks old.

Here she is at day 3 (on the right)
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Day 10 (on the left)
day 10.jpg

Day 26
Day 26.jpg

Here she is at Day 54. I was away from Day 39 to Day 53 so a friend took care of her. Unfortunately for some reason the heater i had in my grow room turned on during the day and the temperature went up to 40 degrees celcius i dont know for how long. When I got back she had very small leaves (probably her reaction to the heat, trying to reduce evaporation) and about 1/5 of all her leaves were either dead or very dry.
Day 54 1.jpgDay 54.jpg

Day 55. Thats when I repotted her in the 18L pot and gave her a break from the growroom so she could recover. I also took off all the dead leaves. My plan at the beginning was to flower it when I got back but since she had had lost a lot of leaves I let her a few days to get better (more than a week would have been better but I wanted to stick to my dates).
Day 55 1.jpgDay 55 2.jpgDay 55.jpg

Flowering end of week 2. Some leaves started turning yellow after a few days into the first week of flowering. Since the leaves closest to the lamp were the first to turn yellow I thought my 600w hps was too close and giving off too much light(she was at 20cm from the plant with a cooltube of course).

Flowering end of week 3. After having the lamp 30 cm from the super skunk, the sames leaves are still yellow but the new growth are well. I dont know what caused this yellowing but it seemed to not spread anymore.
Tomorrow I will give her some P-K and see if that fixes it.

Now the unknown strain. It seems to me like she might have sativa "blood" because she streches a lot but the leaves are more indica-like.

Here she is in the end of her third week of flowering.

I cant resist showing the little Thai that just came out from the soil, under a 15w led.

And a beautiful picture of the basil to end this post.



yea right, you think you're gonna get customers around here with that post... Dont bother signing up for spamming you're wasting your time


yea haha just send your money to xxxxxxxxx and if your lucky your might get shit hemp seeds, always good to eat ;)


The smell is a little bit stronger every day I enter the growroom but I really have to stick my nose to the forming buds to get the strong Skunk smell, it gives me shivers everytime :P


Hey guys,

Here is a little update 23 days into the flowering period.

I bought an EC meter and a new PH meter.

The yellowing keeps on spreading very slowly and the stems and the under side of the leaves are turning purple. Giving her P-K didnt do the trick so I asked the growshop owner what to do.
He sold me some Bat Guano powder which I put on top of the soil and then watered with a mix of Biosevia Bloom and Sugar Royal from Plagron with a PH of 6 and EC of 2.0... Hopefully she will thank me by going all green and pretty like before haha

Picture time !!!

First the Super Skunk (she is really starting to smell a lot and its deliciooooouuuuusssss)


And the unknown strain. She smells a little bit like lemon.


Thank you for checking out my thread and happy growing :)

Edit: Since I cant edit my first post I m editing this one. I said she was at the end of her third week into flowering in my first post, it was actually the end of her second week of flowering.


Day 27 into flowering

I pulled her by the hair to get a good shot. Don't worry I dont usually do that with ma women.



Flowering Day 46

Flowering day 56

I cut a bud to taste it. It will be drying for 2 days before i test it. Here it is fresh.
