Super Soil method to the madness..


Well-Known Member
I don't know if I missed it but I have a few questions.

1: Do you veg in a separate container not using super soil?
2: Do you use any nutrients while vegging, or just the Blue Moon soil?
3: Can you just veg in a pot with 30-50% super soil @ the bottom?


Active Member
If you search youtube I think there might be recordings of subcools classes he taught up in washington.

Or just youtube supersoil for his video instructions. Or hell just sift through the 100000 post thread that is closed. Its all in me....Ive spent some time there back when I started with Supersoil. Never looking back..superior method...Ultra chronic organic goodness!!!!


Active Member
From my research: the whole thing is theoretically water-only, but you might need some outside nutes/teas during mid to late flower or if you see deficiencies.
You veg in the container, minimum 7 gallons. The container has anywhere from 25% to 100% supersoil in the bottom; regular, good quality soil on the top. I'm going to do my first round with 50% super soil. That seems to be kinda the average amount.