Supreme Court will argue on the phone in real time about releasing Trump's taxes May 12-13.

Does anyone give a shit about this any more? Democrats or Republicans? Anyone???

When Trump's own hotel/property business is forcing tenants to pay up during this pandemic, but have requested leniency and federal funds to cover what they owe, I think it's in every US citizen's interest to see what other type of nefarious activities are going on.

This pandemic is a money grab, and if Trump's taxes (both personal and business) aren't in the public eye, don't you think he'll skim a few billion?

His whole fucking family should be included in the request.
The Supreme Court will be doing their oral arguments on a phone confrence call about if Trump must release his financial information to the Congress. Trump gets to find out if he gets to continue to be king or not real soon.

You are such an optimist. I've given up after the first 20, "He's fucked now," moments. What do you think we will learn? That he is horrible business man who defrauded the government and tax payers and should be in jail?" Short of a snuff film staring him we're stuck with him till election, unless he cancels it.
Can always move to Canada if you dems want

Don't bother. Your type isn't wanted or welcome here.

Besides, if you do, good luck. Being a Trump supporter, reading and details probably don't matter to you, so I'm positive you wouldn't be able to understand the paperwork involved anyways. It's a 24 month plus effort, and if you fuck up even one portion of the application, you have to start at the back of the line all over again.

My wife immigrated into Canada a couple of years ago, so I'm keenly aware of what's involved, as well as the costs.

Besides, every time there's a calamity in the US, oodles of people say "I'm moving to Canada!". They overwhelm our immigration website, then the whole thing simply fades away.
You are such an optimist. I've given up after the first 20, "He's fucked now," moments. What do you think we will learn? That he is horrible business man who defrauded the government and tax payers and should be in jail?" Short of a snuff film staring him we're stuck with him till election, unless he cancels it.

Too bad none of the joint chiefs have the courage to pop him with a slug in the eye. If they were true patriots who loved their country they would do it. See if you can get Pence too. I'm sure President Pelosi would pardon him.
I'm going to keep misspelling everything also that seems to add to your anger about 4 more trump yrs. Can always move to Canada if you dems want
Do you like much Clorox with your orange Koolaid? Trump says you should gargle with it, give it a shot, chase it with orange Koolaid.
Please don't promote moving to Canada to such low life people.

My wife immigrated up here as well. Now dual citizen. She's a good person though, and her personality and nature fit right in here.
Mine too. Every tax season she considers revoking her American citizenship. LOL. The only reason why she hasn't is because her father served in the Navy all of his life.
I'm going to be clear. I do whats best for my country, to protect life liberty and the pursuit of happiness from all threats foreign or domestic. So that being said, aligning with one political party is not what's best for the country or its people.
Hush, tard
But I still this think is a very big deal because it is a Supreme Court ruling on whether or not a President of the United States of America is actually able to walk out on fifth avenue and open fire or not.
The question before the Court is whether the Congressional subcommittees have the power to subpoena private financial records. Sounds like you don't know much about it. Try SCOTUSblog.
The question before the Court is whether the Congressional subcommittees have the power to subpoena private financial records. Sounds like you don't know much about it. Try SCOTUSblog.
the question is how deep the conservitard justices take Individual 1’s dick up their asses
The question before the Court is whether the Congressional subcommittees have the power to subpoena private financial records. Sounds like you don't know much about it. Try SCOTUSblog.

Pretty sure that has been answered and it was yes the Congress has the power to investigate and can get financial records. I am pretty sure that this is strictly about Dear Leader wanting to be exempt from the laws of our land.
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Updated at 6:47 p.m. ET

A federal appeals court has ruled that two banks must comply with a request from Congress for extensive information about President Trump's finances, a win for House Democrats who have been fighting in the courts for months to obtain the president's banking records.

Trump's lawyer Jay Sekulow said in a statement that the president's legal team does not believe the subpoenas are valid.

"In light of the Second Circuit decision, we are evaluating our next options including seeking review at the Supreme Court of the United States," Sekulow said.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi called the ruling "another victory for the rule of law, our Constitution and our American Democracy" and said Congress "will continue to conduct oversight and defend our democracy For The People."

The ruling on Tuesday from the 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New York found that a lower court had acted properly in upholding the congressional subpoenas for Trump's financial records.
But the appeals court sent the case back to the district court to allow Trump and his family the opportunity to object to documents the family deems too sensitive to be shared with lawmakers.

In April, the House financial services and intelligence committees sought sweeping private banking recordsfrom the Trump family.

The subpoenas ask Deutsche Bank and Capital One for financial information about the president, his wife, his children and his businesses stretching back nearly a decade. Trump has argued that the subpoenas overreach and are politically motivated.

If the subpoena is enforced and the documents are produced, the records could illuminate the president's business history and personal wealth. That said, Deutsche Bank has indicated that it is not in possession of Trump's tax returns.

Lawmakers are seeking information about when bank accounts were opened, individual account transactions and details about domestic and overseas financial ties.

House Democrats' New Report: Top Trump Officials Knew Of Ukraine Scheme
Schiff Impeachment Report Expected Tuesday After Republicans' Defense Of Trump

When House investigators first sought the records in April, before the start of the impeachment inquiry, they said the documents were necessary to probe "foreign influence in the U.S. political process."

In denying Trump's effort to block the subpoenas, the appeals court wrote that the president should not be shielded from producing the financial records to congressional lawmakers.

"The Committees' interests in pursuing their constitutional legislative function is a far more significant public interest than whatever public interest inheres in avoiding the risk of a Chief Executive's distraction arising from disclosure of documents reflecting his private financial transactions," the judges wrote.

DOJ: Judge Was Wrong To Rule That House Has Right To See Secret Mueller Docs
DOJ: Judge Was Wrong To Rule That House Has Right To See Secret Mueller Docs

Last month, the high court temporarily blocked the release of Trump's tax records in a separate request from House Democrats.

There are other legal battles pending over Trump's financial records.

Among them, a grand jury subpoena from Manhattan state prosecutors, who would like to review 10 years of the president's personal financial records, including his tax returns from Mazars USA, Trump's accounting firm.

The request is part of a criminal investigation into hush-money payments made to two women during the 2016 presidential campaign. The president's lawyers have also asked the U.S. Supreme Court for protection from that request.
The question before the Court is whether the Congressional subcommittees have the power to subpoena private financial records. Sounds like you don't know much about it. Try SCOTUSblog.

Ignorance is no excuse to post. There is a specific law, passed by both houses and signed by a president, that states that congress "SHALL" have the right to get the presidents (specifically) tax returns.

"Shall" is a very specific legal term. They have the absolute right under law. There is no constitutional argument that the law is unconstitutional. The arguments being made by trumps lawyers are that he is in fact above the law.

If that is the rule you want to live under, wait until we depose the bastard and you get one of us in charge.
If that is the rule you want to live under, wait until we depose the bastard and you get one of us in charge.

Could you imagine the outcry from these people if Obama even just mentioned firing a government watchdog or withheld congressional testimony from just one WH staffer?
Could you imagine the outcry from these people if Obama even just mentioned firing a government watchdog or withheld congressional testimony from just one WH staffer?
It is crazy when you look back in time with the understanding of things we have learned about that the Republicans were pulling over on the Democrats/legal system to make sure that the Wealthy White Heterosexual Male agenda is alive and strong for the next handful of decades in the Judicial branch at the very least.

They knew that after 8 years of hardcore trolling Obama, and 6 trolling the most likely Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton with the Benghazi hearings, that they would have at least 2 years to give themselves massive tax cuts and a few more items on their wish-list, and 4 years to stuff judges. Them suing Obama and stopping his nominee for the SCOTUS and all the other judges he appointed but McConnell wouldn't hold their hearings.

And now they are at it again trolling everyone online to try to trick them into not voting or rewriting Trump's history to try to keep their scam going for a little while longer. It needs to stop.

lol this popped up after that video.

Its a shame that Trump knew he couldn't beat Obama and bailed out in 2012, allowing Bernie to not look like a fool by trying to run against Obama too.
Another confirmation of a incompetent candidate for Moscow Mitch's wet fucking dream of RW hacks. He looks nervous.
