Sweetening agent

I have found one that works pretty well. But I’m curious as to what everyone else has used or if at all? I’ve used what I found to work in three cycles so far. ( I did side by side comparisons for the first two cycles, used on half of my plants and not the other half ) And it works very well. So.... tell me what u guys do or don’t do. N I’ll tell you what I’m doing too. Just wanna see what answers I get before I disclose it so I don’t pollute the answers.
Your using sugar to feed your microbes like everyone else here and your showing it off like its the next best thing since sliced bred my guy.
I'm using purpinator and homemade terpinator (basically mag-sulfate in RO water). The discussion your trying to have seems to be you want to know what strains taste sweet because realistically sweetness is a genetics thing in plants, if it don't have it its probably not going to get it. I find many people compare it to getting purple in flower, its almost 95% genetics and 3% nutrition and 2%luck. I don't use hummingbird nectar cause its synthetic sugar and im a organic grower so ill pass on the synthetics when I'm already using molasses in my regiments. try anything runtz or zkittles, hell cookies strains nowadays are sweet
So this guy calls molasses and magnesium sulphate shit, but fucking sugar water is fire

Can’t make this shit up right here people.
bro is using like the third rate version of what half the forum is using but we're the ass hats here for simple correction. shoulda just pinned a molasses thread here and referred