t0rn's Kosher Kush and Hazy OG

Guess I should catch you all up, here we have 5 chem 91 skunk va from cali connections at day 1 of flower.



Stay up.
Nice and uniform! ATB!

Thanks man, thought I would skip people through the boring parts so I'm posting the past 2 weeks growth. There's actually 6 plants in the first two sets of pictures, the plant in the back left turned out to be a male.

This is day 7.



Hope you guys are having a stoney day.

Here's a couple shots of the male I have outside, saving this pollen for future breeding.


i see you still have this down to a complete science looking good on all areas bro keep it going you were not kidding when you said you have got it all together...I cant wait to get my little ole 600 watts of love back up and goping! 4x4 1000 watts mad crazy love it!
Thanks guys, I took the summer off because it gets too damn hot in the grow room to get primo buds. I think I needed the little break anyways. I'm back and have a new found passion for growing these beautiful ladies again.
all lookn good round here buddy

i have been onda down low for a minuet
had to pull plants for repairs in basment on heat
got another big problem will inform you on

peace out
Some of the male sacks are starting to burst open.. what's the best way of going about collecting the pollen? I was thinking about pulling all the fat ones and putting them in a plastic container.. is it best to just pull the whole colas?
if outside is da only way to go carful could knock up anyones female in about four to six block radious
depends on wich way da wind is blowing

watch them grow all da way to flower and drop da pollen - just to learn its cycle then grab them right before they open to flower after swell and stem growth
just watch a couple learn yo self an then collect them beforethey open to drop

can leave them in a quiet place inside no fans no circulation leave out for few days some will open
put them in a small jar like a pill container and leave them open shake them up now and again
i shakum real hard wit top on before i dump them out over a screen wit small holes
a little green is OK it shold be dry by now

is bad when green is still wet will kill off some pollen

id check the plant twice a day after it starts dropping pollen

if planf was in a secured place inside could just bend him over let pollen drop i have used glass paper plates aluninum foil as da catcher

i to store i like brown unbleached bag paper to hold my pollen labeled and dated - then into a tupperware wit rice an into a frost free freezer if kept proper good for two or three months

i just thought of how it did once or twice
when i first started with seeds id take male flowers with about 10 inches of stem attached
place them in a short glass with about two inches of water
let flowers hang over side of glass so all pollen would fall onto a paper plate then collect
flowers would still grow and develope - i got tired of growing the whole plant and useing up space and supplies
Honestly, I didn't know what to do.. the colas were looking like most of the pods were swollen so I cut the mains like I would when I would trim bud. I took about 5-6 main colas about 8-10 inches long and put them up like I would dry bud in my drying cabinet. I put black colored wax coated paper dinner plates down below them and the sacks actually swelled and popped, seems like the plant will direct water where it's most needed. Dude performed and I scooped the pollen up and put it in a nice sealable jar with rice as you suggested. Having a nice calm spot for the pollen to fall and settle in the drying cabinet was great advice as always brother.

It's resting safely in the freezer now.

Hoping you're holding your head up high dweez, you're an inspiration.

Clones of 3 out of 5 of the female chem 91 that were left in the 10 pack of chem 91 reg seeds. Clones A, F, and G were selected to selected due to just being better than the rest. The plants were given a letter based on height when they were transplanted into their final pots. I didn't know then if they were male or female. A being the shortest and G being the tallest. A, F, and G were the selected three females to make it to the clone keeping phase. I took 2 clones of each female after they showed sex. These selections were based on bud structure and smell.
Here's a canopy shot at the begining of week 4:

This is a shot of the pheno I find most interesting, A: