T5 Lighting question - first grow


Hi everyone!!

I am just starting to embark on my first grow. I have a 2x2x5.5 grow tent and I am using a light fixture that holds 8 2ft T5 bulbs. I have started germinating 5 Liberty Haze seeds - 3 of which have already germinated.

The light fixture came with four red and four blue bulbs. I was always of the view that you used all blue for veg and all red for flower. However, the guy at the store said that I would be better off going with four red and four blue for the whole grow as it better imitates the sun. Anybody have any thoughts on this? Thanks!


Active Member
a mixture of colour is better, personally id go with 2 red and 6 blue for veg as less stretch and more foliage is what u want. Then 6 red and 2 blue for flower. Mix it up how u deem nessesary
I have 4 42w t-12 6500k blue bulbs horizontal, 2 32w t-8 4100k red bulbs vertical, and 2 32w t-8 3500k red bulbs, also hanging vertically, i have my reds come on 4 hours before my blues, so far so good, however you should be aware that fluorescent lights suck balls for veg, you can still grow smoke with it, but it takes longer, and lower yield. You may want to switch to HPS when u switch em to 12/12


Well-Known Member
I do the same, mix em that is, tho like big buds I also use another ratio , 2 red (2700K) and 4 blue (6500K)

plants use all color all grow just more of the "red" wave length in flower and more of the blue in Veg.

if I did`t had a 600W HPS I would changes 2 of the 6500K to 2700K after the fist two weeks of flowering ..

but easy for you if you choose to, just get two more of each, no wast, T5 do last long and keep high/steady output all of the life time, compared to T8 they loose a lot less over time, but will still be ready for a changes after a year or so of grow (when you see the ends get really dark)

I just got 4 new 6500K (philips) and paid like 40$ with shipping (may add I run a 5ft fixture)