Tafbang Ceiling Light Grow Part 2

Burger Boss

Well-Known Member
Hey guy's, given all we know about the OP's grow, what would be a good CFL set up for this fine young fellow?
I must admit to feeling a little guilty for behaving with "extreme faggotry" in earlier posts and will try to make amends by helping him in any way I can. Good luck & good grow.......BB


Well-Known Member
just picked up some sour diesel for free and 5 seeds from a friend. going to celebrate my 1st 420 in a few years.

P.S. I found 2 more seedlings in the basket, I have 4 seedlings growing out of styrofoam cups and supplement containers. They are all just feeding off 1 daylight cfl on random time schedules. I have the 2nd big plant leaned laying on the new setup I had to make and it's using the light from the 1cfl with the seedlings. I'm going to cut the 7ft plant within a week just because it's taking up a lot of my time to play outside and it's pretty much finished, I'm just going to use the whole harvest for summertime joints and blunts for after workouts and whenever I feel like smoking. I'm going to move the whole grow into my walk-in closet without it, but... I need to find a place to put all my clothes. all my dressers and the closet is filled up and even the coat closet by the front door is filled with my jeans and shirts and shoes


Well-Known Member
Inspirational for the op:lol:
Are cabs all that bad, I can't say iv done one but it seems a good idea for personal smoke. I didn't read it by the way it was the first one i came across. Surely tafbang would learn something about different styles on a budget. Ya get me?;-)bongsmilie


Active Member
" They are all just feeding off 1 daylight cfl on random time schedules."

Hey Taft...... I am wondering how you light experiment is going. Would you say the plants are thriving with the random light time schedule, or does it seem to slow them down?

I have never heard of anyone trying "random" light schedules, I am interested to hear how this is working for you. Personally, I think you will get some morphs out of the deal.


Well-Known Member
I'm glad you asked. after a few days of having the plants on 24-36 hour lights off the plant was using more energy than it was getting in, the leaves started yellowing and the plants were getting some good growth. The lights on were around 1-2 days at a time, the plants were up and soaking up the lights the whole time they were on too. I'm going to cut the lights off to like 18-24 hours at a time and leave the lights on hours where they are at. I want to find out how to match their energy output under certain hours to make sure I get optimal growth and health. The flowering and newgrowth has been really fast and the seedlings and other plant are looking really good.


Well-Known Member
I'm glad you asked. after a few days of having the plants on 24-36 hour lights off the plant was using more energy than it was getting in, the leaves started yellowing and the plants were getting some good growth. The lights on were around 1-2 days at a time, the plants were up and soaking up the lights the whole time they were on too. I'm going to cut the lights off to like 18-24 hours at a time and leave the lights on hours where they are at. I want to find out how to match their energy output under certain hours to make sure I get optimal growth and health. The flowering and newgrowth has been really fast and the seedlings and other plant are looking really good.
cutting edge


Well-Known Member
This has to be a troll joke now, its just has to be. Random light cycles? Thats the biggest load of shite Iv ever read in fairness. Tafbang, its time to choose man, your either gonna grow weed or not. If you wanna piss about with random light cycles on a leaning shit-tower then go do it, but stop posting it here. Its just random messing, not growing, theres certain things you need to do to grow good weed, its a process thats been perfected by better growers than probably most of us over a long period of time.

Let me put it this way for you...you put some seeds in some dirt and put it ontop of a load of chairs and books to a light in the center of roof. You water them occasionally and give them a random light cycle. Are you fuc****g joking me like? Iv played along until now, but seriously, some of the most simple suggestions to turn you from just a messer into a grower at minimal effort and cost have been completly ignored by you for some reason. Why do you insist on coming back here if your not actually gonna grow weed? Is it just an attention thing?

I mean I can understand people doing things differently/on the cheap, but your just wasting perfectly good, viable seeds man.