Tahoe OG in Dual Monster Plant System (Scrog Edition)


Well-Known Member
I love the racing stripes on these stems! It's cool the way they've evolved. They looked good when they were solid purple, now they look good with purple stripes.

When it starts to get dark under the screen, I'd trim off all those fan leaves under there. That's what scottyballs does with his little scrogs and it makes sense to me. Might be too early for your plants, but something to keep in mind. (I know that you've already been thinking about it.)
Definitely. I still have good light and air down there, so cutting isn't necessary yet... but I have my alcohol tipped clippers handy. This strain has very good leaf spacing... not a leafy plant at all. I have a feeling it's gonna have great bud to leaf ratio like any good og.


Active Member
That's tuff. I'll just dive right in and say 1974.

That's just a great pic too. Ah, fond memories of innocence lost. Okay, so which one is you? I'm hoping it's the kid in the shorts holding the cat.
Yeah that is a tuffy.. It was taken in 1984 and yes! that is me holding my childhood cat, so true about the innocents lost when I look back at old photos.



Well-Known Member
Hey jin looking good...
You seeemed to maintain the strech rather well...
Good job buddy ...

I think do to your scrog tech. and your extensive veg ... you seemed to have made so many nodes that the plant seems to have way more than adequate sites to feed ... hence the slower growth...

I dont let my ogs grow normally anymore ... i topp them a few times ... which , just like your scrog , pushes more energy to the newer growth , side bottom limbs, and eventually once this happens strech really diminishes ....

At this time i have alllot of bud ...slightly cured .... so ill be smokin you out most likely ... but u know i love the louie..
That lou looks more indica dom ...not the 13th the 18 you say ....???? interesting...

In the spirit of competitive nature im gona flip some vegger in a couple days .... So that gives you a ten day head start...
Soil 400hps vs a hydro 1000hps.... you game?
The plants really dictate the flow. They tell me not to give them more than 500ppm or they'll burn. So they pretty much are deciding how fast or slow they want to grow in my box. It's wild... different OGs seem to have different 'grow personalities.' They're definitely not as aggressive as the Diablo... but that's good because I wanted to grow a finer plant.

Yeah, man. Post your up to date flower shots here. It'll be an awesome soil to hydro comparison I think everyone at RIU would appreciate. You should repost my photos in your thread too, of course.


Well-Known Member
Yeah that is a tuffy.. It was taken in 1984 and yes! that is me holding my childhood cat, so true about the innocents lost when I look back at old photos.

Damn, only off by a decade. I thought it could be eighties, but it's difficult to tell with kids' clothes and hairstyles... kinda' generic looking through the 70's - 80's I think. The sixties would look really different.


Well-Known Member
The plants really dictate the flow. They tell me not to give them more than 500ppm or they'll burn. So they pretty much are deciding how fast or slow they want to grow in my box. It's wild... different OGs seem to have different 'grow personalities.'

Yeah, man. Post your up to date flower shots here. It'll be an awesome soil to hydro comparison I think everyone at RIU would appreciate. You should repost my photos in your thread too, of course.
I would like that ... I will post your pics on my other journal... on the wt network...
And of course i will take all the credit ...and pretend as if i grew them out myself...lol...
(Just kidding ill post them there tho)

I have a sour tahoe and another og on deck ....
I dont know if i can make it out today ...but ill try to soon enuff... ill let u know before on your journal if i can ...


Well-Known Member
I would like that ... I will post your pics on my other journal... on the wt network...
And of course i will take all the credit ...and pretend as if i grew them out myself...lol...
(Just kidding ill post them there tho)

I have a sour tahoe and another og on deck ....
I dont know if i can make it out today ...but ill try to soon enuff... ill let u know before on your journal if i can ...
I don't care if you tell others it's your grow... but if I fuck up, you have to explain your mistake. Lol.

Whenever you can make it by, just shout out. I'll have my phone, too. Keep in mind that Saturdays are best because my roommate is out the whole day.


Well-Known Member
Here's some different music... Totally unplugged from the 60's. But this tune really screams once it gets going:


Ravi Shankar - sitar
Yehudi Menuhin - violin
Allah Rakha - tabla (kind of like bongos)
3 of the great maestros of the 20th century. CD sounds a bit better. You can hear the echoes better on it. But this is the only version I could find on YouTube. Enjoy!


Well-Known Member
Here's some different music... Totally unplugged from the 60's. But this tune really screams once it gets going:


Ravi Shankar - sitar
Yehudi Menuhin - violin
Allah Rakha - tabla (kind of like bongos)
3 of the great maestros of the 20th century. CD sounds a bit better. You can hear the echoes better on it. But this is the only version I could find on YouTube. Enjoy!
I love Ravi Shankar. A true legend. Amazing piece.

Hey Lordjin I just harvested. Check out my grow, second link in signature

If anyone told me this was not grown under HID, I wouldn't believe them. Phenomenal.

That looks like it rivals if not exceeds the bud in my signature. I think this is markedly superior to your last grow. What did you do different?


Active Member
Here's some different music... Totally unplugged from the 60's. But this tune really screams once it gets going:


Ravi Shankar - sitar
Yehudi Menuhin - violin
Allah Rakha - tabla (kind of like bongos)
3 of the great maestros of the 20th century. CD sounds a bit better. You can hear the echoes better on it. But this is the only version I could find on YouTube. Enjoy!
I'm actually listening to this whole thing... pretty amazing if I do say so myself.


Well-Known Member
I love Ravi Shankar. A true legend. Amazing piece.

If anyone told me this was not grown under HID, I wouldn't believe them. Phenomenal.

That looks like it rivals if not exceeds the bud in my signature. I think this is markedly superior to your last grow. What did you do different?
Thanks LordJin! Well this time around I bought a dehumidifier, I didn't get PM, I was able to chop at its peak time, and I chose much healthier clones! Ya I was really happy and surprised when I undressed these ladies last night and saw what they were hiding! Fat buds! That one cola with the wine bottle, is just a top of the main one before it broke off. The whole plant was huge! I was getting rock hard buds all the way at the bottom of the plants!


Well-Known Member
Thanks LordJin! Well this time around I bought a dehumidifier, I didn't get PM, I was able to chop at its peak time, and I chose much healthier clones! Ya I was really happy and surprised when I undressed these ladies last night and saw what they were hiding! Fat buds! That one cola with the wine bottle, is just a top of the main one before it broke off. The whole plant was huge! I was getting rock hard buds all the way at the bottom of the plants!
Right on. Looks like crossing those t's and dotting those i's paid off.


Well-Known Member

As you can see, the tops are starting to size up but staying quite low. I just changed the water and reintroduced nute at 520ppm.

Filling in the corners...

Here's a few shots with the flash on. It doesn't counteract the hps much, but it does offer a slightly different view.



Active Member
What a cool vid jin!... thx

I like the flash pics! without it it's a little washed out with a soft orange glow over everything.
Plant looks great!, but what else would I expect?=P



Well-Known Member
A few macros to get us closer to the bloom action.

Coming in really nicely.

For those of you worried about stretch, don't. I have it under control. Look at that tight node spacing. Does Tahoe donkey dick? I guess we'll find out.


Active Member
Flowering is starting to come in man... looking good.

Question: Have you ever seen the same strain produce 2 different types of bud on 2 different plants. I only have one strain here, both cloned from the same plant but they are budding differently. I'll upload some pictures in a min.