Tahoe OG in Dual Monster Plant System (Scrog Edition)


Well-Known Member
I don't steal photos from another grower's journal to blatantly bump my thread very often, but when I see a master grower in action here, I have to pay tribute.

These roots by UnderCurrentDWC exhibit one of the finest examples of health in all my RIU surfing. Note interestingly how hydroton isn't present. Hmmm...


Active Member
That's a good title because these plants'll be harvested around christmas.
Your to kind jin! Thx!

In full disclosure this is my first hydro grow. +Rep to the info anyone can find here on RIU!



Active Member
Looks like heat stress.
Is it too close to the lights?
Are you over-fertilizing?
Salt buildup?

Found the update, looks great.
I got a clone at the same visual stage as you.
I'll have to find out how far along she is, I'm sure yours are ahead of mine.

Allah Rakha has inspired me to play Tabla.
I just changed my res 2 or so weeks ago. It's due for another. Over fert... I don't think so, I'm only at 520 ppm or so, still.

The heat stress thing may be a factor. The larger plants in my garden had some heat stress in the beginning of the growth. While the smaller plants never experienced that. I still have 3 plants from the non-heat stressed batch that are growing differently though.

slivers that happens all the time... i dont think theyre different phenos if theyre off the same plant...
As you know the dna never changes in cuts ... just the momentum of the cut .....
Ive had cuts off the same mother grow at a compleatly different rate....One slow and short and one tall and vigorous...

It really depends where u took the clones from ...
The cut off the top or middle of a fully vegged moither ..willl be more vigourous than lower cuts earlier in veg...
Or already i flower...
For the most part my disp. usually gets me off to a good start with the cuts.. the cuts jin has....
Sometime i can make a more vigorous (faster growing cut) that has more foilage and eats faster ... and have others that lose momentumn.... and will have close node spacing ... but will need a longer time in veg.... to make a real big mother...
It can be tough to gain momentum when a clone is thrown right into flower also...

I think the other denser plant in your pics just have more momentumn .... and are growing faster...
Maybe not different phenos...
Perhaps this is happening... The only thing that makes me think that it's not speed of growth, is the type of growth I'm seeing. It's not like my biggest plant is just growing at a different rate, it is. I'm not denying the fact that different cuts will grow at different rates. I'm saying the growth is completely different all together. One type of bud has white hairs protruding from the center of the small bud site. This wasn't present in any of the other plants at this stage in growth(No white hairs). The other buds look just like that in the yellowish photo that I posted. Tiny orange hairs, that are much much smaller than the white. After revisiting my largest plant, one of the nodes on the bottom seems to be displaying the white hairs now too. I'll be keeping an eye out to see what happens between both the plants.


Well-Known Member
That's a good title because these plants'll be harvested around christmas.
Your to kind jin! Thx!

In full disclosure this is my first hydro grow. +Rep to the info anyone can find here on RIU!

What? First hydro grow? You coulda knocked me over with a popcorn nug.


Well-Known Member

Today's canopy shots.

Where's the stretch?


Overhead shots:

My most controlled grow to date. Will it result in a better yield?

Side view:


And a few macros. I reckon we'll see more serious clustering as the week progresses.

Well, I don't think I'll being doing a part II tonight, so I made this one a big photo update. Enjoy. Comments welcome as always, of course.


Jin, every time I check your thread, all I can do is just stare at your beautiful babies. I have one last question if you don't mind, how far is your light from the plants?


Well-Known Member
Dig the boobs.

Jin, every time I check your thread, all I can do is just stare at your beautiful babies. I have one last question if you don't mind, how far is your light from the plants?
That's a good question. I've just been so zoned in on the canopy temperature, I haven't even measured. It's 75f right under the light at its highest point. I'll have to take an exact measurement of light distance tonight.


Well-Known Member
Nice grow man. Can't wait too do my scrog next round. Bout to post my harvest pics in my thread if u wanna check em out. Links in my sig