Taintseasyassed Growshow

Bird Gymnastics

New Member
very nice bird that bud is probly bigger than my420'a head. +rep
It's funny that he had sooo much to say but now that we have actually pics he has nothing to comment on. Go and grow you regs with those 1000w lights. I'll be sitting back smoking on some dank white widow laughing at people that think YIELD is everything.

Bird Gymnastics

New Member
Hey Guys Hope everyone's in better moods today! LOL I enjoy seeing everyone's grow, As an experienced grower... Not all grows are the same, Strains, nutes, Soil,soilless med., Hydro, lighting, etc, Can go on for day's. All I know, we r here to learn & have a good time & appreciate each other advice & company (which may not always be the correct advice cause we all r doing it different) And where else can u show each other your plants & rooms etc. without exchanging bugs LOL.
Taint I think your grow is great for your situation and the other guy's is fine too. Years ago I just threw seeds outside in the garden & let them grow...But I learned from some Elite Experinced Indoor Grower's a better way than I had been doing it prior & wow I never do anything else ( unless I see the proof there is a better (Flowering) techique than Im using) Not only did I improve my quality of smoke, but yeilds as well. So I never cut up on a person's preference of growing, or results...I seen some of the Greatest looking buds, not smoke well! I was shocked! That's why I make sure a pick a great pheno type to mother. Anyway's Peace & Happy Gardening !:peace:

P.S. Hey bird what strain is that?
thats some white widow...I have more pics if you wanna see. Unlike this guy My420 guy ha ha


Well-Known Member
Thanks I appreciate that.
Peters 10-10-10 at 1 tsp per gallon when doing chemical ferts and a combo of plant-tone dry ferts mixed into the dirt with earthjuice supplementing the dry mix when doing organic.
All in whatever soils on the shelf at wallywerld or the hardware store,not much choice as it's very rural here and I really dislike growshops.


Active Member
Soils just what holds the roots.
Some soils will kill yer plants best to use one ya know if not test a plant before ya do them all.
I prefer no nutes to heavy nutes when it comes to the dirt.
Listen to me my young friend,the charge for 3 plants that don't yield dick is gonna be the same as the charge for the 1000's worth of plants.
The only diff between the two is that the 1000 will keep you in weed and provide a bit extra for whatever.
He who dares.................................
Another Idiot quote by another idiot... The charge is not the same MORON Specially if the FEDS come..... Check your state laws you stupid idiot and stop being such a liar and talking out the side of your neck. Now I know why you are on here all day.. It is to make yourself feel better when people believe you. Your beyond stupid.


Active Member
thats some white widow...I have more pics if you wanna see. Unlike this guy My420 guy ha ha
Wow ok your that bent because I called you out wow Well here ya go liar boys here are some videos of up to 3 weeks 4 days in. We shall see when I harvest compare bud sizes have it posted and that will shut you up quicker then Sh!t.
5 days of Veg ( Which by the way are as big as yours were when they were finished but I do not top them like you do) You want to produce more better nugs just take advice and stop being such a liar. Where does that get you besides looking hella stupid.
10 days of Veg
This one was like 2 weeks and 5 days into flowering I think or 3 weeks on the dot I forget tho and yea I know I am molesting the plants but I was touching every one so that I could describe to my friend what I am talking about
This is overview to compare to my cousins room and yea I won that $50 bux lol. This is 3 weeks and 2-4 days in. do not remember tho
Now 4 weeks into growing and will take another pic today for you non believers.


Well-Known Member
I will any day do a per plant yield with ya,nice room some day you'll figure out how to use it.


Active Member
I get upset at people who make up huge lies to other people like you when it is not true at all. Most of the time people will invest all their cash because of one lie like this guy made, thinking they will pull a huge amount if they grow like him only to find out that they were lied to and the person knew nothing and they just wasted their $ for no reason other then some one being a liar and giving them false expectations. It happenes a lot trust me by some jerk wads like him telling lies and telling others how to do it their way only to leave peeps with 6k worth of investment that they literally have to start all over with and learn all over again the correct way. It wastes time and money that could ruin people flat out. Let me tell you this Kolz2788. The real knowledgeable people do not give their secrets. and that is the reason I get messages on here by master growers asking my why I am giving all the info to people and tell me I should only answer questions with general answers like try to flush ( but never saying how or what to use ) etc etc. I just do not like liars like this guy all it leads to is people getting false hope and lets say some old retired guy sunk his last 10k to grow because he believed dummy up there to not even get 1/4 back when he harvests and then have all his savings gone because he was lied to and now can not invest more to get it going right. People like that jerk are pitiful and need to understand it is not just being a liar about harvests it is how it may effect other people reading it. Like saying I never check Ph or PPM that is a newb move straight up. Ask any botanist in the world or even google it and you will see for your self how important JUST those 2 things alone are EXTREMELY VITAL. Then to go on and on but NEVER showing what the finished product came out to be means that he is a liar and now needs to keep being one because he cant admit it now he has told to many and can not go back....


Active Member
I will any day do a per plant yield with ya,nice room some day you'll figure out how to use it.
LMFAO HAHAHAHAHAHAHA OK Mr. I just use whatever is on the shelf that day trying to talk crap about my room? I would take a look at yours before I open my mouth. I want to know how the hell you can still sit there and defend what you state when there is no way in hell that you harvested what you said with nugs barely bigger then a lighter which means that you lost 70% of that when it dried so now you have a nugs smaller then a lighter maybe about 8-11 of them and your telling me that you got 2 oz of it? then 4 then 6? LMAO your not even worth responding to anymore.


Well-Known Member
Thanks I appreciate that.
Peters 10-10-10 at 1 tsp per gallon when doing chemical ferts and a combo of plant-tone dry ferts mixed into the dirt with earthjuice supplementing the dry mix when doing organic.
All in whatever soils on the shelf at wallywerld or the hardware store,not much choice as it's very rural here and I really dislike growshops.
yea i think i got my spidermites from there. there gone now hopefully forever. i put a no pest stripin.


Well-Known Member
I understand getting scammed or whatever but I don't see or understand why someone would go through the trouble of putting a full grow journal up with just the intent to have someone buy an identical system in order to lose money...? Taint's product looks pretty good from what I can see. I don't think he's on the site posting fake pics.. I dunno maybe I'm missing something..


Well-Known Member
Don't feel bad I'm not getting it either.
I reckon the pic next to the lighter at like 4 weeks flower has got him upset?
I honestly don't know what triggered him.makes me laugh though.
I'd take the time to c&p some of his "advice" and list of the diff stuff he uses but I'm too lazy.
I suspect he's a tweaker I know he's a noob and it appears he's incapable of structuring a coherent sentence.

Bird Gymnastics

New Member
I get upset at people who make up huge lies to other people like you when it is not true at all. Most of the time people will invest all their cash because of one lie like this guy made, thinking they will pull a huge amount if they grow like him only to find out that they were lied to and the person knew nothing and they just wasted their $ for no reason other then some one being a liar and giving them false expectations. It happenes a lot trust me by some jerk wads like him telling lies and telling others how to do it their way only to leave peeps with 6k worth of investment that they literally have to start all over with and learn all over again the correct way. It wastes time and money that could ruin people flat out. Let me tell you this Kolz2788. The real knowledgeable people do not give their secrets. and that is the reason I get messages on here by master growers asking my why I am giving all the info to people and tell me I should only answer questions with general answers like try to flush ( but never saying how or what to use ) etc etc. I just do not like liars like this guy all it leads to is people getting false hope and lets say some old retired guy sunk his last 10k to grow because he believed dummy up there to not even get 1/4 back when he harvests and then have all his savings gone because he was lied to and now can not invest more to get it going right. People like that jerk are pitiful and need to understand it is not just being a liar about harvests it is how it may effect other people reading it. Like saying I never check Ph or PPM that is a newb move straight up. Ask any botanist in the world or even google it and you will see for your self how important JUST those 2 things alone are EXTREMELY VITAL. Then to go on and on but NEVER showing what the finished product came out to be means that he is a liar and now needs to keep being one because he cant admit it now he has told to many and can not go back....
I completely understand where you are coming from. But if someone is willing to drop 10k on a grow with taking only one guys advice is pretty idiotic to me. He deserves to lose all of his money if he goes about it that way.

REAL growers learn by experience and you are right when you say we don't tell all our secrets ;) but we do not give false theories and/or advice to fellow growers. I don't know about you, but I intend of growing the best bud possible, regardless of my yield. You have an amazing looking grow and by the looks it seems as if you are growing for profit. That is where you and I differ. I could really care less about my profit as long as all my patients and I are happy. I don't mean to offend you in any way but if you want to start shit and argue find another thread. Its getting quite tiresome hearing about all your bitching.

P.S. those budsites are mighty small at 4 weeks. I can't wait to do a compare/contrast. And by the way, the bud next to the sprite can is dry. I hope you can top that. I'll be impressed with those little things you got stretching hahaha


Active Member
HOLY SHIT what happen in here, ok so after reading about 5 pages of some A-hole being a psycho Im still lost as to were he came? why if you track his post he makes new threads about the same shit?what does he really even know about soil growing?(i know a little and know for a fact that im a SHITTY grower and am able to pull 2OZ off one plant) AND TAINT IS RIGHT ABOUT A PLANT GROWN HOW IT WANTS TO GROW WILL PRODUCE A BOUNTIFUL HARVEST, NO TOPPING OR TRAINING NEEDED, NO SPECIAL NUTES, JUST GROW THE DAMN THING. also why are we all getting worked up we all came to do one thing and thats GROW. ( kinda contradict my self with saying we need to stay cool and then call the guy an A-hole but he came here and started talking shit ON SOME ONE ELSES THREAD)

Bird Gymnastics

New Member
HOLY SHIT what happen in here, ok so after reading about 5 pages of some A-hole being a psycho Im still lost as to were he came? why if you track his post he makes new threads about the same shit?what does he really even know about soil growing?(i know a little and know for a fact that im a SHITTY grower and am able to pull 2OZ off one plant) AND TAINT IS RIGHT ABOUT A PLANT GROWN HOW IT WANTS TO GROW WILL PRODUCE A BOUNTIFUL HARVEST, NO TOPPING OR TRAINING NEEDED, NO SPECIAL NUTES, JUST GROW THE DAMN THING. also why are we all getting worked up we all came to do one thing and thats GROW. ( kinda contradict my self with saying we need to stay cool and then call the guy an A-hole but he came here and started talking shit ON SOME ONE ELSES THREAD)
Just RIU bullies! You are right and I think I stated it in an earlier post, but we are all here to grow so share your shit, DONT HATE! Everyone has a specific goal they are trying to meet when growing these beautiful plants. But if your goal is different from someone else don't call then out and talk shit just talk like mature adults. I know I am not the best grower in the world but I make with what I have and with what I WANT