Taintseasyassed Growshow


Well-Known Member
what's the light cycle been like for the one you topped at 8 nodes? very good thread btw, but I didn't get a chance to read every post


Well-Known Member
Sorry it's been so long,I got into a bit of a funk over the passage of sb 423.



Active Member
You can get a 1000hps and a eco 440 fan cheaply here.
The one piece of advice I wish someone had given me was don't waste the time and money on cfl's and small hids.
I have a 400 and a 600 that have sat unused for years.
Enviromental control,getting the heat out is the biggest thing.Handle that and the rest kinda does itself.
I have never tested my ph in ten years of indoor growing,the ph in soil grown plants changes as a natural course depending on what the plants doing.
interesting what do you avg per plant on those... Asking because the tops look like they are only 2-3 inches wide. Kinda small it looks like. How many grams per plant?


Active Member
Soils just what holds the roots.
Some soils will kill yer plants best to use one ya know if not test a plant before ya do them all.
I prefer no nutes to heavy nutes when it comes to the dirt.
Listen to me my young friend,the charge for 3 plants that don't yield dick is gonna be the same as the charge for the 1000's worth of plants.
The only diff between the two is that the 1000 will keep you in weed and provide a bit extra for whatever.
He who dares.................................
I really want to know what your harvesting now after what you just said It cant be more then 12-16 grams per plant. With no nutes boosters or Foliar feeding? I would have to say your missing out on a lot of yield it seems.


Active Member
I average over a lb a month off these two bulbs,quite a bit over a lb on average actually.
So you are saying that you get a lb off 8 plants with nugs looking like that. Sorry I just do not see how a 2-3 inch wide nug that small would give you 2 ounces each looking that small and not dense. Any pics of finished plant before trim and after trim? Sorry it is hard to believe that someone who made statement like you did pulls a P off 8 plants looking like that sorry but I just do not see it happening.


Active Member
I just top the plant at say six nodes then after it puts out some growth I'll top the branches on the top four sets of nodes leaving the bottom two for cuts.
So at this point you have 8 stubby branches on the top part of the plant and two longer not topped branches on the bottom.
Then just veg the till the tops are at however big you want to fulfill yer needs in flower.
I'll get some pics tomorrow and try and show exactly what I'm saying.
How long this takes in veg depends on so many variables that it's really hard to say how long it'll take you.
Now I know for a fact with your topping statement NO POSSIBLE chance your yielding what you say sorry. No nutes just dirt and your pulling 2 oz? LOL nope sorry ESPECIALLY in soil. lol NOT...........



Active Member

So here's how they look for the next step.
On this plant I took the bottom for cuts,6 of them and left the top for the tops.

This is how it looks right before being up-potted and put into flower.
This particular plant should yield 4 oz's be about 24"s tall and a couple feet across when it's all said and done.
YOU ARE SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO FULL OF CRAP LMAO and the funny thing is it gets better as we go along.


Active Member
Cuts go into 1 gal pots until ready for flower then up-potted into 3 or 5 gal pots.
I subscribe to a bigger pot = a bigger plant = more yield.
If I were you I would just shut up now. You are making yourself sound like you know what your doing but every statement I read you just sound more like someone who has no idea what the hell your talking about.


Well-Known Member
ok.................I reckon I should apologize for your lack of reading comprehension now?


Active Member
Todays update,the last pics a how much can you get outta a 1 gal pot in dirt contest for another forum...................somebodies gonna owe me a soda.
Going back to organics,stay tuned.
Airy buds. No density to much stretching on the nodes wow... and your giving grow advice.. wow I can not even laugh anymore because it is disturbing to know that you are that much of a BSer.


Active Member
This has been a damn fine plant and the decision to let her go was a hard one.:sad:
However when faced with limited space and an obviously superior plant outta the same line,one must do what one must.
Her sis is simply all that and a pack of cookies,we'll be seeing her soon........a lot of her.
If you even got an Oz off pic #2 then I am president Obama! Both so far fetched it is so dang funny to see people talking out of the side of their neck.


Well-Known Member
Dude I looked at yer"grow" and if ya wanna do a side by side just whip it out and stfu cuz yer rantings not even entertaining it just seems sad and pathetic.


Active Member
Thanks,I average 4 to 6 oz a plant with this cut.
Def overferted I need to pay better attention for sure.
I understand about plant count regards beans but we all work with what we got,it'll either settle down or I'll abandon the line alltogether.
Wouldn't be the first line to nowhere........................
LMAO it went from 2 oz per plant to 4-6 ounces per plant and they are only 2-4 feet tall this guy is the biggest liar I have ever seen and the bad thing is that he actually believes what he is saying.. Wow this is more disturbing then funny now


Active Member
Dude I looked at yer"grow" and if ya wanna do a side by side just whip it out and stfu cuz yer rantings not even entertaining it just seems sad and pathetic.
Dont care for rating at all. First of all buddy anyone who has grown for any period succesfully knows you are so full of crap that is why you only show close ups of trimmed nugs and plant almost done but not trimmed. Look i know how to spot a bser and especially when your saying the things your saying with no plant manipulation no topping your buds?? Show me a nug that you just trimmed next to a lighter. Not a friends pic but yours. Wont happen cuz your full of crap man just please shut up and go play a game or something you may actually get good at that because your are so far away from the truth you on the moon homie. Any person who has grown can see your a liar. Have fun with your stories... LATER. oh and btw my nugs at 4 weeks are as big as your finished nugs you tard. Why make stuff up is what I am asking? why lie? You dont have to lie to kick it. Oh well I guess you do.


Active Member
Dude I looked at yer"grow" and if ya wanna do a side by side just whip it out and stfu cuz yer rantings not even entertaining it just seems sad and pathetic.
and that is all you have to say on the comment? LMAO I pull nugs bigger then my head and you pulling nugs that are the size of a lighter and your saying 4-6 ounces? dude shut up now before you make yourself look even dumber. Those plants MAYBE produced 3/4 of an ounce. Seriously just stop trying to make yourself look good for no reason what so ever. Just read your statements buddy.. First you say you get a P off 8 plants that is 2 oz each then it went to 4 then 4-6 so which is it? You have some different numbers there that only you stated not us. So is it 2 3 4 5 6?? LMAO if you pulled 6 off ANY of those plants I will blow you on national TV...... FKn LIAR LMAO>