Take Me To Your Happy Place


Active Member
Theres just somethin magical bout mixin mary jane an great music. It seems to take you somewhere unearthly that i can only describe as your happy place :bigjoint:
So my question is, what music perfects your buzz n fades you out to your own little world?


Active Member
Personally, pretty much anything thats chill and has good flow sends me flyin high.
Classic Rock is my favorite in general (shit like Tom Petty n Pink Floyd), but slow rap with a strong beat n a happy vibe tops it all (best example: Bone Thugs).

[btw feel free to post links to ur favorite songs so we can get a taste of ur happy place lol]


Well-Known Member
Carlos Santana! Really mixes well with a good high. Strings sound more deep and you can almost feel yourself in the music. :)


Active Member
I must agree, Bob Marley is a fuckin musical genius

I dont think i've ever listened Carlos Santana, ima have to look him up


Well-Known Member
John Coltrane
Sarah Vaughn
Bill Evans
Art Tatum
Frank Zappa

These are some of my favorite vehicles which wisk me away to my happy place!