Taking a trip back to marijuanaville, I seem to have stumbled. Any help?

So I've not been growing for a while and I only had 2-3 grows under my belt before so I am still extremely new to growing. Please be gentle with me, I have no cash and no vehicle to buy extra things and I've been making do with what I had at the time of planting.

I've been growing it in a mix of Coco, vermicompost, vermiculite and perlite. And some used soil to pad it out a bit.

I have most biobizz nutrients.
I added Plagron Bio super mix to the soil at planting.
I also have a spirulina booster (npk 1 - 0.5 - 6)

I pH water with Canna organic pH down to 5.8 as runoff is always very high above 7. (Maybe too much dolomite lime)

My lighting is basic,

20w LED 3000k x2
15w LED 2700k
15w LED 3000k

Total of 70w (not tested) in basic LED bulbs with caps removed.
(This was a decided by budget) I would prefer a QB or cob fixture.

I'm growing a Skunk Automatic from Eurogrow (free bulk seed.) The plant was popped in November 28th and is in the 12th week from seed.

I accidentally topped it at the 3rd node which was a shame as I wanted to go all natural with this one for once. Despite this the plant stretched like crazy in flower. I'm thinking maybe too much because I didn't have all the bulbs at the beginning I added them over time.

My tap water was crazy like pH 8.5 and 800ppm, didn't realise how crapped up it was so have watered with half distilled water, half bottled drinking water for the past 2 weeks. Seems to be happier.

I am now seeing black/purple coming out on the top leaves also some yellowing which I dont attribute to the plant using up its last reserves being in end of flower.

Can anyone tell me if I have longer to go to get these buds to fatten up? And if the colouration is due to problem with soil/nutes or if it's something else? Or even just natural expression?

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Well-Known Member
Search the deals thread on here. I found a light for $89 delivered. You can find decent cheap lights. Sometimes they post coupon codes which are only good for a day.
Search the deals thread on here. I found a light for $89 delivered. You can find decent cheap lights. Sometimes they post coupon codes which are only good for a day.
Thanks as stated I don't have money and I can't buy anything else. I have those LEDs and one of the marshydro 180w UFO blurple lights. Either that or an old 600w hps I have laying around
Okay so I've muddled things around a little bit. Changed cupboards to add the marshydro 180w UFO into the equation.... More light the merrier right? Temps seem to be stable around 24c and humidity ranging between 40% to 55%. Can't do more harm than good I doubt.

Must admit this is a complete bodge job. But when you don't have any other options you do what you can!