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i guessing trying to grow mint, not that different. i plant basil goes great in a pizza.
I’m thinking of getting a new tent just for vegetables that have strong smells I’ll try basil ai got a Lemmon plant me and my daughter started from a drink we bought all of them in fox farm happy frog for now
I’m thinking of getting a new tent just for vegetables that have strong smells I’ll try basil ai got a Lemmon plant me and my daughter started from a drink we bought all of them in fox farm happy frog for now

doesnt make much sense economically but can be done, i prep my tomatoes in my tents for my garden and one year the weather was shit so couldnt transplant and they started growing fruit and they were as big as tennis balls when i finally was able to plant outside.

you can kinda see them on the left a couple of them at least. can be done considering i was trying to keep these small for my weed growing purposes. a lot of medium and tomatoes will grow like crazy, they’re basically weeds as well, crawling and rooting from their trunks when left to their own devices. they grow back every year from fallen fruit as well. love tomatoes.


What soil is the basil in mj

yeah i use the same mix for everything i grow though they’re severely neglected atm and over due for uppoting. waiting for my 4x4 to get ready and at that point i’m gonna plant 2 of them in each 20 gal plastic pot with cannabis. kinda like living mulch/companion planting/delicious herb in pizza kinda deal.
What’s that’s and what the medium you use for the vegetables also your garden looks great


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What’s that’s and what the medium you use for the vegetables also your garden looks great

those are strawberries. i had the seeds but didnt have the pot to grow in but i just planted them anyway but they were neglected as well.

i use organic soil, homemade ewc with coco coir added basically and aeration. then some simple organic fertilizers like bat guano, farmyard manure and stuff. whatever is available i try to build is as balanced as i can.
Mint's actually an invasive species and will take over if you're not careful.
Not only that, most mint planta you buy in a shop as starter are very prone to disease; without fail i get PM on all my mints if i water and there isnt direct sun and he as t on it. And if no PM ive had bugs. Dont mix mint with weedplants its just taking risks.
I’d only bring my veggies in my cannabis room if I started them from seed, as with my cannabis.

plants purchased from big box stores nearly all come from the same massive nursery in Florida. I would not trust these plants to be disease/pest free and they might destroy all your cannabis.

If I buy plants from nurseries I try to hit them heavily with some preventative measurements before introducing them to my garden.