Taking Cuttings during early 12/12... Just don't do it!!!


Well-Known Member
These guys didn't have flowers when I took the cuts... started flowering, and then went back to veg... I get it... patience is key... I'm just still a little turned off.
I've taken them as far as 4 weeks in, they just take longer to root and re-veg. It's questionable for anything but saving a cut when you have no other clones, and for outdoor guerilla as they tend to branch out naturally without training. you lose about 2-3 weeks though in overall time to get them into flower.


Active Member
I just want to say to everyone who has contributed to this thread that I appreciate all of you allowing me to leverage the knowledge gained through your experiences. It really cuts down on my trial and error time...

Lord Kanti

Well-Known Member
They take 17 days to fully clone opposed to 11. At least for me. I have two plants with at least 2 more weeks of flower and they're nearly horizontal under the bud weight. After cure I'll post a weight comparison.


Active Member
Cheers, that's a beaut, two of them going and they look like they'll produce 12-16 zips each, love the free lighting, wish we were legal here, I'd do the whole back yard ;)
LOL!...I know all about the risk VS reward game... eventually I took my ass to a legal state. I still doubt I you can grow outside in RI though I'll have to look at the laws again. I wouldn't anyway... I've already been robbed once.


Active Member
Here's a novel idea,take cuts before flower....and label them.
Flash... Where is the fun in that??? IDK maybe you have been growing for 30 yrs or something but I've only been growing for 2 yrs and I'm still in the process of seeing what works best for me. Thanks bro!bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
some of my cutting I took 2-3 weeks in flower had just started to flower and have some white hairs
took 13 days to root, it hasn't aftect the leaves yet but hope it aftect the new growth a little, should get some very bushy girls in a few weeks, if I am lucky


Well-Known Member
I've only ever clone from a flowering plant, Most of the time the first new set of leaves are deformed , If you got a indica dominant or just a straight indica , You will get a bushier plant, the clones I've had seem to grow more branches when I cut from flower than when I cut in veg from the same mother, Just give it a little time plus the deformed fan leaves still do their job!

Michael Huntherz

Well-Known Member
Once again...because I always try things before I knock them I wasted about 4 weeks of my time. I read somewhere that if you take cuts in early flower that after they root they get very bushy with short inter-nodes. Well after waiting almost 3 weeks for these "A:wall:" holes to root. They did get bushy alright... but the leaves looked all weird and distorted. 1 Leaf / 2 Leaf / & 3 Leaf foliage happening. I didn't take pics this morning because I plan to just throw them out. I don't have time to babysit and troubleshoot bullshit cuts. Now I have to hit up my seed bank again for this particular strain. :cuss: :wall:
Waht? I have one in flower from this same situation, you gotsa be patient, son!
Look at this girl, week 3. Purple Wreck.
I took this cut after 4 weeks of flower, I was trimming off all the buds due to budrot, and pruning the fuck out of the mother. I re-vegged mother and harvested some good smoke, and now this girl is blowing up. Of course they look weird, they are confused and cut from their original organism, experiencing unnatural light etc.
Be patient, it isn't a great idea to take clones in flower, but it can be done to good result, I promise.



Active Member
Waht? I have one in flower from this same situation, you gotsa be patient, son!
Look at this girl, week 3. Purple Wreck.
I took this cut after 4 weeks of flower, I was trimming off all the buds due to budrot, and pruning the fuck out of the mother. I re-vegged mother and harvested some good smoke, and now this girl is blowing up. Of course they look weird, they are confused and cut from their original organism, experiencing unnatural light etc.
Be patient, it isn't a great idea to take clones in flower, but it can be done to good result, I promise.
Thanks for the advice and great pic... yes I've pretty much come to the consensus that I jumped the gun... It was my first time trying it and I didn't know what to expect. I'm trying to get a good grow in for the winter so I can bump my Gavita Pros up to 1100 for once. A great light but the damn things run so hot! I got 12 mutant looking cuts looking happy under my T8 waiting for my new Oxygen Pot Systems 12 Site XL Super-Flow Analog system to come in. If this system works good I think I'll run it for a year or two.