Tall 2’x2’ (.6m x.6m) grow tent recommendations (above 55”)?


Want to get as tall of a grow tent as I can afford for the space I have. HARD LIMIT at 2x2 for floor, but can go up to 7-8 feet tall. Only going to grow one at a time.

I’ve only found the Plant House Grow Tent (link: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B078GZ8R2C/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_WEfBEbZFYYXKJ) that’s 2x2 and taller than 55” (plant house is 67” and if not that model/alternative I would get the mars hydro at 55” but I don’t want to be limited to only growing short plants).

Are there any other options? If I’m growing one plant in a 5gallon fabric pot and want the filter and exhaust hanging up top in the tent is 55” plenty tall or do I need to go to the 67” the Plant House tent offers?
One of my tents is 5ft high due to the sloped ceiling in that part of the room. I find I can manage it but I have to train a lot so if you can get a 2x2 that's 67" tall go for it, majority are 4-5ft high.
Otherwise build a cabinet from scratch.
10'×50' roll of 5.5mil panda film- $30-50 amazon
Staple gun and staples- $20 walmart
White Gorrilla tape x2 rolls- $20 walmart
Make the closet you have the tent and plastic every inch on the inside starting from the floor to the ceiling making sure to over lap the floor's plastic with the wall's plastic to ensure any water goes to the plastic you put down and not underneath it to cause you nasty mold issues and tape them seems and them staples so its all sealed up nice and tight... get yourself a small 4inch carbon filter and 4 inch inline duct fan say around 200-300 cfm to pull air out of the room (dont know if its your place or not but you can get these really nice duct through wall holes to duct right out of your closet but make sure that the ducting has no light leaks in or out of your closet and cut in a smaller duct hole for passive intake near the bottom of the closet and exhaust with the fan and filter towards the top of the room, use LED's and get a box fan in that closet with one plant... also make sure that you filter the passive intake at the very least with allergen and pollen filters from wally world they are about 6 bucks each and i would run 2 right taped up tight to that passive intake hole/area however you do it just filter your air in and out as it helps dramatically with keeping unwanted stuff out of your space and in such a small space doesnt take very much to turn it to a disaster
@Gardenator wow thanks for this! I don’t have a way to run the exhaust through my ceiling or a window really, is pointing the exhaust in the general direction of the doorway enough? What do you mean by the duct through wall holes?

I think I might use the gorilla tent 2x2.5 but I would love your advice on setting up the exhaust and air circulation. If I’m doing one plant are two small clip fans and the exhaust with a carbon filter enough?
There’s no point in going that tall with so little surface area. A 6’ tall play is generally 3.5-6’ wide untrained, so you’ll never have enough width or light penetration without problems in a space thats 2x2x8 if you’re trying to max out the height and surface area of your space. It’s a ratio/balance. That’s why they don’t generally make tents that are 2’ wide taller than 5-6’ tall....there’s no point.
There’s no point in going that tall with so little surface area. A 6’ tall play is generally 3.5-6’ wide untrained, so you’ll never have enough width or light penetration without problems in a space thats 2x2x8 if you’re trying to max out the height and surface area of your space. It’s a ratio/balance. That’s why they don’t generally make tents that are 2’ wide taller than 5-6’ tall....there’s no point.
Growing in soil and having the pot up on a plastic pallet or something to allow drainage and also space at the top to allow for adjusting light up or down during the entire grow may be a good enough reason to want the space in height and only one plant in a 2x2 area has a lot of potential to be able to be nearly 3 ft tall from bottom of pot to tip of cola, meaning your are barely left with enough room to light and drain your plant by the end of the grow, i would assume just for the space to do everything- exactly the reason every single gorrilla grow tent has an attachment to extend the height of all their tents, not just plants your putting in there my friend and space is space. Anything electrical generally i hang as to avoid being electricuted or starting an electrical fire and that needs space too, i wouldnt buy a tent that was under 6ft and most 2x2 yes are not bigger then 72inches tall but they do make them and they are a saving grace when square footage is limited and height isnt an issue... also the plant on its own no matter what will fill that tent up under the right conditions providing he grows it well and healthy plants always fill their pots with roots and the space their vegitation is growing in unless you dont grow them well or train them not to they grow everywhere they can as much as they can, its all they do is grow lol it would fill a 3x3 or even a 5x5 if you veg it long enough, your canopy can be trained to accomidate any space and any height with in reasonable limitations, i have to disagree i see lots of reasons why a taller space is useful and more efficient; temp humidity, light, airflow, drainage...