Target suffers major data breach

no, i'm pointing out double standards and hypocrisy.

if the health care website had suffered a similar breach, you and winter woman and the rest of the right wing world would be proclaiming health care to be over, government to be a failure, there would be 13 threads on it by now, etc. there was even mention of it by winter woman and possibly even threads started about it even though there weren't any breaches!

but since it happened in the private sector, so what? no one cares. it's something that happens.

hypocrites, all of you.

thanks for playing though, kiddo. i knew i could count on you to be several steps behind.

if that happened, their heads woud've exploded..
being an inventor (see: patent troll) ain't working out too well for ya, eh?

or do you just hate capitalism, commie?
First lesson: A patent troll doesn't invent
Second lesson: Patent trolls purchase or license patents
Third lesson: Happiness isn't something you can purchase.
Fourth lesson: My patent is licensed to a Fortune 200, how do you think I'm doing?

Happy, happy, happy.
yet the big mac only costs $0.12 more.

there goes another right wing theory.

your country is run by and for corporations. don't expect anything to change while both sides line their pockets with lobbying cash, political donations and junkets...
First lesson: A patent troll doesn't invent
Second lesson: Patent trolls purchase or license patents
Third lesson: Happiness isn't something you can purchase.
Fourth lesson: My patent is licensed to a Fortune 200, how do you think I'm doing?

Happy, happy, happy.

did you invent something?
Oh the Big Mac, forgot that was the only true indicator of Economics.

it's just yet another counterexample that works against your theory of economics.

you don't have a single real life example to back up your economic theory. just theory. that is all.

go cry. eat Micky dees in OZ ever? Mostly teenagers working there here....anyone want to venture a guess as to where I'm going with this? eat Micky dees in OZ ever? Mostly teenagers working there here....anyone want to venture a guess as to where I'm going with this?

you're gonna plagiarize dr. kynes' uncited and anecdotal attempt at rebuttal, which he has still not cited in any way, shape or form?

not unexpected, you're not bright enough to come up with your own line of rebuttal.

might as well just repeat the failed argument right away, it's not like its previous failure to rebut is gonna stop you.