Tatan´s First Grow, White Widow and Bagseed

Mr. Bitti

Well-Known Member
you just have different phenotypes from the same genes. the plants wanted to express their individuality :) its almost like you and your brother might not look alike or you might be identical

Mr. Bitti

Well-Known Member
thats called difrent pheno type, two of the same plant but they display diffrent charecteristics.

sup west, id love to be in on your journals but man they are sooooo crowded and i dont wanna add to it ya know? anyway man i like what u got going and im kinda sad that the alaskan thunk ice or whaterever turned out a mutant. glad to see you around peace bro
+rep cus ive seen ur shit before


Well-Known Member
you just have different phenotypes from the same genes. the plants wanted to express their individuality :) its almost like you and your brother might not look alike or you might be identical
Yeah... I think this is all more interesting to me cause I have read tons about growing but have never seen it in person. These "good seed" plants look SOOO different from my bagseed plants due to better lighting.

Here are pics of my babies...
The first 2 pics are the 2 white widows at 14 days old from top and side. They are ONLY between 2 and 3 inches tall ! and already have so many nodes, the one on the left has 2 more sets of leaves than the one on the right but they have about the same width, I´m really hoping this big fat one is female lol.
Mr Bitti must be right they have to be different pheno types, the one on the left, cant even cope with its own fat leaves.. the leaf fingers are too fat to be able to be next to each other.. so there is a lot of bending.

The third pic is the mazar-afghan cross. 2.5 inches tall, 14th day.

Hmm... I have seen some people "inbed" their pics into their post.. so pleople browsing dont have to click on the thumbnails... Anybody know how to do that ?



Well-Known Member
Fourth pic is the mystery seed plant, 9 inches tall on its 30th day of veg. I topped it about 4 days ago... so its starting to grow again... I´m thinking abouit leaving it in veg a week longer so it will be 5 weeks at time it goes in 12%12.

Any comments or suggestions ?


mr west

Well-Known Member
Fourth pic is the mystery seed plant, 9 inches tall on its 30th day of veg. I topped it about 4 days ago... so its starting to grow again... I´m thinking abouit leaving it in veg a week longer so it will be 5 weeks at time it goes in 12%12.

Any comments or suggestions ?
grr jus pipped me lol, leavin it a week might be a waste of time or might give it time to recover full from the topping.


Well-Known Member
Plants looking good tatan, sept the 4th pic, its a bit hard to make out lol

You mean the 4th pic ? There is no sept 4th... But yeah thats what i meant, the pics look so small in the thumbnail.. you have to click on them to see the full pic. When you post the pics just appear in your thread... how do you do that ?

Anyway, I added added a closeup, maybe that way it will be easier to see in the thumbnail.

Btw, I´m taking your advice and putting her into flower now. I figure if I want bigger plants I can do that later. I´m just really hoping i get 2 females between the 2 white widows, the mazar cross and the mystery plant.

mr west

Well-Known Member
i tried to get in b4 u posted the 4th pic in thge seperate post lol. I was making a funny cus at the time i was writing the post the 4th pic wernt up. I should of wrote except instead of my slang sept.

Mr. Bitti

Well-Known Member
shit looks good tatan...gotta ask are you a girl??? nothing that turns me on more than a grower gal!!! haha jk anyway those plants look good. that smaller WW looks like its not as vigorous as the other, this happens all the time betweeen seeds from the same strain. i can almost guarantee you will get 2/4 females but that is because of my super female luck ratio. ive been lucky using regular seeds and getting females. remember that if you get the seed from a bag of some funky dank and its the only seed in there, then its highly likely that seed is feminized. this is the idea behind it, sometimes females go hermie or actually develop seeds without any male pollen around. and when this happens, the seeds are feminized. if theres no males in the breeding process then you get no male genes, so...female seeds!!! thats why i love getting seeds in quarters or ounces, im just always expecting it to be femd.


Well-Known Member
shit looks good tatan...gotta ask are you a girl??? nothing that turns me on more than a grower gal!!! haha jk anyway those plants look good. that smaller WW looks like its not as vigorous as the other, this happens all the time betweeen seeds from the same strain. i can almost guarantee you will get 2/4 females but that is because of my super female luck ratio. ive been lucky using regular seeds and getting females. remember that if you get the seed from a bag of some funky dank and its the only seed in there, then its highly likely that seed is feminized. this is the idea behind it, sometimes females go hermie or actually develop seeds without any male pollen around. and when this happens, the seeds are feminized. if theres no males in the breeding process then you get no male genes, so...female seeds!!! thats why i love getting seeds in quarters or ounces, im just always expecting it to be femd.

Sorry to dissapoint that was my girlfriend in the pic. I was deciding on an avatar and I wanted to use the one I attached in the thumbnail, the cool thing about it is that she is supposed to be winking her eye, but it didnt work. So since i gather most of you guys are from England I put that pic of my gf up there when we went to England last year lol... But you are right I guess a girl grower would be really cool ... hehehe.

Well, I did get 2/4 females from my bagseed and those are my 2 flowering plants. But the small plants are bought seeds, so yeah... I´m really hoping I get 2 females.

Anyway I´m semi ready for a worse case scenario cause im cloning...



Well-Known Member
yea your girls hot bro gotta say!!:clap:
Yeah, but she doesnt like weed :wall:

I think Ive decided to keep this pic as my avatar lol. nice little plant.

Small update :

Besides having bad lighting in their state, my bagseed plants were attacked by spider mites during their veg state, yesterday i notices that the smaller plant had a few mites again (i saw like 2 in the whole plant). So i decided to spray her again, cause I wasnt taking any chances of that wench contaminating my bigger plant, so I sprayed her. Bad idea, some of the pistils turned brown lol, otherwise she looks the same.
Anyway, Im only expecting the bigger plant to produce any real bud.

Also I followed Mr. West´s advice and put mistery plant into flower, and on that note I´ve kind of made up my mind to grow cheese or blue cheese for my second grow. Ive been looking at green house seeds, barneys and big budha. The thing is the threads say that cheese is different among seed banks. Guess I´m going to go with big budha.


Well-Known Member
Hey Tatan

Just chiming in mate.
Things are looking pretty good.
Keep on top of those damn mites, they're real difficult little fuckers to completely wipe out once you've got them.
They hate good ventilation so you may want to increase air circulation.
What are you spraying them with?
All the best for this grow.

Edit: If you want your pics to appear larger in the thread, you need to:
1. Create an album from your 'My Rollitup' page.
2. Upload the pics to your album.
3. Go to the pic in your album and copy the BB Code of that pic.
4. Paste that BB code into the text of your post.
It will then appear large in your post when you submit it.
It easily done if you have 2 windows open at the same time, one for the post your writing and one for the album pics.


Well-Known Member
Hey Tatan

Just chiming in mate.
Things are looking pretty good.
Keep on top of those damn mites, they're real difficult little fuckers to completely wipe out once you've got them.
They hate good ventilation so you may want to increase air circulation.
What are you spraying them with?
All the best for this grow.
Heyas :)

I used Schultz - houseplants and gardens insect spray. I guess I got lucky just a few pistil tips turned brown lol.

Yeah... this particular plant used to be covered with spider mite webs. I almost tossed it when I got real seeds for my grow, but thought i had nothing to lose by putting it on to flower.

Now, the big bagseed plant hasnt had mites and I just wanted to keep it that way.


Well-Known Member
You also don't want a continual infestation in your flower room so make sure you spray everything in there.
When they are done, if possible, before you put any more plants in there to flower, wash, clean and spray every damn thing in there.
Walls, floors, fucking everything. Flea bomb the place if you can.
A few tiny eggs hidden away somewhere is all it takes for them to start up again.


Well-Known Member
You also don't want a continual infestation in your flower room so make sure you spray everything in there.
When they are done, if possible, before you put any more plants in there to flower, wash, clean and spray every damn thing in there.
Walls, floors, fucking everything. Flea bomb the place if you can.
A few tiny eggs hidden away somewhere is all it takes for them to start up again.

Hehehe yeah.. I wont let them get to any other plants. Although I kind of wish I had gone with predator mites. I would have loved to have gotten a magnifying glass and watched my mites eat the bad mites. That way I would have had another excuse to go and check on the plants (I check on them about 5 times a day), lol.:lol:

On an unrelated note, the other day I was looking at seed banks so I could go and check out cheese and destroyer. Anyway, a lot of the seed banks that you guys use don´t ship to the US, like green house etc, but anyway I can get bug budha cheese shipped here so im ok. The funny thing though is that while looking for destroyer, all of a sudden i ran into a place that sold really expensive seeds. I mean the places Ive been looking at charge between 25-75 euros for seeds. This place had seeds for , 200... 500... 800.. and 1000 euros for 10 seeds ? LOL... They were also claiming that these strains were like 34% THC. I´m assuming its all bs...