Tatan´s First Grow, White Widow and Bagseed


Well-Known Member
Update :
Thanks To Mammath and Jerry, we have better pics now.

Veg Room Day 17 :
2 White Widow and 1 Mazar Cross. Mazar is the one in orange pot. Got tons of nodes aleady and tallest plant is only 4 inches tall.

Here is a closeup of the fatter and shorter WW. Its 3 and a half inches tall.
Put a deck of cards for scale.

Flower Room :
2 bagseed plants on day 31 of flower and now the mystery plant on its third day of flower

Here is a closeup of the bud formation on the big plant.

Over the last 2 days Ive kept on spraying the small plant for spider mites, most of its pistils are brown due to it, which is fine with me as long as the mites dont spread. This plant is looking pretty sad, lol.


Well-Known Member
Lookin great Tatan.
Those little ones look fantastic. Are you going to top them?

Yeah... my goal is to get 2-3 plants that look like mini versions of your plant. Thats what I tried to do with my mystery plant, that I just put in the flower room, its round and bushy. I topped that one when it was about 7 inches tall. I plan on doing the same with the 3 in the veg room. I read somewhere that plants should be topped after their 2nd or 3rd node, but my plants are too short for that. They already have 4-5 nodes but they are only 3-4 inches tall.


Well-Known Member
Yeah... my goal is to get 2-3 plants that look like mini versions of your plant. Thats what I tried to do with my mystery plant, that I just put in the flower room, its round and bushy. I topped that one when it was about 7 inches tall. I plan on doing the same with the 3 in the veg room. I read somewhere that plants should be topped after their 2nd or 3rd node, but my plants are too short for that. They already have 4-5 nodes but they are only 3-4 inches tall.
I top my plants when they are about 10cm tall, (3"). This makes the outer, lower branches, grow as tall as the two that will come out of the top.
That's the best way to create a round bush.
If you top too late at 7" tall this won't happen. The bottom branches will not catch up to the top of the plant.
You've set your little ones up perfectly to create the bush. To have so many nodes and quite short is perfect. Your plants look exactly like mine do just before I top them.
They're ready to top, trust me.


Well-Known Member
I top my plants when they are about 10cm tall, (3"). This makes the outer, lower branches, grow as tall as the two that will come out of the top.
That's the best way to create a round bush.
If you top too late at 7" tall this won't happen. The bottom branches will not catch up to the top of the plant.
You've set your little ones up perfectly to create the bush. To have so many nodes and quite short is perfect. Your plants look exactly like mine do just before I top them.
They're ready to top, trust me.
Thanks a lot for your help Mammath, I´m going to go top them tonight.... Just drooling thinking of mini versions of your plant... hehehe

Mr. Bitti

Well-Known Member
I top my plants when they are about 10cm tall, (3"). This makes the outer, lower branches, grow as tall as the two that will come out of the top.
That's the best way to create a round bush.
If you top too late at 7" tall this won't happen. The bottom branches will not catch up to the top of the plant.
You've set your little ones up perfectly to create the bush. To have so many nodes and quite short is perfect. Your plants look exactly like mine do just before I top them.
They're ready to top, trust me.

you can also, if you decide to top at more height, trim off the lower branches that wont catch up to top. and leave the 4-6 most top branches. Should come out the same as if you top a few nodes earlier but with a little more space between the medium and the first branch. Looks good bro keep it up!!


Well-Known Member
Well... I just topped the 2 white widows and the mazar. They all had at least 5 nodes and none were taller than 4 inches. Now... comes the wait to see if between these 3 and the mistery plant i get 2 females


Well-Known Member
Yes, what Mr Bitti said will work well also.
I have height restrictions so I need to keep my plants as short as possible which is another reason why I top so early.
Also the very bottom branches seem to always produce the fattest colas if you leave them to grow.

After you top them, and the branches get some length to them, you can start some LST to open the plant up by tieing the branches out horizontally, this will create the really round shape and allow the multiple colas to have some space to grow when you go into 12/12.
I do look forward to seeing more bush in your grow room.

Mr. Bitti

Well-Known Member
Yes, what Mr Bitti said will work well also.
I have height restrictions so I need to keep my plants as short as possible which is another reason why I top so early.
Also the very bottom branches seem to always produce the fattest colas if you leave them to grow.

After you top them, and the branches get some length to them, you can start some LST to open the plant up by tieing the branches out horizontally, this will create the really round shape and allow the multiple colas to have some space to grow when you go into 12/12.
I do look forward to seeing more bush in your grow room.

interesting. i dont do alot of toping because i love the big fat cola but i do agree it can be very helpfull as well as all typer of training. i never heard that the lower makes for fatter colas. and it makes perfect sense cus they are on the fatter part of the stem. the higher it goes the skinnier. good point bro


Well-Known Member
Well... I just topped the 2 white widows and the mazar. They all had at least 5 nodes and none were taller than 4 inches. Now... comes the wait to see if between these 3 and the mistery plant i get 2 females
By the look of them and their squat like stature, I think there's a good chance all three of those little ones will be female.
That'd be nice hey?

interesting. i dont do alot of toping because i love the big fat cola but i do agree it can be very helpfull as well as all typer of training. i never heard that the lower makes for fatter colas. and it makes perfect sense cus they are on the fatter part of the stem. the higher it goes the skinnier. good point bro
Yeah, when topped, and the bottom branches are encouraged to grow out, they will want to be the biggest if you give them the space and light.


Well-Known Member

Veg Room :
Day 20:

Well they got topped 3 days ago, and the plants have responded very differently.

Both the white widows are looking nice although very different from each other. The white widow on the left has gotten taller. The white widow in the middle has kept growing its side branches.
Sadly, the Mazar on the right started drooping after being topped and hasnt recovered or grown:wall:.

Hopefully it will get better.

Flower Room:
Day 34 :
Its day 34 for the bagseed plants, the big one is develping some nice buds, the small one is still recovering from being sprayed for mites, and is pretty much doomed.
But the big news is that the mystery plant, now on its 5th day of flower is a female !!! I saw the tiniest 2 little hairs coming out !!!!
So I just want 1 more female out of my veg room and im happy !


Well-Known Member

Veg Room :
Day 20:

Well they got topped 3 days ago, and the plants have responded very differently.

Both the white widows are looking nice although very different from each other. The white widow on the left has gotten taller. The white widow in the middle has kept growing its side branches.
Sadly, the Mazar on the right started drooping after being topped and hasnt recovered or grown:wall:.

Hopefully it will get better.

Flower Room:
Day 34 :
Its day 34 for the bagseed plants, the big one is develping some nice buds, the small one is still recovering from being sprayed for mites, and is pretty much doomed.
But the big news is that the mystery plant, now on its 5th day of flower is a female !!! I saw the tiniest 2 little hairs coming out !!!!
So I just want 1 more female out of my veg room and im happy !
The widow in the middle does look good.
I don't no what's up with the Mazar, topping shouldn't cause it to droop. Maybe it's an over or under watering issue?
Good to hear your bagseed is a girl.


Well-Known Member
The widow in the middle does look good.
I don't no what's up with the Mazar, topping shouldn't cause it to droop. Maybe it's an over or under watering issue?
Good to hear your bagseed is a girl.
Yeah... so overall I´m really happy. The mystery plant is a female, and she is really robust. I know I probably wont get a nice round plant since I topped it too late but, but hey she is really healthy and she is a female :weed:

And yeah that widow in the middle is looking really nice... if she was only a female...


Well-Known Member

Veg Room:

Day 24:
The 2 white widows are on the left, the farthest one on the left is doing great, its really bushy and nice. The widow in the middle is still getting taller and still recuperating from being topped. Mazar on the right also recuperating from being topped, at least its not drooping as much.

Flower Room:
Bagseed Day 38
Mystery Plant day 9... 15 inches tall now
I trashed the small bagseed plant.

The mystery plant has been growing a lot the last few days. When I put her in flower it was about 8-9 inches tall, now its at 15 inches.

Finally here is a closeup of the bagseed plant on its 38th day of flower.


Well-Known Member
Veg room is looking good mate. That Mazar has picked up nicely, I think it's gonna be good one.
Widows are looking mighty fine too.
Nice long, healthy stigma on that bagseed, should end up with some nice buds there.


Well-Known Member
Veg room is looking good mate. That Mazar has picked up nicely, I think it's gonna be good one.
Widows are looking mighty fine too.
Nice long, healthy stigma on that bagseed, should end up with some nice buds there.

Yeah I´m very happy. This is my first grow and I really didnt expect things to have gone so well since I got decent lighting:weed:

Mr. Bitti

Well-Known Member
Yeah I´m very happy. This is my first grow and I really didnt expect things to have gone so well since I got decent lighting:weed:
yea the bagseed looks pretty good and the mystery plant looks like its gonna be some good smoke too, its nice and perky with plenty of colas. looking good sir:weed:


Well-Known Member
Update :

Veg Room Day 26:
The Mazar and taller white widow still getting better after whatever happened to them. The white widow on the left keeps getting bushier.

Flower Room:
Bagseed Plant Day 40
Mystery plant Day 11
Mystery Plant has grown a ton. Took this pic with lights off so the light setup can be better seen.

And here is the Mystery plant by itself. It has grown so much in the past few days. It has a lot of stems, so I hope it looks a little like Mammath´s plant when it grows up:bigjoint:

mr west

Well-Known Member
looking sweet mate that mystery plants still got a week of growing tall befor she starts fattening the buds up, Have you got tiny buds on it yet?