Teen Attacks School Bus Driver (Graphic)

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Well-Known Member
wow....how big of a badass do you have to be to attack a person from their blind spot, while their driving a bus?


Well-Known Member
She should've fucking done that, especially if a car was coming.

God I fucking hate ghetto people.
Hey now...That's a bit of an over-generalization. This kid is some punk bitch who hasn't been raised right(period) Ghetto people don't go around hitting old ladies lol That's like me saying I hate Wal-greens employees cause a few follow/watch me whenever I go to get some tylenol(or cimetidine lol) :shock:



Well-Known Member
I don't care what a white haired old woman said to me. There's no way in hell I would hit her over it.

Zig Zag Zane

Well-Known Member
If i saw that happening, even if my own friend was the one doing it(would never happen), id have to step in and FUCK him up...those kids were trying to restrain him...but i woulda restrained him and beat the dogshit outta him too even after if he had stopped....fuck all that you dont hit old women that drive buses cuz they tell you to sit down.

Pot Is Yummy

Well-Known Member
What a dumb kid, i hope he feels tough hitting somebody that he knows cant hit him back without losing her job.


Well-Known Member
does wishing death to someone make me a bad person ? i dont know may be somethings wrong with me but i hope that kid dies a really painful death.
i wish i can watch him suffer
that could of been any of our mother or grandmother he hit, its like your fuckin 16 years old man ur not a hustla ur not a gangsta ur just a little fuckin bitch riding
on a yellow school bus.
i hope that lady has got an older son whos known to fuck people up
"he needs to be castrated so his genes dont passed along to the next generation" - Hunter S Thompson


Well-Known Member
I've yet to see anyone who I respect that's from the ghetto
Do you know anyone from the ghetto? Maybe you just live around a bunch of ignorant fools (no offense:-P). Seriously a lot of Mexicans are pretty legit around here. But it's not really that ghetto IMO.


Well-Known Member
ghettos are full of fuckin assholes like that
but i have to admit there are occasional few REAL hustlers who are intelligent and have manners that are just trying to get through the day
but its hard when your neighborHOOD is filled with ignorant retards such as the homo in the video


Well-Known Member
Do you know anyone from the ghetto? Maybe you just live around a bunch of ignorant fools (no offense:-P). Seriously a lot of Mexicans are pretty legit around here. But it's not really that ghetto IMO.
Yeah two of my friends (not really like good friends, more of acquaintances) are from the ghetto but I don't really respect them cuz they're still assholes to most people

Pot Is Yummy

Well-Known Member
ghettos are full of fuckin assholes like that
but i have to admit there are occasional few REAL hustlers who are intelligent and have manners that are just trying to get through the day
but its hard when your neighborHOOD is filled with ignorant retards such as the homo in the video
Good point.....I just dont see the point of trying to act like a "gangsta", especially on a schoolbus lol.
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