Teenagers are retarded.


Well-Known Member
Hmmm.... bull shit... yes I can small it wafting in my direction every time I read an excuse from you.

I never said you abuse animals, I said you lack the will to stop it when you see it. At least in this case. Please go take a reading comprehension class and maybe pick up a book on self motivation to get some courage to stand up for others who can't do it for themselves.


Well-Known Member
I've had one of those big white geese pinch the living shit out of me. I had a bruise on my thigh for weeks. I was helping the little bastard too. LOL
LOL! I've gotten bit by them too, ouch!
It's pretty cool when a Canadian goose gets mad and stands straight up with it's wings out while hissing at you. I don't care who you are, you don't want to go toe to toe with a honker. Their wings are strong enough to break bones and knock you out. LOL!


Well-Known Member
I didn't say that you said I abuse animals. I was referring to "bad things happen because of good people" statement of yours. That is the bullshit.
Might as well say that all the crimes in the world are because cops don't have enough will to stop them.


Well-Known Member
I didn't say that you said I abuse animals. I was referring to "bad things happen because of good people" statement of yours. That is the bullshit.
Might as well say that all the crimes in the world are because cops don't have enough will to stop them.

Please show me where you are taking this quote from.

If a cop witnesses a crime and does nothing to stop it, what else can I say of that cop other than they don't have the will power to intervene? Or are you trying to compare you standing up to one child to a cop standing up to a large group of people? In that case, please go freshen your mind on how analogies work.


Well-Known Member
It goes on everywhere, everyday, in many different forms. Thanks to people like you.
I just rephrased your sentence.

No, that was not what I was trying to compare, I meant that people who do bad things are the ones that are responsible for it, not all the others that "should've" stopped it.


Well-Known Member
I just rephrased your sentence.

No, that was not what I was trying to compare, I meant that people who do bad things are the ones that are responsible for it, not all the others that "should've" stopped it.

Interesting... you took my original quote of

"It goes on everywhere, everyday, in many different forms. Thanks to people like you. "

And turned it into

"bad things happen because of good people"

If you're going to rephrase something, please make sure that it holds true to the original intended message. Bad things don't happen because of good people, at least not in this sense. And in this sense, you are not a good person. You didn't help that dog.

Obviously people are responsible for their own behaviour. We're not talking about the kid throwing stones at a streetlight, or spray painting a wall. I don't care if you stop shit like that. But when abuse is being committed against an animal that can't protect itself and you do nothing to stop it, you're just as irresponsible as they are.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Thigh?? Methinks you got goosed. cn
I was trying to untangle the damn thing from some netting. I had its body clasped between my legs while I got the netting from around its neck. The next thing I know the evil fucker cranes it's neck around, clamps on to my thigh and then twists. I howled like a banshee.


Well-Known Member
In my opinion, that does not make me a bad person, but perhaps I should've did something. My whole house is full of smoke, I burned my
dinner. Maybe it was karma...

"It goes on everywhere, everyday, in many different forms. Thanks to people like you. "

let's get rid of unnecesary wording...

"It goes on thanks to people like you"

It=bad things, thanks to = because of

"Bad things go on because of people like you"

I consider myself a good person, I act friendly, I don't revenge anybody, I donate to those in need and follow simple ethical rules. I do not think that not helping a being just once, makes me a bad person. If you think that, so basically you think that 99% of the world is bad persons? A bit exaggerated, no?

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
Another possibility, maybe the dog deserved it? As an owner of a shit head asshole dog I can attest to the fact that i've had to call my dog far worse names, and also pull on the leash to get her to do what I want. She acts like a little retarded fucking cunt sometimes.

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
Fuck your dog training. My dog is an asshole and deserves to get yelled at occasionally. She deserves to be spanked frequently too.


Well-Known Member
It's amazing how you can storm in a thread talking about dog training while there's a different discussion goin on.