Teleportation DOES exist


Teleportation already did exist for all the non retards out there. It's just done with tiny atoms and isn't very useful
i know what your refering to, they aged a pencil and moved it across the room or sumthin, but i remember it was just a trick with thermodynamics, they used heat.
just like when when that guy put meat in a closed jar and flies was flying around a while later, there were eggs in it before he closed the lid, technically he proved that life
can spawn from nuffin, but he was disproved a day or two later after he finnaly let people have the jar, and they found evidence that eggs were in there, also piltdown man.


Well-Known Member
I'm mostly interested in how it will help with zoology and like you said the organisms found outside of earth. It eliminates the need to figure out how to transport these things to labs and whatnot.
I'm interested in any technology that could potentially transport Finfaggy off the Earth.


Well-Known Member
Actually Fin may be right. He's just using the wrong data to support his claim.

This may help shed light on teleportation.

I never made any "claims" or presented ANY "data".

I simply shared what I heard on BookTV. Why do you guys keep acting like I just pulled this out of my ass. The VERY FIRST post says I just heard it on C-SPAN

The only thing I did myself was compare it to a 3D printer. And that was just so people can imagine how it works.


Well-Known Member
let me know when this comes to fruition, I'm sending over a buddy to mutilate you for the nonsense you spew.


Well-Known Member
I dont mind the spammy TLDR threads, what really bugs me is that he's such a fucking douche to everyone who even slightly disagrees or contradicts him in any way.


bud bootlegger
I dont mind the spammy TLDR threads, what really bugs me is that he's such a fucking douche to everyone who even slightly disagrees or contradicts him in any way.
Or even asks him a simple question in an adult like manner as well..


Well-Known Member
Why can't they just teleport ink to my regular printer? Jk.

3d printers still need a cartridge of the material to be printed. Nothings getting teleported anywhere, they are reconstructing things synthetically, or by layering etc.

Who care fuck you.


Well-Known Member
thats not teleporting... thats just recreating something identically somewhere else..
LOL this is just like in the 1980s when secretaries and general office blondes wondered how A4 sized paper was fitting down telephone wires while it was being faxed


Well-Known Member
Can I use one of these 3d printers to print me out a japanese sex slave?
Probably, though it's likely it would be a robotic one.

Sounds like they're getting ahead of themselves with the name on this one.
I don't follow the research too closely but as far as I'm aware we've only managed to use entanglement to teleport subatomic particles. Maybe an atom over short distances.


Well-Known Member
Probably, though it's likely it would be a robotic one.

Sounds like they're getting ahead of themselves with the name on this one.
I don't follow the research too closely but as far as I'm aware we've only managed to use entanglement to teleport subatomic particles. Maybe an atom over short distances.
The robotic limitation is only such because of our current lack of technology
i'm sure the men of the future will be happy fellows with their robotic lady friends :)

walks like a duck sounds like a duck and all


Well-Known Member

I never made any "claims" or presented ANY "data".

I simply shared what I heard on BookTV. Why do you guys keep acting like I just pulled this out of my ass. The VERY FIRST post says I just heard it on C-SPAN

The only thing I did myself was compare it to a 3D printer. And that was just so people can imagine how it works.
Fin. Please read my comment carefully. Then I want you to respond again. I will consider this quoted comment here a misstep, and I grant you one more attempt at a rational answer. [Though I am not expecting one]

You titled your thread, "Teleportation does exist", that is your claim. The content of your original post is your data you used. See my comment for reference.

We may need to spend some time going over how discussions, arguments and debates work. I fear you may not know how it all transpires.

Anyway fin, you aren't so terrible man, you just need to lighten up on folks. Not all of us realize that milk helps make plants grow.


Well-Known Member
Why can't they just teleport ink to my regular printer? Jk.

3d printers still need a cartridge of the material to be printed. Nothings getting teleported anywhere, they are reconstructing things synthetically, or by layering etc.

Who care fuck you.
This isn't 3D printing. I know 3d printers need a cartridge, so would this. But it wouldn't need anything but basic elements. Then using just basic elements it could "spray layers" of DNA code into existence.

So it is FAR closer to what you are imagining when you say "teleportation" than a 3D printer is. But you can not say "nothing is being teleported anywhere". It's called "Biological Teleportation". It doesn't matter what YOU think the definition of teleportation is. This is the NEW definition.


Well-Known Member
This isn't 3D printing. I know 3d printers need a cartridge, so would this. But it wouldn't need anything but basic elements. Then using just basic elements it could "spray layers" of DNA code into existence.

So it is FAR closer to what you are imagining when you say "teleportation" than a 3D printer is. But you can not say "nothing is being teleported anywhere". It's called "Biological Teleportation". It doesn't matter what YOU think the definition of teleportation is. This is the NEW definition.
Man you're retarded


Well-Known Member
Man you're retarded
I love how months ago any of you would have just said something about me earning pennies, then say you wanted to fuck my family members.

Now you guys don't even have truly complete sentences of rebuttal. :lol:


Well-Known Member
so if they had my dna.. and teleported it lol to another country.. would i just appear in another country or would there be two of me.. think about this


Well-Known Member
This thread is reminding me of the movie The 6th Day

what if fin was to leave the house ...

what if fin left the house and upon returning he notices that another fin is in his house having it's balls caressed by fins pedo-mom

paradoxical thinking is taking over