Tell me about your Bicycle

First real bike. First day at trails with real jumpsView attachment 4657939

My new bike. Switched to a hardtail after I learned how to send hahaView attachment 4657942

Never would have thought there would be so many riders here

First time I've seen anyone go from full suspension to hardtail. Do you find that you have to be more careful choosing lines and hitting features? I used to have a cannondale fsi that was like riding a bucking bronco.
First time I've seen anyone go from full suspension to hardtail. Do you find that you have to be more careful choosing lines and hitting features? I used to have a cannondale fsi that was like riding a bucking bronco.

You ride it differently. Pick your lines and learn how to ride smoother. I've seen some people send it big on a ht. I raced XC on a ht.
Had to post here. Not avidly riding any longer. Health slows me down. But still get 10-20 miles a week. Vintage 1997 Giant ATX 750 custom. Since added Oasis gel seat, Psychotech TT kevlar tires, kevlar tubes, Primo platform pedals, precision bearings throughout, stiffer dampners, oil and springs in front shock, USA aluminum light weight rims, under seat bag and extra bottle holder. It's old. But lighter than average and rides like a dream. Changed a couple hub sprockets too for super low range. Forget the brand or teeth count. Picture is bad. Just a quick pic. Busy ATM. I'll post better if asked.

But biking is GREAT. I have access to a county paved trail system and hundreds of dirt branches. Still some good nature riding in the ever expanding suburbs. So get out001.jpg and get some exercise and fresh air. And please wear a helmet. It only takes one fall the wrong way to permanently mess things up.

Peace, health and best wishes to all.
You ride it differently. Pick your lines and learn how to ride smoother. I've seen some people send it big on a ht. I raced XC on a ht.

For sure, I avoided log rolls and roots on a hard tail. I follow Emily Batty and Kate Courtney, they're both pretty badass on a hard tail 29er, but the terrain they ride in xc has a lot less features and obstacles than trail or enduro. Both of them ride short travel full suspension now, I think the hardtail is dead at the professional level, it makes mistakes have less severe consequences.



Hardtails have a lot of advantages. Generally lighter since they are missing the rear shock and linkage for the swing arm, and easier to throw around with that little added rigidity.

Usually cheaper too, and less parts to break and maintain

And climbing... I don't have lockouts so out of the saddle climbing is almost impossible.
Had to post here. Not avidly riding any longer. Health slows me down. But still get 10-20 miles a week. Vintage 1997 Giant ATX 750 custom. Since added Oasis gel seat, Psychotech TT kevlar tires, kevlar tubes, Primo platform pedals, precision bearings throughout, stiffer dampners, oil and springs in front shock, USA aluminum light weight rims, under seat bag and extra bottle holder. It's old. But lighter than average and rides like a dream. Changed a couple hub sprockets too for super low range. Forget the brand or teeth count. Picture is bad. Just a quick pic. Busy ATM. I'll post better if asked.

But biking is GREAT. I have access to a county paved trail system and hundreds of dirt branches. Still some good nature riding in the ever expanding suburbs. So get outView attachment 4658557 and get some exercise and fresh air. And please wear a helmet. It only takes one fall the wrong way to permanently mess things up.

Peace, health and best wishes to all.

need a better pic
Here's my banger, I'll be honest I didn't ride her for 6 months lol. I just got back on the old girl about 3 weeks ago, I'll get a new rig once I start pushing out the mile's. I'll be swapping the pedals before the next ride, I'll go back to the ones in my hands in the second pic. Found a bike light looking for the pedals to bonus
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Am I seeing things or does your right lever operate your front brake and the left is for the rear?
That's not the case anymore. The trance is a perfect example....a pleasure to power through a rock garden.
Not up on modern bikes. Friend with a carbon fiber downhill Cannondale. $5000 death trap for my style. I used to be a bmx wannabe trick rider. More trials and skill based now. Any flex and you have problems. But thanks for the info. I like riding where others can't. Personal challenge.
The fat tire bike arrived with a bent derailleur hanger and possibly a slight bend in the steel frame where it is attached.

I called and made a hissy fit. They said they could give me a 25% refund, or I could return it to a store or with a free shipping label for a 100% refund. I asked if those were my only options, and the totally awesome customer service dude comes back a minute later with...

"Well, i'm not supposed to do it, but in your case, and since bikes are so hard to find right now, I'll give you a 100% refund and you can keep the bike"

Soooo....I got a free, if slightly broken, bike today. I asked the guy if he was gonna get into trouble, and he said he wont. So as soon as my daughter leaves, I get to start wrenching on some steel to see if I can bend it back into place.

Luckily it's steel, and not aluminum or something I think it's mostly the hanger that is bent too, but only further investigation will reveal the true extent of the damage

@Laughing Grass

Don't be too disappointed for me, this bike may have cost less than the wheelset on the mountain As disappointed as I am, I think it was downright awesome of them to give me a full refund and let me keep the bike. I'm just hoping it's something I can repair...Since it's an integrated derailleur hanger, if I can't fix it and I have to replace it, it shouldn't be too expensive for the BOTTOM of shimanos range of components.

That sucks, it doesn't look like it's a replaceable hanger either... explains why that model doesn't show up on I'm sure you can get it close to straight by eyeballing.
Yeah, definitely not a replaceable hanger, it will cost $15-20 to replace that derailleur all together, so IF i can get the frame where it attaches straight, should be all good. I'm just hoping since it's all steel, i can monkey it back into place.

After all, it was a bullshit bike I bought as cheap donor bike for a It's main selling point was that it has a heavy steel frame.
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