tempatures, 88lights on 78 lights off, need help!! asap


Well-Known Member
Thats pretty fucking innovative man i like the way you've got it set up with the power strip so you can raise your light lol, temps will be fine for now man, my grow room regularly gets to 86 and fluctuates up and down a bit its been getting into the 90s even and they are doing fine its not optimum but they aren't gonna fall over and die from it, as far as your exhaust goes man exhaust ports need to be at the top of the cab and you don't really need intake fans if you have an air intake negative air pressure will cool more effectively, keep in mind man i said your plants will be fine for now, when it starts heating up you will probably need to figure something out.


Well-Known Member
I posted that before i saw that there was a second page lol, so glad to see you got your issue worked out, good luck with the grow man.


Well-Known Member
Nothing to flip out about 88 ain't that bad, think about where weed is grown.....Afghanistan, Thailand.... These places get hotttt. I ran for almost two and a half months at those temps.
Depends what his bagseed is.
My Sativas will tolerate higher temps than my Indicas, but neither really like anything over 83-84.

kush plant

Active Member
i beleave my seeds are blueberry/durban poisen. my buddys plant seeded one of his two plants were male. but he had a bb and a dp. well see tho. i have a exaust at top and intake at bottom. i have a afgan lowryder auto and 4 fem bubblegummer seeds coming from attitude. ill post pics in the morning. hope this works out to show everyone i can accomidate stealth. well goodnight everyone


Active Member
NIce micro start. That will make for a fun start. You carbon filter might be causing too much pressure drop that those fans cannot overcome. They just dont have the torque to operate at max potential. Have you run it with no restriction to the air flow? All those holes in the back that look like a grill could be opened if the fan is located there. Plug up the gaps around your bottom fan also. Try to "pressurize" the box. You bottom intake fan/s are loosing effectiveness around the gappage. The only way in and out of your box needs to be thru the fans with no gaps. The smaller you make the space, the smaller your margin of error. Tighten up the gaps and see if that helps, If that misses, try a larger surface area carbon filter that will free up some cfm due to the restriction across the filter. (filter on the pull side of course). Try tightening it up a bit, make sure you pay attention, one fan failure and you will bleach and toast your ladies.

CFL's produce a silly amount of heat, and in a tiny enclosed space it can be a challenge.

Here is a look, if you have an exhaust comming out the top hole ( by the light) those small drill holes, add filter, add gaps on your intake, you are killing your fans efficiency. Those fans aren't over designed by any means for torque, Most of those fans are not even designed with a filter in the loop. If you have any ? dont be Scared, Micro's are fun. Yours just needs to tighten up a bit. If you do it right you will be happy, crop em top em, keep them small. I just pulled a half Oz off of a plant I grew on my bench in a 12 oz cup that was about 13 inches tall.. The temps you have are not all that bad. My only concern would be the thing getting out of control if you have fan failure.

Oh yeah, I couldn't tell where the top fan is located exactly relative to the light, put them all the way above the light. If tightening it up does not work, open your ports on the bottom, move all your fans to exaust. You could be trying to pull air thru the moving fan on the bottom, this can hurt you sometimes also.

AS it has been said tho your temps are not all that bad. You will want to keep an eye on your humidity later in bloom though. With temp swings like that your RH will shoot up at night. Your fans should run most of the time, even during lights out..IMO otherwise down the road you might be opening the door up for mold.

Good Luck!

kush plant

Active Member
NIce micro start. That will make for a fun start. You carbon filter might be causing too much pressure drop that those fans cannot overcome. They just dont have the torque to operate at max potential. Have you run it with no restriction to the air flow? All those holes in the back that look like a grill could be opened if the fan is located there. Plug up the gaps around your bottom fan also. Try to "pressurize" the box. You bottom intake fan/s are loosing effectiveness around the gappage. The only way in and out of your box needs to be thru the fans with no gaps. The smaller you make the space, the smaller your margin of error. Tighten up the gaps and see if that helps, If that misses, try a larger surface area carbon filter that will free up some cfm due to the restriction across the filter. (filter on the pull side of course). Try tightening it up a bit, make sure you pay attention, one fan failure and you will bleach and toast your ladies.

CFL's produce a silly amount of heat, and in a tiny enclosed space it can be a challenge.

Here is a look, if you have an exhaust comming out the top hole ( by the light) those small drill holes, add filter, add gaps on your intake, you are killing your fans efficiency. Those fans aren't over designed by any means for torque, Most of those fans are not even designed with a filter in the loop. If you have any ? dont be Scared, Micro's are fun. Yours just needs to tighten up a bit. If you do it right you will be happy, crop em top em, keep them small. I just pulled a half Oz off of a plant I grew on my bench in a 12 oz cup that was about 13 inches tall.. The temps you have are not all that bad. My only concern would be the thing getting out of control if you have fan failure.

Oh yeah, I couldn't tell where the top fan is located exactly relative to the light, put them all the way above the light. If tightening it up does not work, open your ports on the bottom, move all your fans to exaust. You could be trying to pull air thru the moving fan on the bottom, this can hurt you sometimes also.

AS it has been said tho your temps are not all that bad. You will want to keep an eye on your humidity later in bloom though. With temp swings like that your RH will shoot up at night. Your fans should run most of the time, even during lights out..IMO otherwise down the road you might be opening the door up for mold.

Good Luck!
like i sed lol. i installed an a/c in my bedroom and managed to get temps at 75-78 degrees lights on with 44% humidity.lights out is 65-67 degress and 40% humidity. im thinking about sealing up the bottom intake it dosent do much but then again i might not. my plants are happy now n i dont wanna change tht.

Oo S0uP oO

Active Member
Your saying you bought over 140$ of supplies for that box. Bought Seeds. Bought an AC unit. Will be paying to run that Ac unit 24/7 And Expect to grow just over 14g dried....Guess erb prices just went UP! -S0uP

kush plant

Active Member
naw i did not? i spent 50$ seeds. bout 5$ mylar. 10$ fans. a/c free. i dont pay utilities. box found myself. and its got another the exact same size... other side. on vegg for clones other flower. if i get half on each harvest. tht be 200$ month month n half. plus i have a job. so ill be maken out. medicine gets 20$ a gram in indiana

kush plant

Active Member
and baught nutes n soil. superbloom for flowering fox farm soil and some rooting hormone. veg nutes is just one high in n and p..

Oo S0uP oO

Active Member
yup when i had two outtake it stayed at 91, and the box is only 22.5inchs high 7.5 width and like 14.5 deep.im already bout 140$ into it ontop of seed cost, running low on money now. any thought? how bad will the plants do at 88 with plenty air flow?

kush plant

Active Member
whatever dude. i built anotherbox andit was to big. in my nieghborhood i ratherbe stealthy then stupid. so i tore it down n built this one. but either help or go talk shit sumewere else.

Oo S0uP oO

Active Member
You are obviously very young. I am not talking shit, I have no motivation to belittle you.I am helping. I am pointing out that devoting money and time to something that isnt worth it in the end is a wasted venture. Think of it as someone telling you not to spend 40,000$ on a civic. There are better options than the one you are exploring all of which I AM willing to help with. Spend more time doing research and you will avoid these issues in the future. Best of luck in all your endeavors. -S0uP


Well-Known Member
I never grow in the summer for just that reason. Too much ambient heat in the air to run lights without an AC, unless you can grow in a basement. You are going to have to use smaller bulbs in my opinion, and leave the flap open until you go to 12/12 and then run the lights only at night, when hopefully it will be cooler. Good luck


Active Member
I did not see that post.. BUt if it works it works! Room Ambient temp will most certainly affect the box climate.

kush plant

Active Member
okay ill put u in my shoes. probation.... i dont even smoke, but my grandma has throat cancer. i promised id make her medicine to help through kemo. i orderd seeds. i would grow in my spare room but the thought of a raid scares me, or if po stop to check me. id be hit. i have a daughter. buttttt.. i love to grow. what would be a good way to yeild n make money but still be stealth? if u can think of a better way i wouldnt hesitate. and im only 20.