Temps With 1500ppm Co2??


Well-Known Member
born2kill im not sure im following you.. i have 2400w in a small area i dont think i need more light lol..

LoudBlunts, i have been reading and i just dont see how it will make that big of a diff because since i am doing ebb and flow with rockwool my plants are going to get fed 4x a day max for 15 mins which means they will mostly be exposed to ambient air anyways?? i can see how in dwc, aero or something where they are constantly exposed to the nute solution that it would make a big diff but i donno bout ebb n flo


Well-Known Member
Well thats enough.. Possibly too much.. I have a nice detailed pdf on photosynthesis that actually covers problems caused by too much light.. Simply put, photosynthesis doesn't flip on like a light, but rather builds up like a fire through the early day.. If intensity is too high, it can hit redline levels.. High CO2, and low O2 combat this.. PM me with an email address if you want the pdf.. Its roughly 2MB (~30pgs), and very technical chemistry wise..
How many square feet??
Oh, and forget the 2L ice bottles.. Yes you do need to cool your res, but those just won't cut it unless you're always on the job.. A MacGyvered system to cycle the res water through a whack of tubing in a beer fridge could work.. Don't use copper though.. Sure its king when it comes to heat transfer, but it will poison your res since you're working with acidic water..

boston george 54

Well-Known Member
flow to answer ? and back on topic

i got the chhc-1 and love it i have my high temp set at 93 when it hits 93 it turns my exhaust untill temps drop 4-6 degrees (still playing whith dead band)
plants are just loving the temps the best looking plants i have ever had by far.

this is my first run whith co2 and can not commet on temp but so far i have took the advice i was giving and seams to be going great

as far as ppm settings this is what the best in fo i found own it

When using elevated levels of CO2 the growth rate can be increased by as much as 100% to 200%. Most studies report increases in the 40% to 50% range. The ideal situation would be to keep the CO2 levels at optimum at all times. This would require constant
injection of low levels of gas (constantly replacing what the plants are using). This is not practical in most situations as venting of the growing environment is often needed to control heat build up. In these cases CO2 injection should be done immediately following venting. The biggest problem that people encounter when using CO2 is that they get carried away, they think that a little is good so a lot is better....NOT! When CO2 levels approach 2000 p.p.m. most plants will die. High levels of CO2 are also toxic to humans, primarily due to oxygen deficiency. Before injecting CO2

now where is the new grow log ????????/


Well-Known Member
I run co2 at 1500 ppm and never let it get above 76. I'm also using a ac for temps. too high of temp and humidity can stunt growth.


Well-Known Member
yes, thas why i said res temps are more picky in aero and ddwc and such...

However, im not specifically worried about your medium...im worried about the shit that may start growing in the res itself...doesnt matter what setup you have or what method you use.....if you use anytypehydroponics and have water in a reservior you can bet your ass it can fall victim to anything. especially if its exposed to air....

and yea i bet you are about to say 'well its covered and light tight..... doesnt matter if you are injecting air into the reservior via air pumps.

as i stated before ebb and flow isnt that picky, but it still falls under the rules of water...any water can be contaminated. especially warm water, yes even lukewarm water

thas my 2cents

good luck


Well-Known Member
Another thing that can help combat certain growth (algae for instance) is to keep the res water dark.. You don't want your precious light feeding undesirables..


Well-Known Member
ya and my res is not light tight because of how i have to drain it.. i guess ill make a DIY water chiller for the res and keep it stocked up with h202

and i think my system will work perfect cuz with my lights on for 2 hours closed system it only gets to about 93 degrees so i figure if i pump some cold air in there for 15 minutes every hour it will keep it in the low 90s fairly easily..

plus the regulator i have is a dual tank reg, and i ordered 2 new co2 tanks so it will always be at 1500ppms and ill be able to change out the tanks whenever needed without having to worry about diminishing levels of co2..

so now i just gotta make my DIY water chiller to at least keep it in the low 70s, and get this bitches pumping.. im fucking stoked haha

and boston, dont worry i dont wanna keep everyone in suspense so im gonna wait till its all setup and kicking, but if you look at my last journal it will be the same but now i have added the co2, more fans, and instead of soil ill be doing a 3x3 ebb and flo scrog on the bottom level... should be interesting

ill keep you guys posted, thanks for the help


Well-Known Member
I have read that research suggests that the most gains are seen with temps of 90-95 degrees and 1500ppms... some others say 85 degrees is optimal temps, while others still say that 75-78 is ideal...

who grows with co2 sealed rooms and what are your experiences with temperature?

I would not go above 90. Make sure you only run 1200 ppm of c02, remember the air has about 300 ppm already. . . . .


Well-Known Member
I would not go above 90. Make sure you only run 1200 ppm of c02, remember the air has about 300 ppm already. . . . .
yes but a co2 sensor sniffs the air around it to give you a total reading, ambient air plus co2

Loud why careful with h202... im on an all chem regiment ive always used it, and it does nothing but good


Well-Known Member
You do gotta be careful with organisms beneficial or not and hydro.. Stuff can get plugged, or messed up in other ways like pH wise pretty quickly.. Hydro specific nutes are designed to be bioavailable without them.. Also, the enzyme mixes they sell attempt to mimick the beneficial byproducts of those beasties..
Soil buffers ALOT of things, and the nature of it keeps them where they should be with access to oxygen.. Alot of benefical organisms are aerobic ones, and water at these temps saturates with O2 at like 10ppm.. Don't get me wrong though.. Do be careful with the H2O2..


Well-Known Member
Have you considered a UVC sterilization light for the res.. That would be an exception to the keep it dark rule.. (But other light should still be kept out..

boston george 54

Well-Known Member
I run co2 at 1500 ppm and never let it get above 76. I'm also using a ac for temps. too high of temp and humidity can stunt growth.
if you dont let your temps get above 76 your plants are not useing the co2 and you are wasteing your money

flo sound like good log coming soon can not wait
lets see 6pound pull this round :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
never had a problem with that. set my controller on 1500 and temps at 76 they love it. so it would be benefical to bump the temp up a bit? how about around 80?


Well-Known Member
never had a problem with that. set my controller on 1500 and temps at 76 they love it. so it would be benefical to bump the temp up a bit? how about around 80?
bro this whole thread started about temps and co2... read it

ya i understand about h202 killing beneficials in hydro, but i have always believed that microorganisms in hydroponics are over rated..

they break down nutes into available forms in soil and help digest dead organic matter at the root zone.. both of these things are immensly important in a soil based system

a good chemical fert is chelated to the point where no further breakdown is needed, and the nutes have complete acess to the nutes they need at alll times and h202 dissolves and removes any dying organic matter..

the only time i think that beneficial bacterias are important in a hydro system is in initial rooting, and root forming stages, but not so much in later stages.. i donno what do you guys think?

im using house and garden for this run and there is no organic materials in any of it except for the roots excelerator which is not used past the first couple of weeks in flowering.