Temps With 1500ppm Co2??


Well-Known Member
well my temps this grow are going to be in the high 80s to low 90s.. i have seen non co2 grows do fairly well in those conditions so i dont think it would be an issue with proper co2 maintenance.. i think a lot of it may be strain related and how well they handle the temps but who really knows lol

and man the internet really is a beautiful thing.. ive learned a lot of stuff from growers i know but i have learned a lot more comparing and contrasting other peoples grows on the net.. i even get to teach some of the old skoolers a thing or two hehe feels nice..

and the technology that has come with new age growing truly is remarkable


Well-Known Member
i think he meant to use it from beginning to end of flowering or just use it the first six weeks of flowering..

and why do you think its a waste? i have seen side by side grows of people using co2 in veg and there is a noticeable difference


Well-Known Member
i think he meant to use it from beginning to end of flowering or just use it the first six weeks of flowering..

and why do you think its a waste? i have seen side by side grows of people using co2 in veg and there is a noticeable difference
i dont know about you, but i use my co2 for bigger fat ass buds, reduced finishing time and also a bigger window when it comes to enviro temps.

you seeing side by side grows using co2 noticing difference is very relative.

very wasteful way to use up that co2...already have to refill enough times.... that would be a bottle a week.

not to mention why would i use co2 in veg when i can just hydro/aero and veg them under 1k watter?

fast growth is relative. many a ways to get them growing fast :p


Well-Known Member
i dont know about you, but i use my co2 for bigger fat ass buds, reduced finishing time and also a bigger window when it comes to enviro temps.

you seeing side by side grows using co2 noticing difference is very relative.

very wasteful way to use up that co2...already have to refill enough times.... that would be a bottle a week.

not to mention why would i use co2 in veg when i can just hydro/aero and veg them under 1k watter?

fast growth is relative. many a ways to get them growing fast :p
true, but all things being equal, i think using it in veg would be a good idea...

again, all things being equal lets say by using co2, you can cut a week off of your veg time, over the course of 6 grows, you can almost squeeze in an extra grow a year in a perpetual cycle.

so those extra 6 bottles of co2 (one tank per week) which cost you roughly 150 bucks, would allow you to have almost a complete extra grow per year.. seems like a good cost trade off to me


Well-Known Member
I was never waiting for vegging to finish so I could flip to flowering, I was always waiting for flowering to finish so I could get new eager plants in there..
Plus, at this point in time the claim of a week saved is assumption only..


Well-Known Member
I was never waiting for vegging to finish so I could flip to flowering, I was always waiting for flowering to finish so I could get new eager plants in there..
Plus, at this point in time the claim of a week saved is assumption only..
good point i guess it just depends on your application


Well-Known Member

so i got my tanks filled, hooked up my cppm-1, set the ppms to 1550, and sealed up my room.

today was the first day of my little expirament

right now i am in veg, and my temps are between 90 and 96 degrees :fire:
the humidity is about 55 percent

res temp stays about 79

what i am doing is flipping on an intake vent for 15 mins every hour which brings the temps down from 96 to 91,and the ppms of the co2 to 1100 and then over the next 45 minutes it hovers back up. takes about 5 minutes to go back up to 1550 ppm

it just seems like it is fucking hot in there! holy shit LOL.. and i know i will have to throw in a dehumidifier once i start flowering, so that will add more heat.. i also know i will have to cool off my res.. i think i am going to do ice bottles cuz i wont be able to handle the extra heat from a chiller..

i know some of you have said that you grew up to 95 degrees but fuck it feels hot LOL anyone got any ideas?


Well-Known Member
i cant up the humidity too much unless i got a humidifier, it just doesnt seem to climb any higher..

dont those temps seem a little too high? im wondering if i should retrofit a small window ac unit at the entrance to my room and try to bring it down to 85-90

this would bring the water temps down to 75, and bring the ambient temps down.. i know i would lose some co2 through the ac, but i figure it would be better than the venting method i have now


Well-Known Member
Yea, thats why I suggested the RH.. Helps combat temps, and if they're taking in more CO2, they're going to want more water via chloroplasts.. A water bucket with a towel hanging in it getting blasted by a fan should help..


Well-Known Member
yes a/c is very good. depending on controller you can run it via controller

in ideal situations...you would always mount/install the chiller outside of the grow or at least if you have a fan blowing on it...it should be straight. placing it near an exhaust fan with a oscillating fan would do the trick in my book.

oh yea btw flojo...i didnt tell you. i think imma get it. i bit the bait!!! the hydro-innovations' icebox is looking mighty promising/cool gadget. you know i love those cool gadgets.

the icebox not only supposedly removes all the heat from the light (1000watter per) but it acts as an a/c to cool the grow area too!!!! only drawback is you need a semi big chiller


Well-Known Member
yes a/c is very good. depending on controller you can run it via controller

in ideal situations...you would always mount/install the chiller outside of the grow or at least if you have a fan blowing on it...it should be straight. placing it near an exhaust fan with a oscillating fan would do the trick in my book.

oh yea btw flojo...i didnt tell you. i think imma get it. i bit the bait!!! the hydro-innovations' icebox is looking mighty promising/cool gadget. you know i love those cool gadgets.

the icebox not only supposedly removes all the heat from the light (1000watter per) but it acts as an a/c to cool the grow area too!!!! only drawback is you need a semi big chiller

so you agree those temps will be too high??

man i actually was looking at one of those the other day, looks real nifty if it works out.. when are you gonna have it set up? i want a review!! :cuss: LOL


Well-Known Member
i blv you can get away with those temps...

i told you the real answer will be you playing with it/experimenting

and im getting it for my sog cab stuffing a 1k in a 2x4 space : - x

ill get you a review asap...it will probably be a few months. i want to wait and find a good deal on a 1/2 hp chiller


Well-Known Member
man i almost bought a 1/2 hp drop in chiller for 300 bux woulda been perfect for ya haha

i think im gonna get a portable ac and retrofit it at the doorway.. keep the temps around 88-90


Well-Known Member
wow 1/2hp? thas fucking cheap

all the ones i seen where like 600-1,200 bucks!!

oh yea, about portable a/c i think you should shop around for real and look at opinions and reviews....last time i check portable a/c sucked

either way, good luck, and keep me updated and ill keep you updated


Well-Known Member
ya it was real cheap but i woulda had to drive about 5 hours to get it, and he had no pics so i said fuck it LOL but it was cheap.

but i have a portable at a friends house which is why i was planning on using it.. i know they suck but ehh whatever its just a temporary fix till i can move to a house with some ac lol


Active Member
I just got my whole setup. I got the CHHC-1 and the water-cooled C02 generator by Hydroinnovations. I'm going to set it up today...