Ten Tents....


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Hello. You all good?
This fella I know had a bit of a fetish for collecting tents over the years. Long story short he isn’t the most organised & now theres 14 tents worth of poles, in no particular order. Some are obvious/taped/bunched together. My question is for the rest, is there any clever way to know what goes with what?
Hello. You all good?
This fella I know had a bit of a fetish for collecting tents over the years. Long story short he isn’t the most organised & now theres 14 tents worth of poles, in no particular order. Some are obvious/taped/bunched together. My question is for the rest, is there any clever way to know what goes with what?
Haha, ha! Lol! You could try. But I don't know about that
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Lol. This is funny. Good luck. Your gunna need it. I think a time lapse video of the whole thing would be humorous to watch as your frustration grows and patience is tested.:wall:

played back at 2x speed with the Benny Hill theme song playing over top.

kidding. I had to try to sort out tent poles once for a couple of camping tents and that was a struggle.

hopefully either the poles are from same manufacturer and interchangeable, or if they are all different then it should be easy. just make piles of matching poles and set the frames up at the end to see what you are missing.
Hello. You all good?
This fella I know had a bit of a fetish for collecting tents over the years. Long story short he isn’t the most organised & now theres 14 tents worth of poles, in no particular order. Some are obvious/taped/bunched together. My question is for the rest, is there any clever way to know what goes with what?

Start with the already bundled stuff and see what is missing from them, then start digging by color and size for what is missing. Could also find assembly instructions online to compare with what is bundled as a beginning approximation.
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Just take the time to match everything up. Shouldn't take more than an hour at most.
I’m gonna use this as the target time. Let’s see how bad we fail. The matching up was my first idea but not as easy as most of them look the same. Some of will be no bother once I get on it like you said.
Lol. This is funny. Good luck. Your gunna need it. I think a time lapse video of the whole thing would be humorous to watch as your frustration grows and patience is tested.:wall:
Mmmmm. Not a bad idea to be fair. Contents content at the minute. There’s a game in here somewhere ent there...
I would first sort by colour then sort those piles by diameter. Should make it easier.
Most of them just white & got same clips, i was able to separate the obvious ones & some of the tubing was bigger to go with the bigger ones. Sorted 5/6 of them already just these lot. We’ll see.
Start with the already bundled stuff and see what is missing from them, then start digging by color and size for what is missing. Could also find assembly instructions online to compare with what is bundled as a beginning approximation.
Yeah well i’ve managed to sort a few of them already like that these ones just a little more taxing. From what I can see seems like 3 manufacturers so gonna match one complete to one shell & hopefully replicate those ones & by default it should get easier.
Pay close to attention to how the poles are manufactured. There will be small differences in finishes on all the parts. Get a tape and start measuring distances between holes, and distance between the holes and the ends. Might be able to distinguish different manufacturers that way. If you have a bunch of plastic connectors, look for differences in finish quality. certain manufacturers might not spend as much time cleaning up the edges.