Tent Vent = Help Needed


Well-Known Member
600w is gonna be a bit hot in a small tent. Gonna need some type of cooling in addition to venting well if you're anwhere but in a cold climate. I use 4" intake & exhaust fans on a 400w ...in summer, fans have to run wide open to control heat, even with a cool tube....
We're in England so the climate isn't too bad. I do agree though a 600 watter is pretty intense in such a small area. Do you know of any cheap methods of bringing temps down?


Ive had exactly the same problem mate we've had a few hot days in the last month, Inside the tent was hitting 95F ive ended up buying an aircon it does the trick a treat but isnt cheap on the old electric


Well-Known Member
My tent is 80cm x 80cm x 160cm and I use a 400w HPS in it no problem without a cooltube...I assume they produce a relative amount of heat in the different sized tents?

EDIT: Go for the largest diameter your tents vent holes allow. I use a 5 inch 220cfm inline fan for the tent above, probably dont even need to run it on max, Ill be getting a controller for it soon.


Well-Known Member
I run 1kW and 600s in 4x4x6.5' tents and only need a 200cfm fan per tent. That top link should work for you.


Well-Known Member
Eh,this is from your thread
On a dimmer running at the lowest setting... Might be less than 220 cfm and I run 200w of side lighting on top of my HID

4x4x6.5 which is near the size of his tent is only 104 cubic feet. Filtering your tent twice a minute with an air cooled hood should be plenty.

I ran a 4x8 with 2 x 1kW lights in it with just duct booster fans... If the climate doesn't get that hot he should really be fine with one of those smaller fans and a good hood.