Tesla New Model Unveil...

SEC Has Limited Options to Regulate Elon Musk
Tesla CEO has resisted demand for restraint in his public comments

"The SEC has to be careful to not go too far and stifle an executive from sharing useful information with markets, said Donald Langevoort, who also teaches securities law at Georgetown. “I don’t think anyone—the judge, the SEC, or Tesla’s board—relishes the task of muzzling Elon Musk, and it seems that each of these wants someone else to deal with it,” he said.
Given their hesitancy to litigate, regulators have few options left. Senior SEC officials decided last year to stop writing to the company, convinced it wasn’t working and made the agency look powerless, according to a person familiar with the matter."
SEC Has Limited Options to Regulate Elon Musk
Tesla CEO has resisted demand for restraint in his public comments

"The SEC has to be careful to not go too far and stifle an executive from sharing useful information with markets, said Donald Langevoort, who also teaches securities law at Georgetown. “I don’t think anyone—the judge, the SEC, or Tesla’s board—relishes the task of muzzling Elon Musk, and it seems that each of these wants someone else to deal with it,” he said.
Given their hesitancy to litigate, regulators have few options left. Senior SEC officials decided last year to stop writing to the company, convinced it wasn’t working and made the agency look powerless, according to a person familiar with the matter."
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Is this a good thing?

I mean, he's pretty whacky about a lot of things. The crap he pulled in Thailand a couple of years back and his stances regarding worker safety during the epidemic make me think there is something wrong with the guy. Also, he's pretty comfortable with the Chinese government.
Is this a good thing?

I mean, he's pretty whacky about a lot of things. The crap he pulled in Thailand a couple of years back and his stances regarding worker safety during the epidemic make me think there is something wrong with the guy. Also, he's pretty comfortable with the Texas government.
The fact that he is setting up a factory in Texas was when i realized Elons true genius. Build electric cars in the middle of the biggest oil state....that's a total in your face f*ck you to the petroleum industry ....hahaha you gotta love Elon.
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SEC Has Limited Options to Regulate Elon Musk
Tesla CEO has resisted demand for restraint in his public comments

"The SEC has to be careful to not go too far and stifle an executive from sharing useful information with markets, said Donald Langevoort, who also teaches securities law at Georgetown. “I don’t think anyone—the judge, the SEC, or Tesla’s board—relishes the task of muzzling Elon Musk, and it seems that each of these wants someone else to deal with it,” he said.
Given their hesitancy to litigate, regulators have few options left. Senior SEC officials decided last year to stop writing to the company, convinced it wasn’t working and made the agency look powerless, according to a person familiar with the matter."
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What a bullshit article.

Elon Musk was already removed from the board of directors of Tesla because of the tweeting crap he was doing before. He was almost removed from being the CEO as well.

The only reason he remained as CEO was the deal he made to stop trying to manipulate stock by tweeting bullshit and the 25 million dollar fine he paid.

The SEC can easily find that he has violated that deal and have Elon removed as CEO and banned from having any input into the company at all. Then he would be free to tweet anything he pleases.

The fact that he is setting up a factory in Texas was when i realized Elons genius. Build electric cars in the middle of the biggest oil state....that's a total in your face f*ck you to the petroleum industry ....hahaha you gotta love Elon.
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He's setting up there because it's a lot cheaper than California. That's the only consideration there is.

But with most of his China cars being exported now because he can't sell them in China anymore, it remains to be seen exactly what the Austin facility will be producing.
What a bullshit article.

Elon Musk was already removed from the board of directors of Tesla because of the tweeting crap he was doing before. He was almost removed from being the CEO as well.

The only reason he remained as CEO was the deal he made to stop trying to manipulate stock by tweeting bullshit and the 25 million dollar fine he paid.

The SEC can easily find that he has violated that deal and have Elon removed as CEO and banned from having any input into the company at all. Then he would be free to tweet anything he pleases.

He's setting up there because it's a lot cheaper than California. That's the only consideration there is.

But with most of his China cars being exported now because he can't sell them in China anymore, it remains to be seen exactly what the Austin facility will be producing.
Yes. The truck you've been talking about for 2 years that was supposed to be in production 6 months ago that at best won't be built for another two years.

Tesla Cybertruck Reservations Exceed 1 Million

You really are a sad old man. You don't even have any idea how desperate Tesla is. Do you know how much a "reservation" for a Tesla Truck is?

It's only 100 dollars. That's it. They dropped the old 10% down reservations because nobody was doing them anymore after having to wait YEARS to get their vehicle.

And it's refundable, unlike before.

Many people, who believed his bullshit and thought they'd have their truck by now, have already been refunded.

The fact that he is setting up a factory in Texas was when i realized Elons true genius. Build electric cars in the middle of the biggest oil state....that's a total in your face f*ck you to the petroleum industry ....hahaha you gotta love Elon.
View attachment 4916320
He's pretty cozy with the Chinese govt.

One can tell a lot from the company a person keeps.

The Tesla CEO lavished praise on China during an interview with state broadcaster China Central Television (CCTV), where he pledged that the country would become his electric carmaker's "biggest market" in the long run. He also lauded China's economic and climate goals — the country is currently the world's top greenhouse emitter, but has promised to drastically reduce the emissions over the next decade or so.

"I'm very confident about Tesla's future in China," Musk told CCTV during the interview, which the broadcaster published online late Tuesday. "The Chinese economy I think can do extremely well over the next decade and will become the biggest economy in the world. And it's also committed to a sustainable energy future."

The charm offensive may be pivotal to Tesla's future in China. While the company has enjoyed special treatment from Chinese authorities in the past few years, it has faced an onslaught of criticism in recent weeks.

I'm not all that negative on Tesla, just negative on Musk. Facebook should ban personal accounts of all CEOs and Board members. They are just going to hype their brand anyway.
The fact that he is setting up a factory in Texas was when i realized Elons true genius. Build electric cars in the middle of the biggest oil state....that's a total in your face f*ck you to the petroleum industry ....hahaha you gotta love Elon.
View attachment 4916320

That's the genius on the surface, until you find that 70% of energy in Texas still comes from fossil fuels, all the plastics and carbon fiber use lots of oil, with carbon fiber not even being recyclable, then of course they still have tires and who knows how much oil is used in the transportation of cars and parts around the country/world, and the batteries have lithium, aluminum, nickel and cobalt, with the lithium coming from overseas and the cobalt come from child slave labor cancer pits in the congo(google "blood batteries"), with all of that mining using tons of fossils fuels. So, it's genius alright, if you're one of the Koch brothers. The genius is he's probably getting o&g kickbacks on top of the enviro kickbacks. Playing both sides is the brilliant part. Devilish, but brilliant.
That's the genius on the surface, until you find that 70% of energy in Texas still comes from fossil fuels, all the plastics and carbon fiber use lots of oil, with carbon fiber not even being recyclable, then of course they still have tires and who knows how much oil is used in the transportation of cars and parts around the country/world, and the batteries have lithium, aluminum, nickel and cobalt, with the lithium coming from overseas and the cobalt come from child slave labor cancer pits in the congo(google "blood batteries"), with all of that mining using tons of fossils fuels. So, it's genius alright, if you're one of the Koch brothers. The genius is he's probably getting o&g kickbacks on top of the enviro kickbacks. Playing both sides is the brilliant part. Devilish, but brilliant.
we have fought wars over and killed many more in the name of Petroleum than we have mining for cobalt...this is a huge step foreword. We need to get off oil.
He's pretty cozy with the Chinese govt.

One can tell a lot from the company a person keeps.

The Tesla CEO lavished praise on China during an interview with state broadcaster China Central Television (CCTV), where he pledged that the country would become his electric carmaker's "biggest market" in the long run. He also lauded China's economic and climate goals — the country is currently the world's top greenhouse emitter, but has promised to drastically reduce the emissions over the next decade or so.

"I'm very confident about Tesla's future in China," Musk told CCTV during the interview, which the broadcaster published online late Tuesday. "The Chinese economy I think can do extremely well over the next decade and will become the biggest economy in the world. And it's also committed to a sustainable energy future."

The charm offensive may be pivotal to Tesla's future in China. While the company has enjoyed special treatment from Chinese authorities in the past few years, it has faced an onslaught of criticism in recent weeks.

I'm not all that negative on Tesla, just negative on Musk. Facebook should ban personal accounts of all CEOs and Board members. They are just going to hype their brand anyway.
This is the kind of company Tesla keeps
US corporations in China.....

American & International Corporations In China-

NOTATION- even though this is a very long list of American and other foreign corporations in China,
it is certainly not a complete listing. We have only included a few of the names you may recognize.

This is a list of companies who either own factories, or have contract factories producing their products
in China. Some of the companies produce 100% of their products there, and others only produce parts,
or certain ingredients for their products. The list below is approximately 1% of the actual Corporate list.

Companies such as Avon, GE, and AT&T for example, have been in China and manufacturing products
for 20 to 30 years. Most American consumers simply had no idea. Previously their source was Japan.

Abercrombe & Fitch
Abbott Laboratories
Acer Electronics
Ademco Security
ADI Security
AGI- American Gem Institute
AIG Financial
Agrilink Foods, Inc. (ProFac)
Allergan Laboratories
American Eagle Outfitters
American Standard
American Tourister
Ames Tools
Amphenol Corporation
Amway Corporation
Analog Devices, Inc.
Apple Computer
Armour Meats
Ashland Chemical
Ashley Furniture
Associated Grocers
Audi Motors
AutoZone, Inc.

Banana Republic
Bausch & Lomb, Inc.
Baxter International
Bed, Bath & Beyond
Belkin Electronics
Best Buy
Best Foods
Big 5 Sporting Goods
Black & Decker
Body Shop
Borden Foods
Briggs & Stratton

Calrad Electric
Campbell 's Soup
Canon Electronics
Carole Cable
Casio Instrument
Caterpillar, Inc.
CBC America
CCTV Outlet
Checker Auto
Cisco Systems
Chiquita Brands International
Claire's Boutique
Cobra Electronics
Coby Electronics
Coca Cola Foods
Colorado Spectrum
ConAgra Foods
Cooper Tire
Corning, Inc.
Coleman Sporting Goods
Crabtree & Evelyn
Cracker Barrel Stores
Craftsman Tools (see Sears)
Cummins, Inc.

Dannon Foods
Dell Computer
Del Monte Foods
Dewalt Tools
Dial Corporation
Diebold, Inc.
Dillard's, Inc.
Dole Foods
Dollar Tree Stores, Inc.

Eastman Kodak
Eclipse CCTV
Edge Electronics Group
Electric Vehicles USA, Inc.
Eli Lilly Company
Emerson Electric
Estee Lauder

Family Dollar Stores
Fisher Scientific
Ford Motors
Frito Lay
Furniture Brands International

GAP Stores
Gateway Computer
GE, General Electric
General Foods International
General Mills
General Motors
Gerber Foods
Gillette Company
Goodrich Company
Goodyear Tire

Harley Davidson
Hasbro Company
Heinz Foods
Hershey Foods
Holt's Automotive Products
Hormel Foods
Home Depot
Honda Motor
Hoover Vacuum
HP Computer
Hubbell Inc.
Hunts-Wesson Foods

ICON Office Solutions
Intel Corporation

J.C. Penny's
J.M. Smucker Company
John Deere
Johnson Control
Johnson & Johnson
Johnstone Supply
JVC Electronics

KB Home
Keebler Foods
Kenwood Audio
KFC, Kentucky Fried Chicken
Kimberly Clark
Knorr Foods
Kohl's Corporation
Kraft Foods
Kragen Auto

Land's End
Lee Kum Kee Foods
LG Electronics
Lipton Foods
L.L. Bean, Inc.
Libby's Foods
Linen & Things
Lipo Chemicals, Inc.
Lowe's Hardware
Lucent Technologies

Mars Candy
Martha Stewart Products
McCormick Foods
McKesson Corporation
Megellan GPS
Merck & Company
Michael's Stores
Mitsubishi Electronics
Mitsubishi Motors
Mobile Oil
Motts Applesauce
Multifoods Corporation

Nabisco Foods
National Semiconductor
Nestles Foods
Nivea Cosmetics
Nokia Electronics
Northrop Grumman Corporation
NuSkin International
Nutrilite (see Amway)
Nvidia Corporation (G-Force)

Office Depot
Olin Corporation
Old Navy
Olympus Electronics
Orion-Knight Electronics

Pacific Sunwear, Inc.
Pan Pacific Electronics
Papa Johns
Payless Shoesource
Pentax Optics
Pep Boy's
Pepsico International
Pfizer, Inc.
Philips Electronics
Phillip Morris Companies
Pier 1 Imports
Pierre Cardin
Pillsbury Company
Pioneer Electronics
Pitney Bowes, Inc.
Pizza Hut
PlaySchool Toys
Polaris Industries
Polo (see Ralph Loren)
Post Cereals
Proctor & Gamble
PSS World Medical
Pyle Audio

Quest One

Radio Shack
Ralph Loren
Reebok International
Reynolds Aluminum
Rohm & Hass Company

Shell Oil
Schwinn Bike
Seven-Eleven (7-11)
Sharp Electronics
Shure Electronics
Speco Technologies/Pro Video
Shopko Stores
Skechers Footwear
Smucker's (see J.M. Smucker's)
Solar Power, Inc.
Spencer Gifts
Stanley Tools
Starbucks Corporation
Steelcase, Inc.
Sunkist Growers
SunMaid Raisins
Sunglass Hut
Subway Sandwiches
Switchcraft Electronics
Sylvania Electric

Tai Pan Trading Company
Tamron Optics
Tektronix, Inc
Texas Instruments
Timken Bearing
Tommy Hilfiger
Tower Automotive
Toy's R Us, Inc.
Trader Joe's
True Value Hardware
Tupper Ware
Tyson Foods

Uniden Electronics

Valspar Corporation
Victoria 's Secret
Vizio Electronics

Walgreen Company
Walt Disney Company
WD-40 Corporation
Weller Electric Company
Western Digital
Westinghouse Electric
Weyerhaeuser Company
Whirlpool Corporation
Wilson Sporting Goods
WW Grainger, Inc.
Wyeth Laboratories


Yoplait Foods
Yum Brands

Zale Corporation
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we have fought wars over and killed many more in the name of Petroleum than we have mining for cobalt...this is a huge step foreword. We need to get off oil.
View attachment 4916550

I totally agree we need to get off oil, except that when everyone wants cobalt, then there's no difference and the cancerous environment destroying medium is arbitrary. Instead of doing the same old horrible thing(oil), we reduce that a little bit(tesla) and do just a little bit of a new horrible thing(cobalt/lithium). The only truly "good" thing a person does by buying a tesla is to help keep the development alive, but still you'd be better off buying an Aptera to get solar panels in the mix, plus of course the ridiculous efficiency that makes a tesla look like a hummer.
I totally agree we need to get off oil, except that when everyone wants cobalt, then there's no difference and the cancerous environment destroying medium is arbitrary. Instead of doing the same old horrible thing(oil), we reduce that a little bit(tesla) and do just a little bit of a new horrible thing(cobalt/lithium). The only truly "good" thing a person does by buying a tesla is to help keep the development alive, but still you'd be better off buying an Aptera to get solar panels in the mix, plus of course the ridiculous efficiency that makes a tesla look like a hummer.
I can't get the total carbon per unit or means to agree with your claim. I agree with another capitalist cash cow and further devastation and wars to force non USA countries holding the resources concede them. And all mute when considering who can actually afford the sticker price.
I totally agree we need to get off oil, except that when everyone wants cobalt, then there's no difference and the cancerous environment destroying medium is arbitrary. Instead of doing the same old horrible thing(oil), we reduce that a little bit(tesla) and do just a little bit of a new horrible thing(cobalt/lithium). The only truly "good" thing a person does by buying a tesla is to help keep the development alive, but still you'd be better off buying an Aptera to get solar panels in the mix, plus of course the ridiculous efficiency that makes a tesla look like a hummer.
all new homes in Cali must have solar roofs....soon all homes will charge teslas....EV's are a no brainer