Texas Growers Unite!


Well-Known Member
respect! i only found out a few days ago. you should be alright! start a journal.. read mine for starters!! haha... see how other people are getting started and while you're at it...

check The Attitude delivered to me FAST and very STEALTH! used MY address, MY credit card... had zero worries! all very neat and clean if you will. I got 2 free fem'd seeds and a T-SHIRT!! haha i wear the shirt with pride.. my way of displaying my little secret in public!


though i'd never say that in public.. haha
I got some ugly puke green ratt fink reunion 2004 t-shirt

I was going to wear it one day but after I put it on I was like wow.. no.


Well-Known Member
my shirt is a rip off from anchorman... has a panthers head on it and says

"Shag Panther! 90% of the time it works... everytime!"

its greatness
say what up ?Im out of Calie but this is the first time growing in tx i came down hear last year and made a killing off of grandaddy perp but i never gruw in this kind of heat before so ill see. The wicked west got a lota love for The Dirty South


Well-Known Member
hell my fisrt shirt was a white and bad ass the second was lime green bud still cool hell it dosent mater its what came in it, and were its from to me, so i didnt care ill wear it and every one ask were it got it, and that they wanted one. lol i told them to order me some more beans and they could have the shirt lol.im going to get me some free beans of my choice, just so they can have a shirt too cool lol


Well-Known Member
hey hey back on the forums again. Buddy who was growing for me decided there were to many seeds and turned the light off. Told me 5 days after....... So i am just here as an observer. Some day I will get my own place to grow. So keeps some pics going..... How the hell are the outdoor plants doing with this 100 degree heat?


Well-Known Member
hey hey back on the forums again. Buddy who was growing for me decided there were to many seeds and turned the light off. Told me 5 days after....... So i am just here as an observer. Some day I will get my own place to grow. So keeps some pics going..... How the hell are the outdoor plants doing with this 100 degree heat?
NARC! :finger:


Well-Known Member
Anyone going to heatwave in austin on the 24-26? Looking for a cool place to float the river while I am down there.


Well-Known Member

head outside san marcos for best floating. the comal is the shit.. plenty of campground and plenty of tube rentals.



Well-Known Member
to help increase yield i would def not give the plants as much nutrients as u have. u got nute burn out the ass! get a ppm meter and learn how to use it. u will be a lot happier. ph ur water as well.


how do i tell what it is? there in 1 gal buckets i water them 1 a week or when the soil is dry and 1 inch down. i gave them there 1st dose of nutes yesterday 25% recomened strength. 250 watt hps its 20 inchs away from plants good air movement temp 70-78 and i ph all my water


Well-Known Member
i have meters and yes i do have burn. and do know how to use meters prick. it just i was told to keep ppm at 1500. that was to high so droped to 1200. and now im at 900. these are nearing the end. wont go so high on next grow. my ph is 5.7 in veg then 6.0- 6.3 in flower and yes i have a ph meter. all my water is checked before it goes in. just dont tell me to get some thing and tell to learn how to use it. if you dont know what i have. go check my journal its all there. not getting in to a pissing contest. but yes i learning some thing every time i grow. grow 1-2 and 3 have all been a learning exsperiance. good smoke but yield suk. i know that some strains like nutes more than others. and i have 5 difference strains there. wont do that again.


New Member
how do i tell what it is? there in 1 gal buckets i water them 1 a week or when the soil is dry and 1 inch down. i gave them there 1st dose of nutes yesterday 25% recomened strength. 250 watt hps its 20 inchs away from plants good air movement temp 70-78 and i ph all my water
first i'd check here https://www.rollitup.org/marijuana-plant-problems/38772-guide-diagnosing-plant-problems.html

look in the plant help section, you'll also have way more exposure to people who want to help.:peace: