Well-Known Member
alwaysheard that,i run them girls at night

alwaysheard that,i run them girls at night
Haha, damn it's cool over there then.. Went outside thinking it was like 90 degrees or something, find out it's like 105.. I fucking hate getting used to these summers.100F today ,havin hell keeping things cool.
that's wat i'm doin now, thanx,18/6 if I can.its a older house to so it super sux.Heard that,I run them girls at night
I own a A/C bus.So my 10x20 can get to 65,even if I ran during the day.When growing indoors I would only grow during the winter. Too damn hot otherwise!
Early September it should start kicking in I would think.Streetlight throwing off my cycle I think when shouldo plants start budding in Austin ?
RDR,First thing Id do is check attic for insulation,I bet its got very little.i was away while my dad picked this house,,,never let a 75 yr old pick a house btw,, kinda tryin to start all over, so many obstacles this time.
East of Austin - Black Spanish, Lomanto, Blanc du Bois.UB, I wanna take a shot at some Grapes. Is there a variety you recommend in Central TX? I was looking at Spanish Black. There is a 2.5 acre vineyard growing Spanish Black about 30 minutes from me.
Do I need to wait until spring to plant?
I have a 16 x 5 x 2ft (tall) raised bed already. I was thinking about using 16 x 2.5 of it for two plants running a trellis down the 16 feet.
Could I still plant some leafy green in the fall and tomato/peppers in the spring in the remaining 16 x 2.5 fairly problem free? Or, give the grapes all of the 16 x 5?
I have a 10 x 6 as well that one starter could go in.
The soil for the bed was purchased from a garden center 2 years ago. I was going to add a ton of leaf humus/compost to the bed in early September. I have clay soil in the ground, so I was thinking the raised bed would be better.
Anybody near fort worth with some AAA
lol.....[video=youtube;A4duZjxusGM][/video]Anybody near fort worth with some AAA