TGA Subcool Pennywise (selfmedicators second grow)

Eye of Horus

Well-Known Member
I don't know if this will help you at all, but when I use a bubble cloner I generally use either tap water or distilled water and I don't give them anything. If you want dip them in some clonex but I have had near 100% success when I don't touch them. Set and forget man.


Well-Known Member
So I did my nightly checks and decided I was going to toss the clones out and I noticed something white sticking out of the foam inserts. They rooted!! Up in the foam though. Not on the bottom of the stem. Not sure why. I went ahead and transplanted 2 of them. One rotted and the other didnt root.



Well-Known Member
that is great to hear. just looking at he stems, they looked as if they were submerged in the water. i say that because of the color. i`m just glad u got a cut to root. now u have some mother to work with, and you can move on.
all in all this may have set u back a few weeks on the next run but u wont have to start from seed and u shouldn`t have the same problems again. we live we learn. i would ck the depth of the stems in the cloner the next time to make sure you have enough room for the stems to hang freely without being in the water, u may have to drop the water level smidge.
but the congrats are still in order because u did get to one and that's better than none at all, so congrats!


Well-Known Member
how can you learn without making mistakes. your still rocking it in a big way, with all things considered.


Well-Known Member
  • :bigjoint: looks real nice. are those colas as solid as they look. if they are you should get a very nice harvest.


Well-Known Member
Yeah they are tight. Not really showing any amber yet. Hard to tell with the light on. I've been trying to block the light with a piece of cardboard as I look thru the magnifier. It helps.


Well-Known Member
try to get in there with the lights off. this far in to flower it want hurt anything to get in there long enough to ck them.


Well-Known Member
when you have the new growth means the roots have established and will take off from there. you could trim away all that dead stuff and let the plant focus on growing now.
the big girl is looking like she should be ready soon. that is a hefty plant, big ol chunky buds. i like it! what kinda smells if any has she got?


Well-Known Member
I spotted some amber trichs today. Ill keep checking but ill probably let it go a few more days. Like maybe mid week at least. Ill do some more smelling tonight. Not nearly as strong as that DQ. More of a minty smell i think.

This is kinda strange. I mowed last night and noticed my lawn is covered with hemp! I normally have a perfect lawn but the last year has been really dry. I found one in a corner where there is no grass then i started looking and they are literally everywhere. About 4" tall. I thought at first my 80 year old neighbor lady (Native American) was tossin her seeds in my yard but after smelling it im sure its hemp. I know she smokes cause I caught her on her porch tokin away. Wonder if the drought has made dormant seeds germinate or something.


Well-Known Member
maybe! thats kinda wild. i know have a neighbor that has it come up on a few acres near a litely traveled road, we think its where kids toss out seeds. i chk my road frontage and the drainage areas because i don`t wont that type of attention.
now if the old woman is smoking some good stuff i may try and transplant