TGA Subcool Pennywise (selfmedicators second grow)


Well-Known Member
i hate win8 i wiped mine and loaded win7. win8 is like win vista, and win7 works similar to xp. there are some many problems with win8 and its not friendly at all for me. good luck with it!


Well-Known Member
I'm getting used to it. I kinda like the live apps. Gave in and loaded a sample bowl. Using the vape it has a pleasant flavor. Mild minty. Took about 15 minutes to kick in. I felt it in my arms first kind of warm tingly feeling. Not real brain numbing. I think I could function fairly well on this. BC and DQ make my brain numb. Big time. The crop should be dry tomorrow or the next day.


Well-Known Member
what i don`t like is all of the social media stuff it has built in, message boards are about as close to facebook and the likes i get.
cool that`s sounds like it`ll be a good pain killer.


Well-Known Member
you left some on the table but still for a second grow it was a great grow. if you go back thru the grow and find where you left it on the table, and see if you can`t pick it up on the next run. look as to where you could improve, its called dialing in. an inch lower on the light, an extra week of veg. 10% more nutes, one more topping etc., think about it but don`t over think it. confusing right! if i remember right there was a stumble at the start with some over crowding, small set back but still a setback, you had some empty screen. its time to work on the little things. it could be all the strain has in it, but you can`t make that judgement till you give your best. like i said go back and look thru both your journals and notes if you keep them and look for things that you could improve....


Well-Known Member
Good news is now that the dry part is over the room is empty again! I have a clone ready for potting up. Might try and keep the other clone as a mom.


Well-Known Member
On with the next grow. 5 gallon smart pot this time. Gonna try topping twice. This time ill weave my stems in the screen. Ill probably start a new journal 1.JPG photo 2.JPG photo 3.JPG


Well-Known Member
everybody needs a helping hand every once in a while, i had some of the same help when i started, so please pay it forward.
i`ll give ya some updates on my next adventure, i`m down to trying to make up my mind of what strains to run, its the hardest part. i run a test run with the tent last week and it`s going to be alright i think, the temps were a little high for my taste. the maiden run just maybe with a 400 or 600w instead of a 1000w, i`m going to run the 600w thru a 24hr cycle tomorrow and see what it does. here it`ll get over 100* with 100% humidity before the run is finished. it`ll be up and going soon enough.
Hi, Selfmedicator462

New grower, I'm currently growing pennywise and it is 3 weeks into bloom. No problems up until a week or so ago, the leaves around the flowers are light green and look healthy, but the fan leaves are turning yellow with brown spots. I am using Dyna-Gro bloom nutrients which have the following breakdown:

Nitrogen 3%
Phosphate 12%
Potash 6%
Calcium 2%
Magnesium 0.5%
Boron 0.02%
Chlorine 0.1%
Cobalt 0.0015%
Copper 0.05%
Iron 0.1%
Manganese 0.05%
Molybdenum 0.0009%
Sodium 0.1%
Zinc 0.05%

My first thought is that it could use some cal-mag, but the nutrients I'm using have a good amount of each in it so I'm not sure. My grow tent gets up to 93 degrees at its hottest, which could be the problem. Have you run into a similar problem with pennywise?