Thai Haze X Skunk1 Special grow


Well-Known Member
Hi people, Have just now got back was away for a few more days than expected. But at least the Mrs wont moan about her F`in mother no more. Blah Blah Blah. lol

Well, luckly enough my Sis poped round and gave them all a drink so that helped me out big time. The girls are soooo big it is a joke. The buds are all masively large, and the smell, the smell is sooo sweet lol. I would of taken pics but my Camera is about 100 miles away thanks to the Mrs so i will get it back in a day or so.

I realy cant describe how much the buds have grown in the last 4 days, Every singal bud is twice its size - no joke.

Out of the 12 plants, 5 of the main Cola tops are bent right over as they grow tooooo tall and hasnt realy developed much in the past week, the only reason for that is that they are to tall and i cant get any more light on the topps - its just impossiable.

But other than that they are all going great, i dont wanna jinx things but i would say that im in for a very good high yeild off these 12 girls.

Like i said the few colas that arnt up to scratch by harvest and all the trim will be made into hash or honey oil.

I will post up some pics sometime this week, but get ready to be shocked, these girls are much bigger lol :peace:


Well-Known Member
Lookin real good! We are growing this same strain along with Hindu Kush and bag seed. The thai haze X skunk has totally grown far past the bag seed and the light! We never realized how tall the skunk haze (as my hubby calls it)would grow. :shock: I am thinking I should bend the tops so they dont burn?:-? If I raise the light the bag seed will stretch. Wishing I had found your thread before I germed the seeds! We are 4 weeks in veg and they are about 4 feet already. I am subscribing.... I wanna see how yours turn out so I can compare. Also, please let us know how the girls do while your gone. We are going on vac in 2 weeks and hoping our girls will do well also!:leaf:

Lol you have Veg for 4 weeks, they are gonna be TALL, i only vegged for 3 weeks and every Thai Haze X skunk1 i have is over 7ft with bent topps lol.

i would put into 12/12 now and dont feed to much for the first 2 weeks of flowering. But yeah i have been growing for a while now and these are the tallest and sweetest smelling strain i have ever grown. Cant wait for the smoke. :peace:


Well-Known Member
Ok well have just popped into the grow room to take a few pics with my mobile as wanted to show you all how much that one of them has bloomed in 4-5 days.

Look how the bud is chaseing up to the main colas......

And check this out, this is a side branch not even the main top cola -

These pics are off the plant that is in the middle of the pack and gets lotts and lotts of light so might be why its had such a large growth spert. And did give this one a extra bit of canna boost. Hopefully they all will have growth sperts like this one.:joint:

I would have taken more pics but cant realy get a good enough focus with my mobile phone, so will have to wait until i get my camera back. :peace:


Well-Known Member
if ur runnin out of room just bend em 90 deg at the top. yeah it may injure them but thell get over it an u can let em go the time they need.

i didn't catch how long they have been flowereing.

why are the autoflowers a waste?


Well-Known Member
if ur runnin out of room just bend em 90 deg at the top. yeah it may injure them but thell get over it an u can let em go the time they need.

i didn't catch how long they have been flowereing.

why are the autoflowers a waste?
Yeah most of the girls main cola topps are bent already, but all plants are 6-7ft tall so some have grown above the lights so theres not much else left to do lol

Yeah the auto grow i did was finished long time ago, had the Auto AKs and the Auto Kush, tbh i like the F1 in them and the taste was ok but they not for me to small and not enough bud, they are more for the First timer or someone whos starting off.


Well-Known Member
Ok so have just gone upstairs and gave them all a drink with distilled water, am flushing them out for 2-3 days and then will give them all a good feed of canna boost. Hopefully they all should be ready in 3 weeks, so have been thinking about the harvest and trim :hump:

I have decided that i am going to make some Honey Oil this time rather than the bubble hash.

The bubble hash i made off the last crop i got was very nice, ended up with 9g in total and was soooo strong lol

But havent had H-Oil in time and we all know how good it is. lol :joint:

None the less what ever i do im sure you all will be informed, i will post up some more pics of the ladys soon. :peace:
Hi Primz my friend told me about your thread so i thought il registered.

i must say you have some good ideas and i like your input on this strain.

Check out some of our haze grow vids

Will keep my eye open on this thread and wish you good luck.



Well-Known Member
Hi Primz my friend told me about your thread so i thought il registered.

i must say you have some good ideas and i like your input on this strain.

Check out some of our haze grow vids

Will keep my eye open on this thread and wish you good luck.

Thanks m8, yeah have seen your vids before, and have ordered a few seeds from yourself. gotta say you have a very very good job lol. Dont think i will be getting anywhere near the 700g per plant like you guys but im sure it will turn out good :peace:


Well-Known Member
Ok so bit of an update, some good some bad! Still havent recieved my camera back so cant take any good pics yet, (might take sum with my mobile).

Also i did have 2 x 600w bulbs but when i checked them today i think that they might be cracked at one end. Dunno how they ended up like it but will make do with the 2 x 400w bulbs. No big prob.

Also the good news is that i was gonna order a Honey bee extractor (the glass one) and my friend just so happened to have one!!! Have decided that im gonna put every little pop corn bud and all trim off all plants into the Honey oil process so might max out on the oil if i can lol. Might do a Vid of the Oil makeing process? :peace:


Well-Known Member
Ok people sorry havent put up any new pics have been bit busy. Have taken a few close up pics of my buds with my mobile phone, but good news as my camera is on its way back.

Have a look at the THC on these babys, i think that i might harvest this weened.

I know that there is more white than amber but hopefully within 5 more days they will be more amber. I am gonna leave them all im the dark for 24 hours before harvest also.

The trim and some if not all of the pop corn buds are gonna be made into BHO. (will make a vid of this)

Also my camera should be here in 24-48h so will take some decent pics then.

You all dont wanna miss the Harvest pics:peace:


Well-Known Member
Ok so have just recieved my camera back, will take some pics when im bak home. Have to say that they have all came along really great. Buds are looking sooooo tasty. Am going to put up some pics tonight or tommorw and then its gonna be Harvest on Friday & Saturday :hump:.

I will take some good pics of the Harvest and a Wet and Dry weight.

So has anyone got any ideas of what im gonna end up with.

As you can see from other posts im gonna be hakeing BHO out of all the Trim and popcorn buds. :peace:


Well-Known Member
This post is for Saturdays Harvest.

Ok so the Harvest didnt go to plan as much as i wanted. Was going to start on Friday but had bit to much to smoke......... :joint:

So saturday rolled round and one of my mates who was gonna help me harvest and manicure didnt pick up his phone so it was down to me to get stuck in.

I decided to cut down only a few (2) as didnt want to over do it on my own and bite off to much at once.

So out came the snippers, rolled a joint and turned on some Tunes.

Ok so here is a few pics of the two girls i chopped on Saturday -

Can see that they are very tall ladys, but maybe the smallest of the lott.

These 2 are the smallest ones of the lott, all the rest are much much taller.

Here is a pic of one of the main Colas.

That cola above is the smalles of all the colas lol and had grown past the lights so didnt develope as much as the others did, but think its safe to say still looks good.

Here is a pic of a nice side branch.

Not even half a plant in here yet -

Ok so remember people this is only 2 plants and i have another 10 to do.

I already have 2 full bin bags of trim mixed with pop corn buds, this will be made into BHO when i have all trim from all plants.

*Have done some more plants on Monday but am editing Semi Harvest Part 2 so stay tuned! :peace:


Well-Known Member
Ok guys and girls Part 2 is here, Remember this post is for Mondays Semi Harvest!!

Ok so sunday i did do a few more plants, i was just bored and i didnt have much to do so i cut down 3 plants and just snipped, snipped away. Was going to go to me mums for the Sunday Roast but had probs with the Mrs.

So getting back on track, Monday rolled round and i decided to take down the TREE, only 1 plant but Dam it was hard work.

Ok so here are some more pics -

1 Big Ass Plant :hump:

Another shot of same lady.

Trying to hold it all together

Here is some side branch views.

A nice bunch of flowers :)

Side branch......

Some nice buds waiting to be trimmed.

Have now got over 5 full bin bags of trim and pop corn buds. I will be makeing the BHO this weekend so keep an eye out.

Ok so i have cut down 7 plants now in total and gonna do some more ASAP but am so tired of holding the snippers and sitting in the same spot for hours on end, taking pic after pic is getting on my tits also lol

So the weight? i think you can see from the pics that these girls are Yeilders. I will be takeing a dry and wet weight.

* just wanted to get this off my chest, i have dryed a few nice buds out and i have to say it tastes sooooooo good.
Best Weed i have grown this year, & best weed i have smoked this year. :joint:

I will do a detailed smoke report for this strain.

Ok so stay tuned there is only Semi Harvest Part 3 to come now and the BHO vid. :peace:


Well-Known Member
good shit prims how long did you bloom them for?
They are all flowered for 11 weeks, as i didnt cut them all at the same time as didnt want to over do it on my own, some are still under 12/12 and get cut when i have time to crop them.

So some 11 and some 12 weeks

If you get what i mean lol ? :peace:

Stay tuned m8 still more to come !!!!


damn primz that shit looks killer for a sativa man.... nice foxtailing on the buds. plus rep


Well-Known Member
Wow those babies are huge! Glad to see yours turned out well after your vac. I haven't been on in a while, but glad I checked in. We came back and they were crying for a drink. We watered them and gave'em some food and they bounced back rather quickly. We had to raise the light again and do some bending to keep them from burning. They have been on 12/12 for a few weeks now... I think 3? (he vegged a little longer awaiting the sex of them, turned out to be all females) Hubby does much more than me on the labor end :lol:. He said the stalk at the top is real pale altho the leaves are good.I was thinkin this is because they are past the light? Did you find that the colas past the light were smaller than the ones below it?

I am gonna have to take a few pics n show you... I have been slackin on

What have you gotten from your total harvest thus far? Much rep they look great!