Dr Kynes
Well-Known Member
Ayn Rand was a little girl when the Bolsheviks took power. Her father had his pharmacies seized by the state.
Soviet Communism and Socialism should not be compared as the same thing.
the Bolshevik revolution was a SOCIALIST REVOLUTION thats why they were called the Union of Soviet SOCIALIST Republics.
ill say this again for the slow kids:
Marx, in the communist manifesto explained in detail how capitalism should be dismantled, first capitalism falls to the Intellectual Vanguard, who establish a SOCIALIST STATE, and impose order on the proletariat. then, after order has been re-established the Intellectual Vanguard begin indoctrinating the Proles into the glories of "Scientific Marxism", whiule defending trhe Purity Of The State" from outside influences which might corrupt foolish proles who havent been fully indoctrinated, and exporting Revolutionary Agent Provocateurs into capitalist nations to foment a Marxist Revolution of their very own, until eventually all of the world embraces Marxist Ideology, and the state will of course VOLUNTARILY DISSOLVE ITSELF and evolve into A Stateless Communist Workers Paradise
Socialism is designed to be authoritarian, autocratic and despotic, BY MARX as a means of forcing everyone to accept his wackadoodle political theories and retarded economic assumptions, as a Stepping Stone to Communism.
if you believe this is false, READ THE COMMUNIST MANIFESTO or STFU.