Dr Kynes
Well-Known Member
Well I do know that you're a republican and a statist.
when have i ever denied that?
i am a firm believer in the Republic as our form of government
i am a registered Republican Party member (since 1996)
and i strongly favour the rights of States over those demanded by coffeehouse fops who claim to be anarchists but cannot explain what they are anarchy-ing for or against.
without The State (in some form) we would have ANARCHY, and i have no romantic delusions about how awesome that would be, nor have i re-defined anarchy into some weird utopian fantasy which is indistinguishable from Marx's Communist Worker's Paradise, except without the beards and russian accents.
anyone who wants to ask, can know quite easily where i stand on any issue. this is not true for YOU. you dont take a position, you skulk in the shadows taking potshots at everyone eles's positions while claiming your own Mystery Cult has the "Moral High Ground" based on some rambling screed from Noam "I'm Not a Marxist, I'm Just Indistinguishable From Them" Chomsky, and your own amateurish attempts at redefining words and creating Newspeak.