Thank you tea party patriots!

Lack of oversight? Government changed the rules so the oversight was built into the system. Government did away with Glass-Steagal, not the banks.

That's an example of elimination of oversight. That's where we need MORE government, not less.

IF government had let the bad banks fail, the banks of today would not be engaged in such foolish endeavors, but alas nothing has changed because there is no longer any risk of banks going under no matter what they do or how illegally they do it.

And if the SEC weren't literally jacking off while the economy prepared for collapse (see the SEC porn scandal) during the Bush administration, we might have detected there was a problem.

Banks and other financial centers will continue to deal in fraud and deceit and in fact will ratchet up the instances of theses happenings ever more since there is no punishment for doing it. The Attorney General has already publicly stated that the justice department will not pursue actions against any of the large financial companies.

And somehow the solution to that is "smaller government". lol. Genius.
Germany has no army, they could be overran in weeks if it wasn't for the US, wonder why we have troops over there.

In reality Germany is a very economically successful and stable. They would be just fine without the US. Do you really doubt Germany's ability to raise an army and fight for itself? lol
Sorry if that doesn't fall into your "the earth revolves around me" worldview...

I'm guessing you don't pay a whole lot for all these government programs you love? A think I lot of ideologically differences come down to whether government money is "free money" or whether it's "your money".

But yeah, if you get $700/month to grow weed in your Section-8 house and have 'depression', "democrat" is the box you'll want to check.
I'm guessing you don't pay a whole lot for all these government programs you love? A think I lot of ideologically differences come down to whether government money is "free money" or whether it's "your money".

But yeah, if you get $700/month to grow weed in your Section-8 house and have 'depression', "democrat" is the box you'll want to check.

That's not a real thing. You can't grow in section 8 housing even with a medical card.

What is a real thing was homeless camps across the country known as "Hoovervilles" due to lack of big government oversight of Wall St where people who worked their whole lives were suddenly jobless, bankrupt, and homeless through no fault of there own. The response was the American people electing the ultimate big government liberal, one of the most popular and successful presidents of all time. He made sure we have a social safety net so that doesn't happen again.

Boo-freaking-hoo that you had to invest in our social safety net instead of getting to gamble with your money on Wall St.

Jackass conservatives always like to pretend that the problem with America is that poor people exist. Really the problem is that self interested jackass conservatives have been auctioning off America to the highest bidder for the last 30 years at the expense of their children's future so they can have bright new shiny SUV's and big screen TV's every year.

  • Doing that but I'm warming for 25 minutes my projector on a 12 foot wide screen to watch Eyes Wide Shut Blu-ray in 5.1 sound. Damn it sucks to be an Alabamian hill billy.

    While you have it warmed up, watch this whole tape.
    lol, I played the hell outta this tape taking blots in the 90's.
    Good just to smoke and play the whole deal.


That's not a real thing. You can't grow in section 8 housing even with a medical card.

Maybe not legal, but it's sure as hell a real thing. Half the people I know on SSI either grow or were busted for growing, $700/mo doesn't buy a lot of weed and doing nothing all day tends to leave a lot of free time.
That's not a real thing. You can't grow in section 8 housing even with a medical card.

What is a real thing was homeless camps across the country known as "Hoovervilles" due to lack of big government oversight of Wall St where people who worked their whole lives were suddenly jobless, bankrupt, and homeless through no fault of there own. The response was the American people electing the ultimate big government liberal, one of the most popular and successful presidents of all time. He made sure we have a social safety net so that doesn't happen again.

Boo-freaking-hoo that you had to invest in our social safety net instead of getting to gamble with your money on Wall St.

Jackass conservatives always like to pretend that the problem with America is that poor people exist. Really the problem is that self interested jackass conservatives have been auctioning off America to the highest bidder for the last 30 years at the expense of their children's future so they can have bright new shiny SUV's and big screen TV's every year.

Nah, it's not you, right? They did it, but cheated? They took'er life!(South Park redneck accent)
That's not a real thing. You can't grow in section 8 housing even with a medical card.

There are two states in your country that clearly allow the poor to grow. Maine and Oregon, although Oregon has many different people handing the money out and some allow it and some do not. It took me a moment to find this but it is truth. Maine just extended their decision for one more year while waiting on your government to decide what they will allow themselves.
There are two states in your country that clearly allow the poor to grow. Maine and Oregon, although Oregon has many different people handing the money out and some allow it and some do not. It took me a moment to find this but it is truth. Maine just extended their decision for one more year while waiting on your government to decide what they will allow themselves.

So,you're for cash croppers I see.
Germany is loosely fits your description. Below average in government size, large health economy and would survive just fine without the US.

Want me to really make your head explode? There is a such thing as libertarian socialism.

germanys ius a "Democratic Socialist State", which like all "Democratic Socialist States" is slowly creeping to true bolshevik socialism, without the ugly revolutions and hurling bodies at barricades.

another numbskull who claims socialism isnt marxism, and believes we are all to umb to have read the Communist Manifesto so we simply cannot know the game plan.

or are you one of the "Useful Idiots" who thinks marxism will stop "progressing" once it reaches the point where YOU get a free ride, but anyone higher on the economic scale gets fucked in the ass?
So,you're for cash croppers I see.

I am for anyone who can be industrious to make their own money. I am sure the poor can use the money. If they can find a way to make it happen for them then so be it. Those who don't think cannabis should be used as a cash crop are either idiots or simply angry because they can't do it themselves. A big momma tent can put out 5 kilos each year easily. That money can buy clothes, school supplies, food, gas, insurance for a car and some other things poor people need to have to exist. If they plan correctly and grow well, it can potential be a device to take them out of poverty as well.
I am for anyone who can be industrious to make their own money. I am sure the poor can use the money. If they can find a way to make it happen for them then so be it. Those who don't think cannabis should be used as a cash crop are either idiots or simply angry because they can't do it themselves. A big momma tent can put out 5 kilos each year easily. That money can buy clothes, school supplies, food, gas, insurance for a car and some other things poor people need to have to exist. If they plan correctly and grow well, it can potential be a device to take them out of poverty as well.

If cannabis seeds are sold next to Begonia seeds at Walmart, that fucks your business model.
If cannabis seeds are sold next to Begonia seeds at Walmart, that fucks your business model.

Your words are a statement with no explanation and has no base to support an argument.

I do not see Wal Mart Begonias winning blue ribbons around the world.

Most people in the world do not grow Begonia plants even though the seeds are readily available and can be sold if grown.
I think we all can see that our Canna Sylvan likes to argue for the sake of arguing...I blame his vegan lifestyle. That type of eating diet would piss anyone off. Lack of meat makes one confused, angry and bitter
I'd like to thank all you tea party supporters for doing something the democrats could not accomplish. Thanks for destroying the republican party. As a liberal socialist I can not thank you enough for all you've done for us. You've made the republican party the most nationally hated political party in modern times. You've brought the American people to their senses. They have lost all confidence in republicans and see the conservative agenda as something that belongs in an asylum.

So thank you for helping set America back on the path to being a secular socialist fagtopia. We really appreciate it.

Keep up the insanity!

Hello Dan Kone...

Ok...Your welcome..The good thing for me right now is the feds are back to work, and there will less people on the river hogging the fishing holes...