Well-Known Member
I'd like to thank all you tea party supporters for doing something the democrats could not accomplish. Thanks for destroying the republican party. As a liberal socialist I can not thank you enough for all you've done for us. You've made the republican party the most nationally hated political party in modern times. You've brought the American people to their senses. They have lost all confidence in republicans and see the conservative agenda as something that belongs in an asylum.
So thank you for helping set America back on the path to being a secular socialist fagtopia. We really appreciate it.
Keep up the insanity!
When you and other republicans stop with the fucking socialist shit maybe we could see eye to eye. I don't know about you but I see plenty of fucking socialist attitudes towards corporations coming right out of your party. Tax breaks for millionaires while working people need food stamps? Then you fuckers bitch about people on the gubmint tit? When you and your corporate "kock"suckers stop giving welfare to the rich maybe there'd be some left over for the poor?