Thank you tea party patriots!

I'd like to thank all you tea party supporters for doing something the democrats could not accomplish. Thanks for destroying the republican party. As a liberal socialist I can not thank you enough for all you've done for us. You've made the republican party the most nationally hated political party in modern times. You've brought the American people to their senses. They have lost all confidence in republicans and see the conservative agenda as something that belongs in an asylum.

So thank you for helping set America back on the path to being a secular socialist fagtopia. We really appreciate it.

Keep up the insanity!

When you and other republicans stop with the fucking socialist shit maybe we could see eye to eye. I don't know about you but I see plenty of fucking socialist attitudes towards corporations coming right out of your party. Tax breaks for millionaires while working people need food stamps? Then you fuckers bitch about people on the gubmint tit? When you and your corporate "kock"suckers stop giving welfare to the rich maybe there'd be some left over for the poor?
When you and other republicans stop with the fucking socialist shit maybe we could see eye to eye. I don't know about you but I see plenty of fucking socialist attitudes towards corporations coming right out of your party. Tax breaks for millionaires while working people need food stamps? Then you fuckers bitch about people on the gubmint tit? When you and your corporate "kock"suckers stop giving welfare to the rich maybe there'd be some left over for the poor?

I think there tax's all went up..Did you miss that part? No more bush tax cuts was awhile back..It should be all good now, plenty of money for the poor and if you qualify it comes with almost free health care.. I hope you were able to sign up with no problems...
I'd like to thank all you tea party supporters for doing something the democrats could not accomplish. Thanks for destroying the republican party. As a liberal socialist I can not thank you enough for all you've done for us. You've made the republican party the most nationally hated political party in modern times. You've brought the American people to their senses. They have lost all confidence in republicans and see the conservative agenda as something that belongs in an asylum.

So thank you for helping set America back on the path to being a secular socialist fagtopia. We really appreciate it.

Keep up the insanity!

So, this is pretty tongue in cheek, since it is the DEMS that are knifing the PUBS. The PUBs need to be run off the game so the Royalists can have good opponent.

The reason you don't like the TEA is they play the same dirty games. HA HA. Finally, some group that is able to oppose the Dirty DEMS.

Don't you think the Tea Party is out to wreak the PUBS?

Of course they are. You should be afraid and you are. The Tea is after the crazed socialists on both sides.

With another flush of Tea next year, maybe they will derail this PUBS for good.

DEMS are next....keep the powder dry. Hucker down and hope.
I think we all can see that our Canna Sylvan likes to argue for the sake of arguing...I blame his vegan lifestyle. That type of eating diet would piss anyone off. Lack of meat makes one confused, angry and bitter

Never been a vegan? I have. The effect is quite the opposite which is the very point of doing it.
Most people in the world do not grow Begonia plants even though the seeds are readily available and can be sold if grown. easy grow, wide variety and color, and very popular is grown world wide...even in AUS and MEX. :)

I am for anyone who can be industrious to make their own money. I am sure the poor can use the money. If they can find a way to make it happen for them then so be it. Those who don't think cannabis should be used as a cash crop are either idiots or simply angry because they can't do it themselves. A big momma tent can put out 5 kilos each year easily. That money can buy clothes, school supplies, food, gas, insurance for a car and some other things poor people need to have to exist. If they plan correctly and grow well, it can potential be a device to take them out of poverty as well.

Giveth and taketh. An illegal cash crop. They just busted another grow house here in Compassion. ( that would be a great name for a little town outside of Portland, right?) I just call it the States of Compassion. But, this is now legally protected and taxed compassion.

An illicit grow house, with a few thousand plants is never allowed. And when they find it has no CA residents and all the product goes back East, they may as well be cooking Meth, as far as WE are concerned.
After this debt ceiling fiasco, I don't see the republicans electing a president in 2016.....or 2020 (since most sitting presidents get re-elected in modern times (except Bush1)......that leaves 2024 as the first real chance the republicans have of getting a president elected.....they have a lot of work to do until then....
germanys ius a "Democratic Socialist State", which like all "Democratic Socialist States" is slowly creeping to true bolshevik socialism, without the ugly revolutions and hurling bodies at barricades.

another numbskull who claims socialism isnt marxism, and believes we are all to umb to have read the Communist Manifesto so we simply cannot know the game plan.

or are you one of the "Useful Idiots" who thinks marxism will stop "progressing" once it reaches the point where YOU get a free ride, but anyone higher on the economic scale gets fucked in the ass?

i suppose you are "to umb" to know who dan is, or realize that you getting your ass handed to you is imminent.

and if you think dan is looking for a free ride with the amounts he grows, you are as "umb" as the people who think i grow 30 pounds a year just to mooch off my wife.

take your nonsense rhetoric elsewhere little girl.
With another flush of Tea next year, maybe they will derail this PUBS for good.

DEMS are next....keep the powder dry. Hucker down and hope.

lol, as if a batshit insane tea partier stands a chance against most democrats.

ask o'donnell or miller or buck or engle or mourdoch or "legitimate rape" guy how that worked out.

the senate is in our control because you teabaggers are revolting to americans.
Maybe not legal, but it's sure as hell a real thing. Half the people I know on SSI either grow or were busted for growing, $700/mo doesn't buy a lot of weed and doing nothing all day tends to leave a lot of free time.

Well good for you for fighting the good fight against senior citizens trying to access medicine. Some one needs to take seniors and the disabled down a peg or two, they've got things way too good. They should be kicked out of there homes and die on the streets so you can get a better tax refund.
germanys ius a "Democratic Socialist State", which like all "Democratic Socialist States" is slowly creeping to true bolshevik socialism, without the ugly revolutions and hurling bodies at barricades.

another numbskull who claims socialism isnt marxism, and believes we are all to umb to have read the Communist Manifesto so we simply cannot know the game plan.

or are you one of the "Useful Idiots" who thinks marxism will stop "progressing" once it reaches the point where YOU get a free ride, but anyone higher on the economic scale gets fucked in the ass?

Thanks for being crazy! People like you are the reason liberalism is spreading so quickly. People hear your crazy nonsense and run to the democratic party out of fear of being associated with your tin foil hat world view.
The reason you don't like the TEA is they play the same dirty games. HA HA. Finally, some group that is able to oppose the Dirty DEMS.

Don't you think the Tea Party is out to wreak the PUBS?

Of course they are. You should be afraid and you are. The Tea is after the crazed socialists on both sides.

With another flush of Tea next year, maybe they will derail this PUBS for good.

Are you kidding? I love the tea party. It's the best thing that ever happened to the democratic party.

DEMS are next....keep the powder dry. Hucker down and hope.

See that's the flaw in your logic. The tea party can only win elections because republicans have rigged house districts to make them more red. While the tea party might be able to control the republican party, the American people fucking hate you guys! You'll never win a national election with that nonsense. This is why I love the tea party so much. You guys stop republicans from winning national elections.
and if you think dan is looking for a free ride with the amounts he grows, you are as "umb" as the people who think i grow 30 pounds a year just to mooch off my wife.

lol. I'm getting pretty close to being in that 1% I'm always complaining about. I'm what republicans refer to as a "job creator".
Thanks for being crazy! People like you are the reason liberalism is spreading so quickly. People hear your crazy nonsense and run to the democratic party out of fear of being associated with your tin foil hat world view.

and what is so crazy?

make your assertions clear.

germany is a "Democratic Socialist State"

ALL forms of Socialism are marxist in nature

"Democratic Socialism" is designed to slowly creep towards Bolshevism

Socialism is 100% incompatible with liberty. every expansion of socialism is accompanied by an equal reduction in freedom for those subject to it.

the Communist Manifesto explains in detail how Bourgeois capitalist states must be destroyed, the people "Re-educated" into marxist theology, starting with socialism, and all the world will slowly evolve into a "Communist Utopia"

if you believe any of those statements are false then you are an Idiot, (Useflness in dispute)
and what is so crazy?

make your assertions clear.

germany is a "Democratic Socialist State"

ALL forms of Socialism are marxist in nature

"Democratic Socialism" is designed to slowly creep towards Bolshevism

Only in your paranoid narrow minded world view. In reality the Soviet Union is gone. We are no longer fighting them. You act like it's some sort of communist plot when countries discover it's ok to be moderates.

Right now we are economically one of the most extreme right wing nations that have existed in the modern world. Being a right wing extremist really isn't any better than being a soviet communist.

Socialism is 100% incompatible with liberty. every expansion of socialism is accompanied by an equal reduction in freedom for those subject to it.

Then how come Germany has more freedom of the press than we do? Also - freedom from whom? Certainly not freedom from corporate tyranny. We don't have that here.

the Communist Manifesto explains in detail how Bourgeois capitalist states must be destroyed, the people "Re-educated" into marxist theology, starting with socialism, and all the world will slowly evolve into a "Communist Utopia"

What does being moderate have to do with the communist manifesto?

if you believe any of those statements are false then you are an Idiot, (Useflness in dispute)

Usefullness is indeed in dispute. You link moderate democratic socialism with a plot of time traveling Soviets as far as I can tell.
Don't even try explaining socialism to the teabaggers on here. In their minds its "big government".

Socialism = where some people get to hold the gun of power until the other douche bags take it away and then it's their turn to fuck people over.
because the soviet union was the only marxist movement in the world...

do try to be less stupid.

trying to claim marxism is in any way "moderate" is retarded. it has a goal, and that goal is hardly "moderate". marxism rarely advances in moderation, preferring violence upheaval and strife

Who said Marxism was moderate? Germany doesn't have a Marxist government.

and again, "Corporate Tyranny" is a function of Fascism, not a constitutional republic.

And that's the direction the right wants us to head in.

absolutely nothing, which is why you keep tying to rebrand marxism as "moderate"

So on your planet there is nothing in between free market capitalism that is bordering on anarchy and Soviet communism? Awesome. Must be an exciting planet.

Socialism is fully described in the Communist Manifesto. if you dont read german, i hear it has been published in other languages too

I guess no one has told you the good news. The Soviet Union fell. We no longer have to fear them. Unless there are time traveling Soviets I don't consider this to be a serious concern.

And yes, it is possible to be a moderate with out being a communist.