Thank you tea party patriots!

I will say, as a Registered Independent, I am about as moderate a punch in the face. I hate both sides with equal vigor and have fought, sometimes actually, the DEMs all my days.

And it is still true the PUBS don't count. Too weak, and spineless. They took the high road fake and the fake is easy to reveal. Can't fight Dirty. That is stooping.

I have big faith in TEA and the Black Caucus for keeping it interesting. And the Moderate Jihad, of course. :)
Thank you, Doctor Asshole. And take personally OK? I don't take any of this personally. You seem to feel persecuted.

More over, do you think I pick and choose who I will reply to? Do you think I take sides? Do you think I notice you among the other small parts, and speak differently to you?

That my friend, is your ego. There is no one else here I bet that will say I am mired in PC.

Many have given this pattern. They think I am singling them out. They feel persecuted, they lash out, and then we all grow a little. The middle is not moderate that is just more crap slinging.

I reply without checking the score for which side you think I am on. I don't care.

And yes, I am weird, an idiot, etc, if you think you are not. Get it? Is there smaller than critixing spelling? I sure you will let us know.

So let me get this right. You're completely changing your angle now to make it look like I'm the one exaggerating?
Now all of the sudden I shouldn't take being called a racist personally, and that it's just my ego getting in the way??? This is not some joke or simple misunderstanding. Wake the hell up. Get off the fence. Our country is going to hell in a hand basket.
*in referencing the US not paying it's bills..
what's your excuse?:

The 10 Worst Moments of Disrespect Towards President Obama

It starts from the Superiority Syndrome: People acting as if they’re more important than a U.S. President — when they clearly are not. To fingers in the face. To people questioning his already established and proven citizenship.

The incidents of disrespect towards President Obama continue.
When people criticize Administration policy, that’s just politics. But several incidents directed at this President appear to find new lows. Of course, people can disagree with the President. But, why can’t people respect the Office of the Presidency?
The very public nature of disrespect towards President Obama is noteworthy. Did Gov. Jan Brewer (R-AZ) have to conduct business with the President in front of reporters? Wasn’t there a better time and place? Would a visiting leader from a foreign country be greeted with a finger in his face by a Governor? If not, why would it happen to the leader of our own country? Could a hockey goalie have executed a quiet no-show for a White House invitation honoring his team? See Facebook for the answer on that one.
It wasn’t the end of the world when Speaker John Boehner refused the President’s date to speak to a joint session on jobs in September 2011. And yes, the White House picked that date to steal attention from a GOP debate. But like so many moments of disrespect towards the 44th President: No one can find another example in American history where a U.S. President requested a date to address Congress and was refused. Can anyone find another incident like the Brewer one? That the list below can even be compiled is telling.
1. The birther fiasco (2009-2011). No evidence. No proof. No documentation. But the story traveled on for years. Yes, Hawaii is part of the United States of America.
2. “You lie” (Sept. 2009). That any individual — no less a member of Congress watching a U.S. President during a joint session on live national television — is so lacking in self control that this moment was made possible is incredible — even in an age of incivility. Remember this happened only nine months into Obama’s presidency and is another “we can’t remember that ever happening ever before” moment. Close your eyes and pretend Rep. Maxine Waters was Wilson doing this to President Bush and image the reaction.
3. Signs of the Tea Party (July 2010) and Naked Racism (April 2011). Anyone remember California GOP official Marilyn Davenport’s racist e-mail? Did she ever resign for that? I remember all the criticism of the NAACP – particularly from Black Republicans — for their “Tea Party resolution” of 2010. Where was that indignation regarding what can be viewed in this video? Click here.
4. Donald “unchecked ego” Trump inflames birther fiasco, media assists (April 2011). The mouth of Donald Trump is a powerful thing when joined with a 24-hour cable news cycle desperate for viewers. That news organizations invited Trump on the air unchallenged with zero proof of what he was saying speaks volumes on the state of journalism. That Trump was completely comfortable demanding that a U.S. President “show him his papers” displays a superiority complex that exists among those who can’t accept someone they view as “lesser” in a position of power over them.
4. Deadbeat dad and probable one-termer thinks his presence before the President actually matters and needs to tell everyone (Sept 2011). The disrespect isn’t that probable one term Congressman Joe Walsh (R-IL) wouldn’t attend the President’s Sept. 8 speech. The disrespect is that Rep. Walsh actually believed that everyone knowing he wasn’t attending was important. That he needed to announce he would not attend on national television, as if anyone cared, was yet another delusional superiority episode. That proudly showing public disrespect towards the President is a winning strategy in some political circles reveals a lot.
5. Newt Gingrich’s “Kenyan anti-colonial behavior” comment (Sept 2010). Even Washington Post columnist and conservative thinker George Will slammed this attempt to define the President as “foreign.” Never mind the facts: President Obama wasn’t reared by his father in Kenya with whom he spent only a month of his 50 years on this earth. The strategy to define the President as a “foreign” or “alien” being was started by Sarah Palin in 2008.
6. One of the underlying premises of disrespect towards the President is that he can be ordered around and dictated to like he’s Tipi the laundry boy. The presumption that a U.S. President can be ordered around is a new phenomenon that appears to have gotten underway around January 2009. From big mouth Congressmen to millionaires with nothing to do, you name it — they all inherently believe they can order President Obama around. At least Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is an actual leader of something. Regardless, read this and ask yourself if you think this would have happened to Presidents Bush, Reagan or Clinton.
7. Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer puts her finger in the President’s face (January 2012). The photo speaks for itself. Of course there are strong political disagreements between President Obama and Gov. Brewer. But is it just possible there was a better time and place for this conversation? Brewer said she felt “a little threatened” by President Obama. Please.
8. GOP House, prompted by Tea Party — refuses to raise debt ceiling (Aug 2011). Sounds like this was just hardball politics right? Let’s review the facts: The debt ceiling had been raised 69 times since 1962 without incident. Seven times during Bush II and 18 times during Reagan. Suddenly, with President Obama, a shiny new precedent is set with regard to raising the debt ceiling. Another never before seen incident is born.
9. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) Publicly Announces His Top Political Priority (Dec 2010). McConnell wants the President out of office? No news there, but, wait, there’s more to it. “Our top political priority over the next two years should be to deny President Obama a second term,” Sen. McConnell told the Heritage Foundation. Of course the Senate Republican Leader doesn’t want the President to be re-elected. But what’s with the public announcement? In July 2010 McConnell acknowledged his single most important political goal: President Obama being a one-term President. Again: In public and on national television.

10. Speaker Boehner refuses speech date request (September 2011). No it is not the end of the world. Of course, the White House intentionally wanted to step on a GOP debate that same night. But, this is yet another first in American history. Once again, no one can find another instance where a President of the United States requested a date to address Congress and was refused.

Oh, that is right. Thanks for reminding us.

There was never any disrespect for Bush I or Bush II.

No one called them wimps or war criminals. No one said it was OK to assassinate Bush Sr.

Or has my memory failed? :) Oh, maybe so. I remember this.

“The months before I took the oath of office were a chaotic time,” Obama told a crowd of mostly former Bush administration officials and members of the Bush family, including Bush’s parents, former President George H.W. Bush and former first lady Barbara Bush.[...]
“We knew our economy was in trouble, our fellow Americans were in pain, but we wouldn’t know until later just how breathtaking the financial crisis had been,” Obama continued, raising some eyebrows among the Bush crowd seated just a few feet away.

Obama stopped short of blaming Bush for the recession, something he has done repeatedly on the campaign trail.

Instead, Obama couched his remarks with praise of the former president, thanking Bush for going out of his way “in the middle of that crisis … to make sure that the transition to a new administration was as seamless as possible.”
Translation: “Thanks for getting out of the way and letting the smart people take over, you jerk.”
So let me get this right. You're completely changing your angle now to make it look like I'm the one exaggerating?
Now all of the sudden I shouldn't take being called a racist personally, and that it's just my ego getting in the way??? This is not some joke or simple misunderstanding. Wake the hell up. Get off the fence. Our country is going to hell in a hand basket.

Fuck you, silly boy. The fence is the place to be when you are sure you are being lied to all around.

Yep, I am the bird of prey on the fence post. I wait for reality. You are cow among cows, lined along the Partisan side, mooing and chewing the force fed fodder.

So, now that we know you take this personally....wait one..(UB? am I doing this right? YES!)
Fuck you, silly boy.
Save the drama for your momma

The fence is the place to be when you are sure you are being lied to all around.

Yep, I am the bird of prey on the fence post. I wait for reality. You are cow among cows, lined along the Partisan side, mooing and chewing the force fed fodder.

So, now that we know you take this personally....wait one..(UB? am I doing this right? YES!)

"Wait for reality"? You'll be waiting for very long time. The contrast in political parties couldn't be any more clear. What have conservatives been "lieing all around about?"
The fact that the federal reserve exists and will provide unlimited funding to the wet dreams of "our leaders" is partly responsible. In the same way that leaving a box of donuts around
makes a cop desk sargeant fat. Neither congress or the fat cop can resist a donut they don't have to pay for.

The Fed doesn't provide unlimited funding for anything. Congress funds itself by selling government debt to other parties.
Save the drama for your momma

"Wait for reality"? You'll be waiting a very long time. The contrast in political parties couldn't be any more clear. What have conservatives been "lieing all around about?"

What? So you can answer with more lies? I don't wait long for reality. I hunger. I make it happen, right Now.

Reality that is. You could try that.
Oh, that is right. Thanks for reminding us.

There was never any disrespect for Bush I or Bush II.

No one called them wimps or war criminals. No one said it was OK to assassinate Bush Sr.

Or has my memory failed? :) Oh, maybe so. I remember this.

“The months before I took the oath of office were a chaotic time,” Obama told a crowd of mostly former Bush administration officials and members of the Bush family, including Bush’s parents, former President George H.W. Bush and former first lady Barbara Bush.[...]
“We knew our economy was in trouble, our fellow Americans were in pain, but we wouldn’t know until later just how breathtaking the financial crisis had been,” Obama continued, raising some eyebrows among the Bush crowd seated just a few feet away.

Obama stopped short of blaming Bush for the recession, something he has done repeatedly on the campaign trail.

Instead, Obama couched his remarks with praise of the former president, thanking Bush for going out of his way “in the middle of that crisis … to make sure that the transition to a new administration was as seamless as possible.”
Translation: “Thanks for getting out of the way and letting the smart people take over, you jerk.”

we were talking about obama's alleged lack of respect for the american people, to which i responded..end of story.
we were talking about obama's alleged lack of respect for the american people, to which i responded..end of story.

OK, if you meant there is more disrespect than ever, I just have to remind us all. There is more Media than EVER. The Press forces the lies that are the tangled web, for the press to lie about, for the Lobby Marketing segmentation to lie to Congress about.

In fact, my fond hope in self-rule is the Snake will eat its Tail. The Media revealing all, will force the consumption of the Media itself, by Itself, as it shreds itself in competitive Hunger. Seems to be happening.

Full circle back to truth again. Maybe.

"Why did I bite? I told you I was a Snake."

*in referencing the US not paying it's bills..
what's your excuse?:

The 10 Worst Moments of Disrespect Towards President Obama
What? So you can answer with more lies? I don't wait long for reality. I hunger. I make it happen, right Now.

Reality that is. You could try that.

I've been trying to explain, you're 100% bullcrap. You don't hunger for anything. I see a confused weak-willed individual with no identity. Take sides with both Democrat and Republicans on various issues, and then attacks or disagrees with conservatives at all costs. You sound like just another pop culture, "bird on a fence", establishment government type. Same thing that's been going on in Washington for years. You're not somebody who wants reform, just more business as usual....
Woops, missed it.

I don't take sides. That is only how it appears to you as I move in and out of your Partisan, not very informed world view.

I said an original thought, you either feel I took sides or it doesn't compute. Rambling and 100% pure bs.

So, if I am so incoherent how is it that you perceive me taking sides?

I'm not. You expect an adversary. You think the middle is weak. The middle does not want the reforms that either side crave for power.

So, it is tiny to assume that means that we think reforms are not needed. Just not yours. And no one would call me a govt type. Did you miss the part that I am so far Left in Che-ist struggle mentality than I am very happy that it is all fucked up and will go out of my way to keep it so.

Do govt droids street fight the govt?....not usually. Wild hippies do. Have you been arrested, shot at and missed, held your own in a Police Riot?

Don't assume you know anything about me. But, you could go back and read the essays that are slightly rambling for the amusement of my forum mates. Then you would understand.

I don't take sides. I am critical especially of my old foe, the DEMS. But, I find the conservatives and the PUBS, uselessly boring.
How does he disrespect the American people?

I don't care what Obama's excuse is for calling Americans "deadbeats". Presidents should not be talking like that. Very disrespectful.

Oh wait. You crave identity. There is your problem. See my essays on Self. I crave Self with no identity layers, at all.
I don't care what Obama's excuse is for calling Americans "deadbeats". Presidents should not be talking like that. Very disrespectful.

"There are 47 percent of the people who will vote for the president no matter what. All right, there are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you-name-it. ... My job is not to worry about those people. I'll never convince them they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives."
Woops, missed it.

I don't take sides. That is only how it appears to you as I move in and out of your Partisan, not very informed world view.

I said an original thought, you either feel I took sides or it doesn't compute. Rambling and 100% pure bs.

So, if I am so incoherent how is it that you perceive me taking sides?

I'm not. You expect an adversary. You think the middle is weak. The middle does not want the reforms that either side crave for power.

So, it is tiny to assume that means that we think reforms are not needed. Just not yours. And no one would call me a govt type. Did you miss the part that I am so far Left in Che-ist struggle mentality than I am very happy that it is all fucked up and will go out of my way to keep it so.

Do govt droids street fight the govt?....not usually. Wild hippies do. Have you been arrested, shot at and missed, held your own in a Police Riot?

Don't assume you know anything about me. But, you could go back and read the essays that are slightly rambling for the amusement of my forum mates. Then you would understand.

I don't take sides. I am critical especially of my old foe, the DEMS. But, I find the conservatives and the PUBS, uselessly boring.

^Just another example of how I think you're boring as hell. That's good you've finally stopped attacking me, and have moved on to talking about yourself instead. That's great. Now I can go back to ignoring your stupid posts.
"There are 47 percent of the people who will vote for the president no matter what. All right, there are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you-name-it. ... My job is not to worry about those people. I'll never convince them they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives."

LOOK! If you have a problem with me talking trash about Obama. I DON'T CARE! That's your problem, not mine.

You sounded just like just another republican waiving the white flag of surrender right there. We can't go after Obama's credibility. Oh No. Heaven forbid, we can't do that Mitch McConnell.
I have no problem with anything you say.

The middle, Identity Free Self is quite calm. You are still confused as you cannot yet visualize the firmness of the middle ground.

Here is a good dis-respectful jab at Obama from Bush.

Mr. Bush chided the cheering audience to quiet down and thanked President Obama "for inviting our rowdy friends to my hanging." The new portrait "brings an interesting symmetry to the White House collection," the former president said. "It now starts and ends with a George W."

This was right after the Blame Bush comments. I happened to see the look on Obama's face. Priceless. :)
"There are 47 percent of the people who will vote for the president no matter what. All right, there are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you-name-it. ... My job is not to worry about those people. I'll never convince them they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives."

Romney reminded me of every boss I ever hated. I could never trust anything he had to say because at some point you could find where he said the opposite. I'm not convinced the fact people refused to vote for this turd meant everyone supported O'care. I'm convinced it was the devil you know....