Thank you tea party patriots!

Are you kidding? I love the tea party. It's the best thing that ever happened to the democratic party.

See that's the flaw in your logic. The tea party can only win elections because republicans have rigged house districts to make them more red. While the tea party might be able to control the republican party, the American people fucking hate you guys! You'll never win a national election with that nonsense. This is why I love the tea party so much. You guys stop republicans from winning national elections.

that and their debate skills..*"oops" in texan drawl..funny, how some things stick:lol:

oh, and ***** thread!:clap:
Not the excuse of "he didn't know any better", more like "he could either choose to accept these republican conditions or they'd block his entire agenda."

Also, no one really knew. Not the democrats, not republicans, not you, not me, not economists, not even bankers at that time.

There were other conditions that were required to set up those events such as congressional republicans allowing banks to over leverage themselves even further a few years later.

The problem is that these economic flaws were not detected allowing the problem to fester for 8 years because the SEC was gutted during the Bush administration in the name of small government.

That's funny that you mention something about banks being over leveraged. Do you think the amount the USA has "borrowed" using their serfs labor as collateral is a smidge too much erm "over leveraging"?
um, 24 Billion?..thanks, ted cruz!..this should be carved into this traitors forehead ala inglorious basterds..

So who goes on trial first? The many democrats who have done the exact same thing, or Ted Cruz?

I think Ted will have to wait awhile. He's got a lot of democrats in front of him.

That wasn't treason and he is not a traitor. And I hate the guy.
I can't believe people still want to raise taxes...

Anything that amounts to more than 40% of your total income is unfair.

And both the democrats and republicans suck. But that is what we are stuck with unless there is a mass-awakening in America, or someone who will actually be a good President runs.
We haven't had one in a while.
What party were Phill Gramm, Jim Leach, and Tom Bliley in? Kind of disingenuous to blame Clinton for a law written by 3 republicans.

So, now Presidents can't veto in your world. Nice try.

He is the shot caller. He can veto ANYTHING. In some cases his veto can be overridden. But, your boy, not mine signed it. He did not have to. No one put a gun to a Presidents head......lately.

And again, not my boy, WBush, continued it. The Nation is unique in that the Founders realized only on think can work, so embrace it.

That one thing is SNAFU. But, to us voters it looks FUBAR....same coin, different face, that is all.

So, the buck doesn't with the voter.....but I think Buck knows it stops at the current President..

You PARTs, always want it both ways.....Civil disobedience, Veto, call for insurrection, cast personal comments, STUPID or BIRTHED.

For a PART, that is all fine as long as it is done to, the other side. But, if used against them the PARTs will howl. Just part the game. A shallow Howl.

While us WHOLES, asshole in my case, just shake our heads and watch the details of the game at the Fi-ty. I am Che-ist in Che Struggle Paradise....

E-popcorn anyone?
I can't believe people still want to raise taxes...

Anything that amounts to more than 40% of your total income is unfair.

And both the democrats and republicans suck. But that is what we are stuck with unless there is a mass-awakening in America, or someone who will actually be a good President runs.
We haven't had one in a while.

Not since Teddy R., IMO.
i was going back a little further.*

In 1992, President George H.W. Bush signed the Housing and Community Development Act of 1992.[SUP][15][/SUP]*The Act amended the charter of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to reflect the Democratic Congress' view that the*GSEs*"... have an affirmative obligation to facilitate the financing of affordable housing for low- and moderate-income families in a manner consistent with their overall public purposes, while maintaining a strong financial condition and a reasonable economic return;"[SUP][16][/SUP]*For the first time, the GSEs were required to meet "affordable housing goals" set annually by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and approved by Congress.*

bet you didn't know that i was capable of blaming bush I!


That's the spirit! I blame all the fuckers, elected. Wield a wide tar brush and feel Whole.

I bet if we went Johnson.....iac. Clinton killed the Johnson Welfare and for that I am grateful.

As a real WHOLE, I can find good and bad in all the Citizen Leaders we throw up into the SNAFU....I mean vomit, of course.
I can't believe people still want to raise taxes...

Anything that amounts to more than 40% of your total income is unfair.

And both the democrats and republicans suck. But that is what we are stuck with unless there is a mass-awakening in America, or someone who will actually be a good President runs.
We haven't had one in a while.

Anything taken that isn't yours , without the owners consent is theft. There is no "magic number" that makes theft, "not theft" or vice versa.
That is true. It would not have existed if Clinton did not sign he. He does deserve blame for that.

But that's different than being the root cause of the problem. That root cause was clearly Phill Gramm and his republican supporters in the senate. He's the one who wrote the legislation who ruined our economy and insisted Clinton include it if he wanted to pass any legislation.

You simple don't dig deep enough and are lied to way to much and are not WHOLE enough to get to Root Cause,

Besides you don't have the Security Clearance. You are just spouting your PMO. Your Preferred Media Outlet.

At the fi-ty, you need all sources. But, you never get a score card. Score is not kept in this game. The PARTs never understand that.

It is childish to blame any one or 2 or 10 out of 500 when the President can veto.
democrats had dominant control over the house and senate during GHWB's entire term.

really, you need to lie better.


This is something you PARTs never get. The Shallow Howl.

DEMS run this country. They have packed the Exec with off law, Regulations and mostly we have DEM Congress to go right along.

And then when the PUBS gety in the cannot untangle the pack of Regulations. They are also money grubbing, big spender jokes, just like the Dirty DEMS. For that, I scorn them.

The party became weak and started taking the moral high road but with the lack of morals present in Church People. It is why they go to Church. FAIL.

Now, at the mid-field, I can see the TEA is aligned with DEMS to take out the PUBS...and you DEMS are cheerily helping, :)

Good Game!
So who goes on trial first? The many democrats who have done the exact same thing, or Ted Cruz?

I think Ted will have to wait awhile. He's got a lot of democrats in front of him.

That wasn't treason and he is not a traitor. And I hate the guy.

i can think of a few better ways to spend 24B..can you?

FYI>>schuylaars personal definition of traitor: one who purposely undermines our country and it's constituents in order to promote one's agenda..
I'd like to thank all you tea party supporters for doing something the democrats could not accomplish. Thanks for destroying the republican party. As a liberal socialist I can not thank you enough for all you've done for us. You've made the republican party the most nationally hated political party in modern times. You've brought the American people to their senses. They have lost all confidence in republicans and see the conservative agenda as something that belongs in an asylum.

So thank you for helping set America back on the path to being a secular socialist fagtopia. We really appreciate it.

Keep up the insanity!

I am not sure the Republican party is destroyed, but let's assume that your assertion is correct. Do you really think it is a good thing to have a single political party, that is at least as crazy as the Republicans, to be solely in power?

If you are correct, I think we have a generation or two of misery ahead of us.
I am not sure the Republican party is destroyed, but let's assume that your assertion is correct. Do you really think it is a good thing to have a single political party, that is at least as crazy as the Republicans, to be solely in power?

If you are correct, I think we have a generation or two of misery ahead of us.

well even with ted's little escapade..they not going anywhere..but notice the leadership qualities during the last few one was willing to stand against ted cruz and his lapdog, that in itself is scary..beware pubsters what you wish for..


EDIT: obviously, ted cruz and mike lee aren't into small government and low taxes or how could they..with good conscience..undermine our economy? oh, that's right i keep forgetting the was obama who shut down the government..thanks obama!..well the next time they rent out a stadium in tip: don't drink the "free" kool-aid they pass out..
i can think of a few better ways to spend 24B..can you?

FYI>>schuylaars personal definition of traitor: one who purposely undermines our country and it's constituents in order to promote one's agenda..

I cannot think of a way to spend 24B and neither can you.. let's be real. The devil is the details, The line items.

No way, a single person can spend that money in a year. It is 2B a month. You can't even do the paperwork to give that amount away each month.

The problem with the PARTs is they think they understand this. Us WHOLES realize it is too big and we are not cleared to know.
i can think of a few better ways to spend 24B..can you?

FYI>>schuylaars personal definition of traitor: one who purposely undermines our country and it's constituents in order to promote one's agenda..

And my dear Ms. Schuylaar, you as a PART, cannot possible understand the bolded is how we do business and govt here.

That is Americanism if anything is.

When the DEMs do that we hear cheers from the Press and so cheers from the PARTs and howls from the other Parts, back and forth. That is the real of this adversarial system.

And we can only think we have it all figured out if we take sides. And if we do that, we admit we don't have it figured out. Many will completely disagree.

Fuck yeah!
I cannot think of a way to spend 24B and neither can you.. let's be real. The devil is the details, The line items.

No way, a single person can spend that money in a year. It is 2B a month. You can't even do the paperwork to give that amount away each month.

The problem with the PARTs is they think they understand this. Us WHOLES realize it is too big and we are not cleared to know.

my point: nothing came of easy to minimize the're right, none of us would know what that money is..just remember there were 18 that still voted for continued shutdown..they are NOT the party of financial conservation..18 who would see to it that 800k didn't go back to work and that those businesses who depend on tourism lively hood had no more.
my point: nothing came of easy to minimize the're right, none of us would know what that money is..just remember there were 18 that still voted for continued shutdown..they are NOT the party of financial conservation..18 who would see to it that 800k didn't go back to work and that those businesses who depend on tourism lively hood had no more.

And now you know the system..,.,.40 people can bring it to our attention, but they didn't block anything. The 18 that voted against, voted their district. They are suppose to do that. Only Royalists would have it any other way.

Everyone will get a bonus...a vacation. And it was the Exec, not these 18, that blocked tourism.

Surely you can see who had the pick and choose on the Pain. It was not any Congressional Caucus.

It was the Dear Leader and his minions.