Thank you tea party patriots!

And now you know the system..,.,.40 people can bring it to our attention, but they didn't block anything. The 18 that voted against, voted their district. They are suppose to do that. Only Royalists would have it any other way.

Everyone will get a bonus...a vacation. And it was the Exec, not these 18, that blocked tourism.

Surely you can see who had the pick and choose on the Pain. It was not any Congressional Caucus.

It was the Dear Leader and his minions.

and with that i rest my case:wall:

And my dear Ms. Schuylaar, you as a PART, cannot possible understand the bolded is how we do business and govt here.

That is Americanism if anything is.

When the DEMs do that we hear cheers from the Press and so cheers from the PARTs and howls from the other Parts, back and forth. That is the real of this adversarial system.

And we can only think we have it all figured out if we take sides. And if we do that, we admit we don't have it figured out. Many will completely disagree.

Fuck yeah!

how is it you are the authority on what my comprehension level is?
and with that i rest my case:wall:

You really can't follow it, right? Answer up. Who had the Pain switch and who had the Pulpit of Blame?

Don't you realize there was no gain in saving money elsewhere. Wake the public from summer slumber and blame the PUBS....well they got away with that.

The pubic as we see is mostly PARTS and dumb getting dumber. It is the Royalist play and it seems to be working....on you...for now.

You want to call treason and sedition on the duly elected in self rule?....a Royalist idea.
You really can't follow it, right? Answer up. Who had the Pain switch and who had the Pulpit of Blame?

Don't you realize there was no gain in saving money elsewhere. Wake the public from summer slumber and blame the PUBS....well they got away with that.

The pubic as we see is mostly PARTS and dumb getting dumber. It is the Royalist play and it seems to be working....on you...for now.

You want to call treason and sedition on the duly elected in self rule?....a Royalist idea.

oh, i're the "self rule" guy..
BTW, anytime a Leader lies through his teeth, he becomes the Dear Leader to me. He his pandering to his base but, Clinton came to the middle and we got good progress.

Here we have the Anti-Con agenda all around and that got Obama elected, instead of Hillary who does know how to Lead.

This man...the citizen, is not running the is an Agenda. And read back in your recent posts for the word agenda.

Agenda and lying for that, is Politics.
That's funny that you mention something about banks being over leveraged. Do you think the amount the USA has "borrowed" using their serfs labor as collateral is a smidge too much erm "over leveraging"?

No. After rereading what I wrote what I said was incorrect. Congress was not responsible for that. The SEC is who voted to allow banks to become over leveraged. (Net Capital Rule 2004). That falls under the responsibility of president Bush.

But these are two separate issues entirely.
I can't believe people still want to raise taxes...

Anything that amounts to more than 40% of your total income is unfair.

And both the democrats and republicans suck. But that is what we are stuck with unless there is a mass-awakening in America, or someone who will actually be a good President runs.
We haven't had one in a while.

Depends on what your income is and where you got it. The historical norm for a top tax rate is ~55%. When it was that high our economy was a lot stronger.
So, now Presidents can't veto in your world. Nice try.

Sure. But a president can not stop congress from continuing to attach amendments to bills. With a republican controlled congress Clinton's only options here were to block every single piece of legislation that congress handed him or make concessions even when they were bad laws.

He is the shot caller.

However he can not write legislation or stop congress from attaching amendments to legislation. He's was the president, not the dictator.

He can veto ANYTHING. In some cases his veto can be overridden.

As it would have been. They had the votes. This was taking place during Clinton's impeachment in the final years of his administration. A failed veto would have empowered the republicans and brought his entire agenda to a screeching halt. After that there was a republican president who had 8 years to detect the problem and failed to do so. And the SEC was most definitely directly under Bush's jurisdiction.

So to pretend that it's the democrat's fault that republicans wrote these laws and then failed to detect them for 8 years is a complete absurdity.

. But, your boy, not mine signed it.

Bill Clinton is not my boy. Not a fan of his economic policies at all. For all practical purposes when it came to the economy Clinton was a conservative.

So, the buck doesn't with the voter.....but I think Buck knows it stops at the current President..

Another ridiculously stupid statement. Unless Obama is in possession of a time machine he did not have the power to stop something from happening that happened before he took office.

I don't understand what you mean by PARTs and WHOLES, so I can't respond to the rest of your comments. I'm sure it's something really clever that Glenn Beck instructed you to repeat.
You simple don't dig deep enough and are lied to way to much and are not WHOLE enough to get to Root Cause,

Besides you don't have the Security Clearance. You are just spouting your PMO. Your Preferred Media Outlet.

At the fi-ty, you need all sources. But, you never get a score card. Score is not kept in this game. The PARTs never understand that.

It is childish to blame any one or 2 or 10 out of 500 when the President can veto.

I see. You're a crazy person. You're right. The economy didn't crash due to poorly written legislation influenced by lobbyists, it was a conspiracy covered up by the NWO, freemasons, aliens, and the CIA. Well done.
I am not sure the Republican party is destroyed, but let's assume that your assertion is correct. Do you really think it is a good thing to have a single political party, that is at least as crazy as the Republicans, to be solely in power?

If you are correct, I think we have a generation or two of misery ahead of us.

The republican party has alienated the American people. They no longer have faith in them. Republicans winning back the senate is an impossibility at this point. It's likely winning the whitehouse is an impossibility.

Republicans have pissed off an entire generation of young people who are just starting to vote in large numbers, as their older supporters start to die off. While this is happening the nations racial demographics are changing to the point where they will no longer be able to win elections based on getting the vote of old white men. Thanks to the racist wing of the republican party these new latino voters will not be voting for them either. The republican party is on the verge of complete collapse. They are no longer viable as a national party. And it isn't the democrats but the tea party putting the final nails in their coffin.

I do agree that we need two political parties. However the republican party has become corrupt to the core and no longer represent the interests of the American people. We are better off without them.
I am not sure the Republican party is destroyed, but let's assume that your assertion is correct. Do you really think it is a good thing to have a single political party, that is at least as crazy as the Republicans, to be solely in power?

If you are correct, I think we have a generation or two of misery ahead of us.

I tend to agree.

It appears to me that neoconservative foreign policy differs from neoliberal foreign policy only in tactics, but not at all in aims. Let's not forget how Obama has shielded the neocons from all accountability for the damage they have wrought in the US and abroad. The democrats are going to have their way.
I see. You're a crazy person. You're right. The economy didn't crash due to poorly written legislation influenced by lobbyists, it was a conspiracy covered up by the NWO, freemasons, aliens, and the CIA. Well done.

That's right. Call names, dip to personal and be very certainly understand the playbook.
Sure. But a president can not stop congress from continuing to attach amendments to bills. With a republican controlled congress Clinton's only options here were to block every single piece of legislation that congress handed him or make concessions even when they were bad laws.

However he can not write legislation or stop congress from attaching amendments to legislation. He's was the president, not the dictator.

As it would have been. They had the votes. This was taking place during Clinton's impeachment in the final years of his administration. A failed veto would have empowered the republicans and brought his entire agenda to a screeching halt. After that there was a republican president who had 8 years to detect the problem and failed to do so. And the SEC was most definitely directly under Bush's jurisdiction.

So to pretend that it's the democrat's fault that republicans wrote these laws and then failed to detect them for 8 years is a complete absurdity.

Bill Clinton is not my boy. Not a fan of his economic policies at all. For all practical purposes when it came to the economy Clinton was a conservative.

Another ridiculously stupid statement. Unless Obama is in possession of a time machine he did not have the power to stop something from happening that happened before he took office.

I don't understand what you mean by PARTs and WHOLES, so I can't respond to the rest of your comments. I'm sure it's something really clever that Glenn Beck instructed you to repeat.

PARTisans and WHOLE thinkers. So, I don't get drawn down these partisan rat holes. Nor do I ascribe any of these thoughts beyond myself. I personally detest Beck and you may look good in Pink. So what? You seem a partisan patterer of PMO....

You don't know shit. You only see one side. You take a position. You need an opponent. You need another Partisan. You call the middle crazy.

How fucked up is that?
PARTisans and WHOLE thinkers. So, I don't get drawn down these partisan rat holes. Nor do I ascribe any of these thoughts beyond myself. I personally detest Beck and you may look good in Pink. So what? You seem a partisan patterer of PMO....

You don't know shit. You only see one side. You take a position. You need an opponent. You need another Partisan. You call the middle crazy.

How fucked up is that?

I don't call the middle crazy, I call them indecisive and for the most part ignorant. In your case I call you insane because you seem to subscribe to conspiracy theories claiming I don't have the "security clearance" to understand the financial crisis. The financial crisis can easily be explained by the laws that passed and looking at their effects. It doesn't require security clearance.

You come here pretending to be more evolved than everyone however I have yet to see an original thought in any of your posts besides a conspiracy theory and lots of babbling about parts and wholes.

I get that you see your self as automatically wiser than everyone else because you've proclaimed yourself a moderate. Well guess what? That's a load of horseshit and it's just as partisan as anything anyone else has claimed. Also, a moderate in comparison of what? A moderate in America is a right wing extremist when it comes to global politics. When it comes to global politics, I'm the moderate here. I don't agree with the far left views of Mao or Stalin, nor the far right views of the tea party. I'm about half way in between.

Does that make me wiser or more free thinking than everyone else? Fuck no. Being on the right, middle, or center isn't what makes someone a free thinker. It's their ideas that do that. I've yet to see you come forth with any well thought out ideas. You might want to quit deluding yourself.

The problem with self proclaimed moderates is they seem to think simply cutting the baby in half is the solution to every problem and that solution lies half way between what both sides want. Well that simply isn't true. It's not possible to have less imaginative views and be less free thinking than what you subscribe too. Life is more complicated than taking both sides of the argument and going half way between the two. Sometimes one side is simply right and the other is wrong. I personally believe the republicans are wrong on the economy, wrong on personal liberties, wrong on science, wrong on religion, wrong on the environment, and wrong on civil rights. And I think history proves them wrong on all these issues. I have well thought out explanations for all these opinions that extend far past moderates unimaginative catch all solution to every problem of "cutting the baby in half".

Look who made this country economically stronger than any other president in our history. FDR. A liberal. Look who history always proves correct in the end when it comes to civl rights. Liberals. The reason for that is not that liberalism is always correct. The reason is that this countries right wing tenancies usually take it too far to the right and liberalism is the balance that corrects that. As I said, America's version of a moderate is what the rest of the world considers far right.