That High School skunk

WOW :lol: :clap: Possibly the dumbest post I've ever read. Yeah, before those Dutch seeds showed up on the scene America didn't have anything that could possibly be passed around as an elite cut. :roll: The Dutch breeding scene was built around genetics that originated in America you ignorant swabbing fool. I'm not trying to tell you America is the best or the originators of awesome weed, just telling you the facts, but I guess you probably just see me as an American who has to create "dramas/legends" "in the spirit of a Hollywood blockbuster". :roll: After reading several of your rants you've posted in this thread you've made it clear you obviously harbor anti-American sentiment, whether you're willing to admit to it or not (you seem like the type that would bash Americans all day then turn around and say you harbor no such feelings). Anyway I've dealt with sassy Brits like yourself that love to bash "yanks", I don't find it enjoyable so I won't be responding to any more of your rants.

can you tell me again the correct exact lineage of og kush ?
or would you like to tell me a story about a grateful dead concert

you can use the search function its not difficult

within 1 second you can find lots of posts

face it, you guys are the biggest loud mouthed bullshitters on mother earth, i guess when you are confronted with the truth it hurts
can you tell me again the correct exact lineage of og kush ?
or would you like to tell me a story about a grateful dead concert

you can use the search function its not difficult

within 1 second you can find lots of posts

face it, you guys are the biggest loud mouthed bullshitters on mother earth, i guess when you are confronted with the truth it hurts

Dude, quit stereotyping and lumping all Americans together you look retarded. I've smoked weed from Cali and I've smoked in Amsterdam, most of the stuff I sampled in Amsterdam was on par with the stuff I sampled from Cali. I'm not biased so quit stereotyping and acting like you know how all Americans feel.
Dude, quit stereotyping and lumping all Americans together you look retarded. I've smoked weed from Cali and I've smoked in Amsterdam, most of the stuff I sampled in Amsterdam was on par with the stuff I sampled from Cali. I'm not biased so quit stereotyping and acting like you know how all Americans feel.

i only stereotype the retarded Americans .. since you claim not to be part of this retarded group why are you concerned ?

Anyway I've dealt with sassy Brits like yourself that love to bash "yanks",

is this not a stereotype of "sassy brits" ?

why use stereotypes yourself and then complain about other people using stereotypes
is that not contradictory ?
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can you tell me again the correct exact lineage of og kush ?
or would you like to tell me a story about a grateful dead concert

you can use the search function its not difficult

within 1 second you can find lots of posts

face it, you guys are the biggest loud mouthed bullshitters on mother earth, i guess when you are confronted with the truth it hurts
You're the only loudmouthed bullshitter in this thread at the moment.
is this not a stereotype of "sassy brits" ?

why use stereotypes yourself and then complain about other people using stereotypes
is that not contradictory ?

I called you sassy, brit was just being descriptive of where you originated from. I wasn't lumping all of GB with you.
your lack of reading comprehension is staggering
your lack of intelligence is also staggering

you use words like "haters" "jealously" and then accuse others of being children

when a typical american (where people only buy seed based on nationality) is subjected to the views of a non american who lives outside your insular world
you tend to react in a hostile manor this is nothing new

i hope you get over this need to have the "best" its not a healthy personality trait
Please quote me ever using the term haters or jealous.

I'll repeatedly quote myself saying good weed comes from all over and you talk about reading comprehension? What a joke.
I called you sassy, brit was just being descriptive of where you originated from. I wasn't lumping all of GB with you.

well that would just be geographically silly since GB consists of more than one country
that would be like me lumping in you guys with the Mexicans and Canadians
your posts speak otherwise, you think the best weed in the world is american that is why you only buy american seeds
what a well trained monkey you are
I've grown strains from both US and European breeders, and yes the american shit is always better. Sooo, you said OG kush was of dutch lineage. I'm still waiting for your opinion of what dutch strains were used to make it. Do you always make stupid statements and then evade questions pertaining to them? Or is it just this thread?
I sure do, I think this whole fucking America vs European weed is childish. You're confusing me with someone else.

Well i only suggested that many of the keepers from around the world come from 90s dutch seed stock
and it caused a storm in a t-cup from Americans who lack reading comprehension

for all you know your precious og kush could be a dutch strain, i never said it was
i just find the grateful dead story a little on the pathetic side, but each to their own

i have stated quite a few times that i also grow american genetics
And nobody is bashing dutch breeders here, some of the best strains is the world came from dutch breeders, hell the smell we're talking about could have come from a dutch strain but it is gone and it wasn't the strains being sold as "skunk" now.
Man can we stop the american vs dutch bullshit. Great strains come from all over the world and there isn't any specific country that is better at growing or breeding, it's about the person growing it.

Man I don't even really like my country so there isn't any american pride going on with me.
Even non smokers when they smelled it said it smells like a skunk so yeah it smells like a skunk.
hence the nic name.
All the my dad can beat up your dad is weird. None of us bred the shit it is simply a good variety of pot that some have a sentimental attatchment to it.
Ps I will fight ALMOST any of your dads.
I might win.
Never know
i do not understand why you use the term "jealous"
this is something that children tend to accuse each other of

how could i be jealous of a plant that grew in the 1980s that no one has anymore ?
how does that even work ?
Even non smokers when they smelled it said it smells like a skunk so yeah it smells like a skunk.
hence the nic name.
All the my dad can beat up your dad is weird. None of us bred the shit it is simply a good variety of pot that some have a sentimental attatchment to it.
Ps I will fight ALMOST any of your dads.
I might win.
Never know
My knee jerk reaction would be this stuff came from afghan via humboldt county.
The plants were extremly indica.
Part of the problem is describing how they smelled like a skunk but in a good way.