That High School skunk

I also believe repeatedly calling people names, calling Americans stupid, pot snobs or posting crap about how many Americans own passports is very childish.
I think good weed comes from all over the US, not just Ca. And I haven't ordered seeds in a very long time either. So what if I did order seeds that shipped from Europe? Europeans didn't make them. You think all seeds at a seedbank were bred in Europe? Lol. I only buy from American breeders anymore, with Karma being an exception. I've grown out enough dutch breeds to know how bland and recycled most of their strains are anymore.

Good weed comes from all over the world really. I'd rather smoke a pure Vietnamese, Burmese or Thai than most. Or a good African. Haze too but that's just a mashup of all the best landrace sativas.
Didn't you read where I said that I grew out enough dutch genetics to know that I don't want any in my garden anymore? My head isn't in the sand, and It's not about american pride when I buy seeds or clones. It's about whats good, and all the dutch genetics have been lacking for some time now. Show me some unique strains available that are based from Australia or Denmark that aren't recycled jack herers or skunk 1 and I'll give some a try.

I doubt you have. You've grown some you didn't like. There are a lot of dutch breeders though. Everyone always tells me my Sugar Punch is the best thing around. It was bred by a dutch man! And I live in a weed mecca.

I hate to say it, but that's probably an accurate statement. California was the first (quasi) legal state, and they got a big jump-start in this market. If there is money to be made, an American/American company will figure out how to do it best. Pretty much anything America does will end up being the best. Hell, if anyone gave a lick about soccer here America would kick your British ass all up and down the pitch too. :-)

For the record, I'm a Canadian and I despise a lot of what America is, does, and stands for. Those are just the cold hard facts as I see them.

Yeah, I think there's a lot of great stuff going on in cali. I disagree though. I don't think they have the best of anything really. I don't think anyone does. Maybe per captia, but I don't really care about that (and I doubt it anyway as top shelf around here is less than a 1/3 the price of what it costs in Cali indicating insane competition).
I doubt you have. You've grown some you didn't like. There are a lot of dutch breeders though. Everyone always tells me my Sugar Punch is the best thing around. It was bred by a dutch man! And I live in a weed mecca.

Yeah, I think there's a lot of great stuff going on in cali. I disagree though. I don't think they have the best of anything really. I don't think anyone does. Maybe per captia, but I don't really care about that (and I doubt it anyway as top shelf around here is less than a 1/3 the price of what it costs in Cali indicating insane competition).
You doubt I have based on what? Would you like a list? Sugar punch is on that list. None of them made it in with my keepers. I ordered that one based on all the hype, and found it to be alright smoke, but not worth keeping around.
Is the real deal skunk out there somewhere? Probably, do people actually want what they think they want? Probably not. Once you get that shit growing in your house and stinking like ass for 2-3 months of flowering I bet they change their minds. Especially when there's better weed out there now with better smells and flavours.
I Definitely WANT THE SKUNK. Mostly because it reminds me of old times. It may not be as potent as I remember and it might just taste like a skunk farted in your mouth. But damn I miss it.
I Definitely WANT THE SKUNK. Mostly because it reminds me of old times. It may not be as potent as I remember and it might just taste like a skunk farted in your mouth. But damn I miss it.
I enjoyed it when I had it as well. But I think I enjoy the OG's more now adays.

I shouldn't speak so generally :)
We need Smellevisoin.

That's what it smells like Lolz hey not cuz I'm from Cali fuck the fact I'm from the state but I always say you are what you grow if its dank its dank but if it fruity and week that's how I judge a grower or his work I really haven't seen much or heard of much from Brits but if u got something great I'm shure it will sell that's what I think,, I you fuck around with mild or low grade you"ll get left behind... FIRE IS WHAT PEOPLE WANT the question is can u get it and can you grow it.. I'm always up for a challenge what's up your skunk against mine?
Sorry guys, I really don't want to derail this thread again, but I feel some people need to have their eyes opened to what a pig they sound like when people from other countries read their posts. I'm going to post some of skunkd0c's greatest hits from this thread then I'm going to reverse them so he can see just how pig-like his own words can sound when they are reversed to sound like an American is saying this shit about British people.

i think many of our colonial cousins are not aware that other countries exist

I think many of our British cousins are not aware that other countries exist

i am happy to leave you with your insular minded ignorance and nationalist american pride

I am happy to leave you with your insular minded ignorance and nationalist British pride

we leave this kind of stupidity to you Americans

we leave this kind of stupidity to you British

when a typical american (where people only buy seed based on nationality) is subjected to the views of a non american who lives outside your insular world you tend to react in a hostile manor this is nothing new

When a typical Brit (where people only buy seed based on nationality) is subjected to the views of a non Brit who lives outside you insular world you tend to react in a hostile manor this is nothing new

face it, you guys are the biggest loud mouthed bullshitters on mother earth, i guess when you are confronted with the truth it hurts

Face it, you Brits are the biggest loud mouthed bullshitters on mother earth, I guess when you are confronted with the truth it hurts.

i only stereotype the retarded Americans ..

I only stereotype the retarded Brits ..

Again sorry guys, I just wanted skunkd0c to see what it would sound like if an American was saying the same shit about Brits as he was saying about Americans. This wasn't intended as a hateful post, I just want skunkd0c to see himself a little more clearly when he starts making ugly posts, generalizing people in other countries.
when a typical american (where people only buy seed based on nationality) is subjected to the views of a non american who lives outside your insular world
you tend to react in a hostile manor this is nothing new

You realize that Americans come from all over the globe?

Generalization of an entire country based on a few peoples attitudes...
I would say the same thing about you, but not your entire country.
Sorry guys, I really don't want to derail this thread again, but I feel some people need to have their eyes opened to what a pig they sound like when people from other countries read their posts. I'm going to post some of skunkd0c's greatest hits from this thread then I'm going to reverse them so he can see just how pig-like his own words can sound when they are reversed to sound like an American is saying this shit about British people.

I think many of our British cousins are not aware that other countries exist

I am happy to leave you with your insular minded ignorance and nationalist British pride

we leave this kind of stupidity to you British

When a typical Brit (where people only buy seed based on nationality) is subjected to the views of a non Brit who lives outside you insular world you tend to react in a hostile manor this is nothing new

Face it, you Brits are the biggest loud mouthed bullshitters on mother earth, I guess when you are confronted with the truth it hurts.

I only stereotype the retarded Brits ..

Again sorry guys, I just wanted skunkd0c to see what it would sound like if an American was saying the same shit about Brits as he was saying about Americans. This wasn't intended as a hateful post, I just want skunkd0c to see himself a little more clearly when he starts making ugly posts, generalizing people in other countries.

Sorry guys, I really don't want to derail this thread again, but I feel some people need to have their eyes opened to what a pig they sound like when people from other countries read their posts. I'm going to post some of skunkd0c's greatest hits from this thread then I'm going to reverse them so he can see just how pig-like his own words can sound when they are reversed to sound like an American is saying this shit about British people.

I think many of our British cousins are not aware that other countries exist

I am happy to leave you with your insular minded ignorance and nationalist British pride

we leave this kind of stupidity to you British

When a typical Brit (where people only buy seed based on nationality) is subjected to the views of a non Brit who lives outside you insular world you tend to react in a hostile manor this is nothing new

Face it, you Brits are the biggest loud mouthed bullshitters on mother earth, I guess when you are confronted with the truth it hurts.

I only stereotype the retarded Brits ..

Again sorry guys, I just wanted skunkd0c to see what it would sound like if an American was saying the same shit about Brits as he was saying about Americans. This wasn't intended as a hateful post, I just want skunkd0c to see himself a little more clearly when he starts making ugly posts, generalizing people in other countries.

i do not find any of your generalizations offensive as i am not nationalistic
it is interesting that you would assume that i would feel the same way as you do (offended) if i were to see my comments reversed
i hope you are willing to accept this is actually an ignorant assumption on your part

i think rather than copying what i have said, and reversing it
you should make a list of all the actual encounters you have had with British people including me and post some stereotypes based on that
i would be happy to read them it might even be funny

if someone insults a random British person i do not feel insulted , i am a individual

its your right as a individual and a american to be offended by my generalizations
it is also my right to not be offended by your generalizations

i hope you are willing to accept this difference between us

Weird I got an alert saying Skunk quoted me but don't see him quoting me? I thought we put this shit to bed already lol
alright enough with the bull shit i got real work for you guys ewok is a cross with albert walker i dont know the breeder by my boy in stocken sead its a 100PERCENT FIRE!!! SOLID YEILDER AND SKUNKIE... THE SO CAL SEEDS ALSO ALSO HAS A ALBERT WALKER CROSS TO CHEM DOG ITS ALSO SKUNKIE IN VEG I GOT THAT CONFIRMATION.. BUT WE DONT KNOW ABOUT ITS STRUCTURE I CAN TELL YOU TRUTH THE CROSS I HAVE ISNT THE BEST LOOKING IT FUCKEN GET YOU BAKED OUT OF YOUR MIND!!! BUT I ONLY GROW IT FOR A FRIEND THAT WORKS AT THE MEDICAL DOCTORS OFFICE AND HE IS HAPPY WITH THE FLOWER BUT THE SEX APEAL ISNT THIER IN ANY OF THE BEENS I HAVE TEST THE STRENGTH IS THIER BUT I SUGEST EWOK??? OR SO CAL SEEDS WALKING THE DOG!! HOPE THIS HELPS, im just beeing honest... give those guys a try..this is the way it looks and almost all the seeds i got are the same way some diffrent but non have a soldid structure out of all these seeds i tested the one i got is ugly as hell but supper stoney he is the only one i grow it for its on the left but if i were you guys try those guys and thier cross it has a same pungent skunk pee spray!!!010.JPG
to the left is the albert awalker its heavy yielder but not so pritty but i did see walking the dog it look asome and ewok!!! try those guys for shure.. read reviews!!!
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